Sure glad I don’t have any judgmental friends like the OP here.
perhaps you worked for the media before and inflated all your stories, or are you just a nosey neighbor.
Regardless of the confession you would still need a Lawyer.
you would have to constantly hound the police to get things moving, very difficult to pursue road accidents/criminal as a foreigner unless you can speak and read Thai.
Don’t buy the any of the Xiaomi home cctv cameras though, after a couple of months they force you to pay a subscription to view the recordings as I have now found out
As one example in the years of DVD & CD’s, no one cared about the distribution of millions of illegal movie & music copied discs, unless it was a Thai film or artist which would have hurt their economy.
It’s always the hypocrisy.
I watch YouTube mostly on iPad, when the ad first interrupts the beginning of the video, I just swipe away the video and click on it again, but of course this doesn’t do the trick mid way in to the video.
When all this prison nonsense has ended and he goes home he’ll be absolutely fine, and all those medical issues will have been cured drinking those delicious morning Cappuccino’s & newspaper therapy handed to him by the butler.
I only use a surge protector bank for the sudden power outage and storms, The ones like in Homepro and global are useless. Need to have a high Jules protection to be effective. I use a Surgeguard SL-4