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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Giveaways bad karma?? I'll tell you what's bad karma you little ****; coups!
  2. You know it's bad when even clan mum finds you disgusting! Obviously, had the perv been white she would have staunchly defended him.
  3. You can literally control the whole base MAGA movement with a few dog whistles and they are so obvious I won't even bother listing them. It's pathetic.
  4. Another MAGA "personality" closely related to defendant trump goes down in flames. He does have a knack for attracting the very worst bottom dwellers, doesn't he. It's like flies when they find a steamy fresh pile of excrement - irresistible!
  5. Who knew that Brexit would completely wreck the UK economy?! Quite a lot of us, actually.
  6. "Good resume, but not one iota of experience to run a country (similiar to her Auntie)." This might come as a surprise to you but the vast majority of people elected to run countries have never done it before. Incredible, right? "So it boils down as this---the popular option for PM is going to have a baby just after the elections (which will definitely interfere with PM duties), she hasn't any suitable qualifications to be PM and is only popular with people because of her father---"the will of the people"..haha." Hope you're sitting down as your in for another shock; It matters not at all why people vote the way they do, only the amount of votes a candidate gets. Blew your mind, did I? Haha.
  7. When you write a post with the aim to come across as smarter and more informed than others it usually helps if said post included a point. That way you don't come across as a total.......
  8. Suited or not she would be an elected one, not one imposed on the country by a small elite controlling the armed forces. See the difference?
  9. Thaksin-Linked Party Maintains Lead in Poll Ahead of Thai Vote I'm sure a certain junta loving subset of the expat population are shaking in their slippers. The deeply tanned and unwashed masses will again vote for the "wrong" party and the old elite's carefully crafted bubble will burst and the stink will be horrendous.
  10. I'm pretty sure you also understand that it's the idea of home invasions being so prevalent that one needs to have an arsenal of war weapons at home which is the delusion. But instead you go straight into breathless hyperbole. Lame.
  11. "Your "fine people on both sides" was a classic disinformation stunt by the dishonest left. I believe there is not a creature on earth that does not know this statement was taken completely out of context for leftist propaganda purposes." No creature? Really? If you really believe something that's so easily disproven maybe you should take a real hard look at your whole belief system. "Like mocking a bone spur disability for years?" Defendant trump is only bothered by bone spur when his country calls upon him to do his patriotic duty. "I hope this poor man is pardoned asap, as I know what happened. Justice should be blind." And I hope he rots in jail. BTW, do share with us "what happened" as I haven't had a proper laugh today. Reading your post resulted unfortunately only in a chuckle and a sigh.
  12. The walls are closing in on defendant trump and the traitor is getting scared. Maybe he should take his former lawyer's advise to his present lawyers and run. He has to remember that he still has friends among the dregs of the planet. Viktor Bout, the 'Merchant of Death' arms dealer exchanged for Brittney Griner, says he fears for Trump's life and urged him to flee to Russia
  13. You have this topic based on an article from Fox "News", and then you have news from the real world: Wholesale inflation posts biggest drop since start of pandemic, PPI shows, as price pressures ease
  14. He instigated a coup for f pete's sake and you're talking about singing and dancing?!?!?!?!? Seriously, even after having lived here for over 3 decades Thailand still manages to amaze me!
  15. The people who had an issue with the way the last elections were conducted were oddly silent when trump won in 2016. IMO they attacked the result in 2020 and used the way that elections were held as an excuse. If there is a return to manual ballot counting they will come up with more excuses to attack results they don't like.
  16. "This should be the gold standard, but in the new age folks want to know immediately upon the polls closing, and it has lead us to where we are now." And where exactly is that? So far nothing has come out of all the investigations into voting machines and election tampering. Nothing. So I say we're in a pretty good place when it comes to election integrity. "If all ballots were checked along with ID and checked off on the master list at each of the polls this would help, but it would be very time consuming, to time consuming for many with hidden agendas." Who are these people and what agendas might we talk about?
  17. Brexit, the biggest self-own in history, keeps hurting the UK. Who knew, right?!?!
  18. ......and committing high treason by using the powers of office to attempt to blackmail a country facing an invasion in order to try to get dirt on political opponenets. Just one of several crimes defendant trump committed that should result in the ultimate punishment.
  19. So "the left" are the war mongers and "the right" are the peaceniks?? My, of my, how things have changed!
  20. Prosecutors claiming admission of guilt doesn't necessarily mean anything. There are numerous examples of guilty please being retracted and the defendant proven to be innocent.
  21. I've got nothing against the death penalty in principle. Some people deserve to be killed, like this guy or e.g. people who commit high treason. My problem is that there's no going back if an error has been made, and we have seen several examples (especially after DNA evidence was introduced) of people being released from jail after serving long sentences when new evidence came to light that cleared them of the crime. Even more tragically, there has also examples of executed persons being cleared so for this reason (and others) I'm against death penalty.
  22. Well, when nothing is all he's got........
  23. And yet they die in droves from gun violence. Take their guns away, from their cold dead hands if necessary.
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