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Everything posted by Martin71

  1. Lost a finger.....Oh dear his boyfriend/goat will be most upset....
  2. I now identify as a Guatemalan Howling Frog and raised by a mini metro..
  3. I identify as a camel skin lampshade, raised by a lesbian set of cutlery and a disabled tin of baked beans.
  4. Excellent post on this subject from sanuk 711 in 'Worst Joke Ever'
  5. They look like fledgling chicks of the highly venomous Tibetan Howling Chicken......
  6. I think hotels are happy to accept driving license ID as it has your passport number on it .. and they can just put that onto the TM30 form that they send to immigration every day.
  7. You can use the Thai Driving License for checking into hotels ( don't have to show passport), also for lots of other things where proof of ID is required.. it's fairly easy to get, and in my opinion definitely worth it, if you plan on spending a long time over here.
  8. Will this turn into another farce like the 'alleged' atrocities said to have been committed by UK troops in Iraq. Thousands of British soldiers had their lives and careers ruined buy false accusations from Iraqi civvies. Of the thousands and thousands investigated at huge expense ( with all the lawyers of the so called victims making millions). I think the figures published somewhere said FIFTEEN THOUSAND allegations and investigations, with only TWO having been found to be credible.
  9. It was also reported on another site that the same dog has attacked other people on two different occasions. The owner needs to be punished properly if this is true.
  10. Just print it out and show it at immigration/passport control when you arrive and they will put a stamp in your passport. Also download a copy onto your phone just in case.
  11. A man in a small apartment about 40 meters away from me, has recently moved in, he has at least 4 female pit bulls, all heavily pregnant, the dogs have all had their tails and ears docked and are covered in scars, and are all unnaturally muscular due to drugs. (I know this as I was veterinary nurse/assistant for 8 years) I would assume they were once used in dog fights. Offspring of these females will probably have higher levels of aggression (due to being bred from fighting stock). So about every 17 weeks ( 9 week gestation and 8 week weaning) there will be 20 pit bulls being sold on to other irresponsible owners who will do god knows what with them, let them roam free or use them as breeders. So within a few months or years some soi dogs near me will probably be half mongrel and half fighting pit bull. Also he lives in this small apartment with his wife/ girlfriend and unbelievably a 3 or 4 year old boy. This is all just a horror story waiting to happen. I hope in a few weeks or months time I don't have to write up a follow up post to let you know about kids getting savaged by this persons dogs or their pups. I haven't written this much since I left school.....
  12. Bodylastics or similar resistance bands. Excellent for gradually gaining strength and flexibility. Lazada do them, only a couple of hundred baht and can easily be used at home..
  13. https://thaiartisanfoods.com/ Get mine from this store, good quality.
  14. Good Day to you, Do you mean the Bangkok Bank app on your phone or the iBanking on a computer, as I have looked at both but cant find where to order a statement, any help greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  15. Hello ... Was this a multiple entry non o based on marriage.. and if so was it from the UK...I was going to come back on a single entry non o based on marriage.. but if I can get the multiple entry based on marriage and only get 30 days insurance.. then this would be a huge result.
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