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Everything posted by unheard

  1. The roof overhangs can not be just enlarged at will without being given any consideration to the extensions' structural support which can lead to wind damage. Do you plan on adding the necessary (judging by your roof dimensions) supporting columns? The extra supporting columns are not a trivial add-on, money-wise.
  2. I can not find a single instance of that name anywhere on the internet. Can you please point in the right direction? Thanks.
  3. But isn't it a "common practice" in about every village to at least to notify the village head of the pending construction? It might not be a "legal" requirement but the refusal to do so might cost you dearly in the long run.
  4. Sai Gaulea? I have a problem finding the botanical name. Is that how the Thais tend to pronounce it? How far apart did you plant them?
  5. Tiled roof without gable vents? I think the only good option is to insulate your ceilings as to prevent heat transmission from the attic. Or the spray-on insulation, sprayed on the tiles from the underneath. As in addition to every other measure taken to keep your building as cool as possible. A perfectly insulated roof would still make no difference if the rest of the house is thermally leaky. e.g. walls, windows, doors and even floors could be all big sources of thermal energy entering the house.
  6. Whirlybirds would be better than nothing. They come in different sizes. I'd assume the bigger ones might make a difference, depending on the install and general roof design.
  7. Well, yes, it's better than nothing, that's for sure. I have two different roofs, with both types of insulation installed. Their thermal properties differ, a lot (I think - don't have any scientific evidence). The picture shows that yours is still in very good condition and probably will not de-laminate any time soon. But there are many visible cases of de-lamination out there. Don't know if it's related to the quality of the materials or environmental exposure, maybe both.
  8. Same here. the nearest Bluescope store is close to a hundred kilometers away. The delivery charge wasn't cheap (even with a discount). They did sent their rep to check the site, to verify all dimensions, just prior to the order going into production. At least one of the local non-Bluescope metal forming shops also offer PU insulation but only sells Chinese (or Korean, not sure) roof metal, which is significantly cheaper in comparison.
  9. Agreed. The spray glued one is worthless.
  10. I think so - the second one is the kind of an insulation material (not as thick) that I was talking about. VS
  11. Well, not really. There will be close to zero air circulation in that situation.
  12. At the factory? There are multiple roof metal forming shops spread all over the country. Many of those offer PU insulation. And just about every Bluescope affiliated shop offers PU insulation as an option.
  13. That's right since the ridge vents need to be designed and installed in a certain way as to prevent the wind driven rain water from getting blown into the ridge opening. There are numerous companies in Australia and the U.S. that sell properly designed ridge vent systems. There are none in Thailand that I'm aware of (not sure about the commercial buildings applications since it's a completely different market segment). If you decide to go with such an option here then it would definitely be some kind of a custom fabrication.
  14. PU Expensive? As relative to the thermal properties it provides? I'd say it's a bargain in reference to reduction of the cooling costs. PU doesn't de-laminate, the other "thin" stuff does and is mostly worthless in comparison.
  15. Gable vents are super common in Thailand. Yet there're hardly any vented ridges. The local builders have never heard of those. At least not on the residential roofs.
  16. No, those are soffit intakes. The do allow some outside air in but don't create much of a circulation on their own. A little bit of air movement that they do provide is close to useless unless there's an opening big enough somewhere higher in the attic to allow the hot air to escape, e.g. gable vents (good) or a ridge vent (best).
  17. I think that's very close to an ideal combination - metal roof with the attached PU foam underneath plus fiberglass batts above the ceiling. An addition of ventilated roof ridge would make it ideal.
  18. That type of a metal roof should be leak-free for decades, if properly installed. What kind of a metal roof do you have in mind?
  19. Sorry, haven't seen that one... What kind of a metal roof? The foil is not an insulator, it's a radiant barrier. 2 in. of PU insulation underneath would truly make a real difference in the amount of heat transferred through the roof.
  20. Drilling is always an option, rock or not. They will drill through solid rock, no problem (with a right equipment). The only problem is the added cost of the capable contractor and his equipment.
  21. https://www.testtech.co.th/public/th
  22. Again, it's another marketing video, nicely produced I should add. I'm sure there are many more similar videos out there. Those videos never provide any evidence or anything of scientific value to back up their claims.
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