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mark131v last won the day on June 16 2020

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  1. I reckon that male to female gap will have widened considerably since Putler started his Ukrainian adventure!
  2. You sleep with dogs and you're going to get fleas, tbh that could be said of all party's concerned as none of them are clean! Thailand yet again showing morales, scruples or honestly are not wanted or required in their ruling classes, shameful but unfortunately nothing new....
  3. All you <deleted> horrible apologist's need to give your heads a good wobble, he's a sick old man, just wants to see the grandchildren, he's very poorly. Absolutely hog wash! Parasite's the lot of them feasting on the corpse of democracy and the Western apologist's are even worse...
  4. Just want's to be with the grandkids if I remember correctly! Why the surprise he and his family are just more horrible, lying hypocrites in a system of horrible, corrupt self serving scum bags, par for the course and won't change until the populace grow a pair....
  5. Oh is begging a reserved occupation, well I never! Good to see the buffoons in brown leap gazelle like to apprehend this major international criminal absolute credit to Thailand, pity they're so blind to just about everything else around them....
  6. Constitutional Court? Wasn't they the same clown show that had no problems with an international heroin smuggler being a minister in Thai politics? Weren't worried about the watchman's dead friends collection? Not worried about junta leaders overthrow of multiple elected governments? Until the populace grow a pair I guess you reap what you sow and it's hard for me to feel sorry for any of the liars and hypocrites in this latest installment.....
  7. Bloody hell what's he been smoking! sarcasm or delusion on recent experience I'm going with the latter.....
  8. Listen to all the supporters of the buffoons in brown there's very very little in the Thai police version that has anything remotely resembling a ring of truth to it! The RTP are nothing more than a dirty corrupt extortion racket, their proven actions over many years makes anything they say likely to be a complete and utter fabrication, you supporters of the BiB need to give your heads a good wobble.....
  9. Enlighten yourself buddy! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=septic
  10. https://fulcrum.sg/thailands-persevering-police-problem/ https://www-khaosodenglish-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.khaosodenglish.com/featured/2019/01/16/superstar-cop-big-joke-on-his-rise-and-plans-for-expats-visas/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17167152185820&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.khaosodenglish.com%2Ffeatured%2F2019%2F01%2F16%2Fsuperstar-cop-big-joke-on-his-rise-and-plans-for-expats-visas%2F 'Connections cannot be totally discounted, Wanwichit the lecturer said. Surachate’s father is a close friend of both deputy junta chairman Prawit Wongsuwan and Pheu Thai MP Sanoh Thienthong' I would disagree his father was in very close relationships with Thailand's ruling elite either way it does make an interesting read..
  11. No need to research again anybody with half a brain can see exactly why he has complained about the NACC but I realise you might be struggling with that so will make it really simple for you and the other brain difficient out there NACC investigates a dodgy, thieving, corrupt excuse for a police officer and dodgy, thieving, corrupt police officer makes a noise and tries to cause problems for dodgy, thieving, corrupt NACC I realise you might be a septic and that you might struggle with English but is that simple enough for you?
  12. Hapkarns complaint is a direct result of a complaint from NACC resulting from corruption instigated whilst employed as a senior buffoon in brown. Are you drunk or just very slow on the uptake. I think you need a nap....
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