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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. ...and where hyperbole is rampant.....
  2. I agree with you that DOJ is treating this with too much caution due to the seer number of cultists out there, it's time to rip off the bandaid.
  3. And just like that your argument fell apart.
  4. He's a conservative??? You can actually classify him politically??
  5. Enough already! Get [Trump] in jail now and keep it there until the prosecution is ready for trial.
  6. Would love if Thanatorn, or someone like him, was given the chance to govern Thailand but as we all know that won't happen for the foreseeable future due to the way Thai society is built. It would really take a proper revolution to change this and although I hope it will one day happen I'm not holding my breath. But in the mean time I'll take an elected Thaksin over any unelected coup leader/old elite protector any day of the week.
  7. He is relevant because he was a wildly popular elected PM who got "couped" by the old elite. Not sure why you even need to ask the question.
  8. Hopefully the Democracy thief goes first and then Thaksin makes a triumphant return and gets reelected. That should put a smile on the faces of quite a fews posters here????
  9. Well, as an example when the Gen currently occupying the PM spot overturned democracy and stole power he said he would rid Thailand of corruption () and reform the police () so these kinds of grandiose statements are quite normal here. Now how about you commenting on what Mr. Thaksin actually suggested instead of reverting to the boring Thaksin hysteria?
  10. "Real simple, and real effective." Yep, a real nothing burger.....
  11. Deep state, Pizzagate, Jewish space lasers....... For the MAGA cultists the way out of the rabbit hole is gonna be a long one. Sadly, most of them won't make it.
  12. Doesn't matter who they vote for, does it. If the old elite isn't happy with the choice of the people they just grab power. Only the stupid don't know this.
  13. https://aseannow.com/topic/1274273-cnn-reporters-did-not-intentionally-violate-crime-scene-they-are-fined-5k-each-for-illegal-work/
  14. Correct, you just strongly not-said it.
  15. LOL, you might want to read the story you're linking to!
  16. So that makes them guilty? You're certainly one to give someone you worship the benefit of the doubt to an extreme degree so maybe you should apply some of the benevolence in this case...
  17. Yet here you guys are on a Sunday night posting about them!
  18. What??? I'm repeatedly told by the MAGA faithful that NOBODY watches CNN so surely your post has to be pure drivel, right?
  19. I see the MAGA faithful are out in force today???? https://www.thaipbsworld.com/cnn-claims-thai-officials-allow-them-on-massacre-site/
  20. You mean he flunked the ‘person, woman, man, camera, TV' test trump bragged about passing??
  21. You really need to work on your reading comprehension.....really.
  22. Look at the bright side; if trump hadn't been absolutely slaughtered in the election the whole of Ukraine would have been in Russian hands by now.
  23. Hey, there might be very fine people among them!
  24. Speaking for myself only those who try to overthrow democracy by overturning election results.
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