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  1. They did smart speeding / no helmet camera's in Chiang Mai too, also only lasted a week, I framed the photo of myself.
  2. Another failed attempt of the World Economic Forum...
  3. You are not aware crimes happen everywhere? If they reported locals doing sexual assaults, you had dozens of headlines daily.
  4. How they look at themself, they always wear masks 5555
  5. You understand little then, what is the difference in Japan? 50-100 dollars more?
  6. Wow this is great, so now for the next 6 months, any time we as a male foreigner get into an elevator, and a Thai woman is on her own, she will right away act pathetic and suddenly walk away to not join you in the same elevator... If they are not watching your every move to catch you working illegally, or randomly shake you down to check your visa, it is these news events causing all Thais to think we are the devil. Living here in a way really is like having this sticker on your forehead forever. We always first need to proof our innocence before it changes.
  7. LMAO i would join that cruise just to annoy people wearing a MAGA outfit
  8. 50% less than Vietnam. I do honestly wonder where all that growth is though, I only see a decline but higher prices that make up for it, which aren't sustainable. Same airlines, fewer flights but double the prices. The mystery of all fully booked hotels and planes remains the biggest as most bars and restaurants are ghosted. This is even weirder in the south, where you neither find them on the beaches in the amounts you would expect.
  9. Well he is actually right, almost none of the foreign business owners, for example restaurants bars and so on, never paid a dime of tax or minimal fake taxes. Same for all profits on property rentals etc etc etc. Thailand has basically made zero effort so far, to even enforce things for what was always applicable already. Let alone the new change to transfers to Thailand while being classed a tax resident, or let alone the fantasy pipe dream of overseas income. The country would be half empty in no time, the south would suddenly have property available and hurt property developers. All this while they are under high pressure already in general. Do you really think it is a magic trick or accident that the news went silence for so long already? Most of the entire news was all and only due to the new appointed woman boss of the TRD. Now she is in place, she will shut up. This happens all the time with police stations and immigration bureaus as well. Until the dust settles. They might have a tiny chance of success if they allow us to first deduct the private education 100% before having to pay any taxes, if any taxes left. I'd accept a flat 10% not a .25% more + with a 3-5 yearly visa.
  10. Just pay some junkie 1000 baht to cut them down with a machette lol, tell him its sugar cane.
  11. They did the same pathetic thing in Chiang Mai during covid, making the entire old city one way over night and putting the exact same pillars on the road for cycling, it took a week and all is gone since. Idiots.
  12. 'Not automatically', yeah obviously you need to register and then the other comparison to bulgarians or romanians, do you even expect a response? And in fact, those can live anywhere too even with poor paid construction jobs. So anyway, what you say is incorrect entirely.
  13. Not lazy you mean, they never busy.
  14. Seems you are bored and post half baked replies everywhere tonight. I don't really recall a 7/11 too except when I got ice cream.
  15. We should make a bet on polymarket.com with a end date before those orange things are removed again.

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