I tend to sniff hard into a bag of freshly opened Arabica beans at home.
Question” Is that normal?
Can any of you coffee connoisseur's back me up on this odd habit?
I love tech, I move on quickly to new faster payment methods, but just popping out to the local store for that loaf of bread or milk etc, one or two item stuff, ‘Cash is King’
Although she still maybe or was suffering from severe trauma, it’s standard practice for people to lay it on thick for the extra dosh, with some add-ons from the Lawyer.
When I gave my Dowry I said no to the gold, I’ll just buy the two rings, the family soon rustled up plenty of the gold stuff, some was even fake, it’s all another ‘face saving farce’
Normally the young ladies sitting bored at Mobile phone stalls waiting for customers are the main nose pickers & zit squeezers, so your alright to carry on with your outdoor habit
Normally the young ladies sitting bored at Mobile phone stalls waiting for customers are the main nose pickers & zit squeezers, so your alright to carry on with your outdoor habit
Will he be coming back from his holiday in the UK or seeking a longer stay abroad like a few other recents.
Anyway he’ll be disappointed with the beaches and the friendly British born people, if he can find any