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Everything posted by Martin71

  1. Cheers Mike.. Many thanks for the time and trouble you have spent creating these guides... sure they have helped many folks....
  2. Good Day.. Just a quickie.... would winnings from premium bonds be assessable, they were all bought many moons ago (easily proven) with money I earned and payed tax on (UK). Apologies if this has already been covered... Cheers.. Martin71..
  3. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Fair point.. well put..
  4. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    I really hope your not at Starbucks...
  5. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Did you even read my post... I said it was over the top ...meaning the guards should not have done that.....
  6. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    After reading your reply...I'm glad you don't post much... ps.. I agree with keeps post...
  7. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    And at 43 seconds you can see a chick who shouldn't be wearing that..
  8. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Just a tad/smidgen ...
  9. Martin71

    Soi 6 beatdown

    The two blokes may have deserved a bit of a shoeing for not paying and busting a girls nose... but the security guards taking run up's and giving penalty kicks to the head when the blokes are virtually unconscious on the floor is a bit over the top...
  10. Don't beat around the bush... say what you mean...
  11. Is this some sort of wind -up... WTF...will they all boil to death under the weight of all that make up and sequins.....
  12. At last.. a well written intelligent and concise factual post... very refreshing... there are quite a few other posters on AN that could learn a thing or two....
  13. Firstly many thanks for all those with useful replies.. much appreciated.. A few people had a few questions so I will try and answer them... I live out in the cuds/boonies/sticks in Nakhorn Ratchasima and from start to finish entering the ampour to leaving with book and id about an hour and a half... The paperwork I used was slightly unorthodox.. for proof of address I used a driving licence and a tm 28 (believe it not I don't care)...but as a disclaimer the ampour is very small and never busy and they don't mind a bit of missing paperwork... Will it change my life.. no.. has having the id and yellow book saved me a 3000 baht 5 hour round trip to Korat for a certificate of residence to renew my driving licences from this day on ...yes.. Has my wife who works 2 days a week in the Changwat clinic and 3 days a week in the government hospital admin dept managed to get me on the books at the hospital, so if I have a problem I will only be charged the same as someone who has been paying social security... yes.. So it won't change my life but in the day and a half I have had it, it has been bloody useful....
  14. Dude in New Zealand trying to earn his Darwin Award... https://news.sky.com/story/beyond-ignorant-man-filmed-body-slamming-orca-in-new-zealand-is-fined-13141109
  15. Well said.... just imagine..someone gets on your wick... challenge em..pull out your claymore and give em the Conner Mcloud, Highlander haircut...
  16. The most surprising thing is the Frenchman didn't surrender half way through the fight....
  17. Good Day All, I just got my yellow house book and pink ID card...quick question with maybe an obvious answer.. Can I use these docs to register the address for my tm 30 reporting address online...or easier just to use wife's blue book and ID..
  18. Harsh but fair.. .......... (sorry for cutting post)
  19. Oxygen, heat and fuel....
  20. So you showed him doing something stupid,criminal and life threatening can be beneficial.. way to go...
  21. Could you please not bring common sense into anything related to those in charge...
  22. They found her 'crack' then...
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