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Everything posted by Huckenfell

  1. To avoid going to prison is the whole idea of becoming a monk. Ask a man called Sutep.
  2. There should be an identity which is completely alien to either Police or Military, where operators of any business can report in complete secracy any coersion on behalf of either of these two authorities. With complete acess to any further action on behalf of their report.
  3. What a stupid panicking idea. Many pubs ar completely "firesafe" and have no need to be closed. The recently opened "Down Under Bar" in Puket has got "walk through" roller doors at each end and are opened all the time during trading. Why on earth would you close that pub.
  4. So nice to see your compassion Joe and thanks. But you did the crime, so cop the sentence you grub.
  5. Not a good idea, in case of accident you might limit your escape opportunities.
  6. What are vaccination requirements for visitors from Australia
  7. If this is the case, nothing further will be done about it.
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