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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 9 hours ago, john donson said:

    why don't they have the balls to kick out anybody army related ?


    ah yes, that was the deal for mister teflon to come back


    Bang on all part of the big sell-out of Thailand that Mr T as a fully paid up member of the Hi So ex Police/Military fraternity was willing to do to get back to the trough, despicable, two faced hypocrite much like the rest of 'em... 

  2. 3 hours ago, lordgrinz said:

    They let a convicted heroin smuggler run the show, what could go wrong? I still can't believe anyone would want to be associated with, or seen with this man, just a disgusting individual who should be shunned by all. He is the perfect example of what is so wrong about Thai society.


    Bravo sums Thailand up very nicely!


    Hard to believe the lies and hypocrisy that these creatures drivel on a daily basis, harder to believe anyone believes anything they spout from their upper orifices!


    Must be hard to be an honest person in this cess pit but tbh looks like you've more chance of discovering a pink unicorn 🦄 than an honest person in Thailand's leadership and positions of power....

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  3. 7 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Always fascinating to read the comments of the haters, unable to understand basic Western judicial concepts like 'Innocent until proven guilty' or to differentiate criminal behaviour from political missteps. (Yawn)


    I have no dog in this fight but wasn't she found guilty?


    Not a hater couldn't give a monkeys cuss about either her or her dad but what I despise is hypocrisy, you know saying one thing then doing another, telling people one thing then doing another, you get the picture 


    What did daddy say? I will never get in bed with the junta, how did that work out again??

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  4. 9 hours ago, ryandb said:


    He had 3% support prior to his imprisonment so no Putins closest threat was the communist party so na you are wrong


    You say hogwash and use an ad hominem attack "conspiracy theorist" because you can't disprove the facts can you


    Did Navalny give impassioned speeches to White supremacists and was to revoke Russian citizenship from the Muslim Caucasus regions? Yes


    Is there clear video of his top aide speaking with an Mi6 agent to start a color revolution? Yes


    Does his death benefit the western MiC more than Putin? for sure


    Who did the Nordstream attack?


    Unprovoked invasion??? You are having a laugh. A despise Putin but you are not living in reality, I'm assuming you are American with your Assange comment so it's a quite simple thing, if China staged a color revolution in Mexico and got a new pro China government and wanted to place Nukes and Missiles pointed at Washington/NYC/LA that the US would just sit there and take it... You know you wouldn't


    All US media has the same foreign policy you have state run news, same as the UK, there's subtle differences in domestic policy just the same as your Uniparty that acts as if they are different but are just a division tool to stop the masses from blaming the leaders and blaming their fellow citizens for voting for the wrong party.






    So what is it bacofoil or some other stuff?

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  5. On 2/9/2024 at 6:31 AM, billd766 said:

    "The country seems to be in the hands of these crooks who wield STOLE all the power?"


    Which Thaksin has backed by joining with the former junta parties rather than respecting the will of the Thai electorate and sticking with MFP as they promised


    If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem and Thaksin's action's is proof of where his affiliations lie and it obviously isn't with the people! 

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