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  1. I don't understand why people still need to visit their bank, you do not even really need a card anymore since you can even withdraw cash using the app. Still prefer visiting the bank for a few hours over immigration though.
  2. Is same with anything like traffic etc. Being selfish is the issue here. People drive double lane half the max speed without mirroring, alone on the world. No different with forcing kids into a 1M baht marriage and then a 1.5M more for a house and car, just so that the parents look good.
  3. Who cares. The fact you think about it or not, or the fact you would buy less or buy at different shops so the individuals don't now, doesn't change their life at all. My experience is that Thais always will have an opinion on how we spend our money while they in fact often burn it, hence they are broke too. Like it would be entirely normal to 'waste' 5000 on a Thai buffet if you suggested going with the family while if you would want to invest 5000 in some hydroponic setup to do more productive farming and make your own vegetables that way, they would most likely disagree and have beter ideas already. It's in that way always easy to spend someone else their money or to tell others what to do different. Maybe people richer than you feel sorry for you all the time too when not eating at a 5 star restaurant, it is more or less the same logic. Maybe the cashiers even feel sorry for you, thinking you have no clue where to get real food. They not even think about the money part as how much it is but how and what you spend it on compared to them. That's what everyone always does, relating it to their life.
  4. Anyone with brains just buys a ESIM data package online for as little as 4-5 dollars, no passport required at all. Most better deals will even cover entire SE asia + Australia at once. Speed also way better than tourist sims. That's how pathetic this entire measurement is to track tourists and sim cards.
  5. Never heard about sarcasm?
  6. That's what a forum is in the first place, what a dumb comment. Secondly, it is not even a personal opinion but a statistical fact. For anything there are few exceptions. Imagine being that dumb that you are telling people what to comment on a forum.
  7. Thailand is actually a great place to get stuck in life, or at least at the level you are at. If you are fine with that it is a great choice. Not sure that fits your lifestyle though. Nobody is doing pretty much anything here so it becomes very easy to also not do much yourself (or to wrongly think you are doing enough). I personally see a higher rate of declining retirees here than ones that thrive within it. Specially if they not build up something over a long time here. It's those that keep on moving around that seem to be the most happy and healthy overall. Not that different for expats in general.
  8. It has never been this good in over a decade, in terms of how late it started, how few days it had bad air so far this year, while it usually already ends with songkran. Only now recent days we had worser ones but that is still peanuts compared to the 3-4 weeks of 300-600 levels. So what are you surprised about? It's entirely logica as it is in fact much better than usual up north.
  9. Not that hard to get a ESIM card for such purposes as well. Otherwise you can keep using the same services within Teams.
  10. Employees have nothing to do with a business visa, they are related to work permits.
  11. Most clubs and gogo bars the legal age is actually 20+ besides that what are we even talking about, it's known even 30-40 year old Thais resemble somewhat a teenager.
  12. I left 15 years ago and have lived tax free ever since, I was 19 at that time. So i prove you wrong I guess. Been all this time in SE asia countries, never worked more than parttime too (just not needed as lower cost of living / virtually zero tax). It's basically like being retired. I only deal with governments when having no choice: renew passport, my visa + being stopped on the road. Anyway, to also answer the actual question of this topic: I do feel less and less free in Thailand, as well that anyone at any moment can start some drama or sht against you, even in years from now, always makes it feels it is not permanent. I never feel like this when in Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam or Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong. I guess this all kind of started around 2015 when they started to flip flop rules all the time with visa's too. I recently was so happy they finally made wise decision to change it to 60 days to then now have that changed back to 30 again too. Then even I would not mind the 30 ones, then the question is did they get instructions to be like nazi's again or they just still behave relatively nicely like in recent times with just less days only. Even I can get yearly visa's too or there is always a way, it somehow just still never feels good. I guess I can only achieve that next level of freedom by living on a sailboat.
  13. Like how long was he even in there to need and drink his own urine, I call it complete BS and just a stupid decision of himself to do if he did it. I would believe the food would be impossible to eat but not to not get any water at all. Secondly it is an entire generation that is like this globally thanks to the lovely smartphones. Screening people won't solve it as 60% are like this lol.
  14. For what motive after months while he now actually was getting his court already. Makes zero sense timing wise.
  15. Sounds unlikely for murder to me, he did this already months ago so if the victim family wanted revenge that was done already. Besides the fact the police now actually does wanted to find and prosecute him. So i guess it is a mental dude who then did suicide.
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