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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. On 12/28/2023 at 7:38 AM, UKJASE said:

    not all land offices will give one tho i believe......  i paid tea money for my usurfruct, but it wasnt too much, and was worth it for peace of mind.  my name was put onto the back of the chanote 


    you and your wife should speak to the land office and see what they will do


    Me too, through Pattaya land office they initially tried a scam but in the end we got the papers and you can't put a price on peace of mind. To the OP get yourself to the land office and ask

  2. 4 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Historically, principally practiced worldwide to the present day.

    Thailand certainly doesn't have the market cornered. 


    This is a topic about Thai politics?


    With the wishes of the populace being totally ignored by the establishment I think that Thailand does indeed have a place on the top table


    With regard to corruption, hypocrisy, nepotism and apathy they are world leaders. The actions of the establishment shout this from the hilltops and the peoples silence is deafening, as I said you get what you deserve...

  3. 6 hours ago, RocketDog said:

    Good post.

    What ruins a good thread faster than anything though is the multipage bickering between repliers that devolve into ad hominem attacks.


    When the bored and boring topics from posters you named gets monotonous I can just move on. When these are the only posters then I just skip AN entirely. Lately I've been skipping several days.

    Maybe some of us simply grow past needing /wanting the content, but surely the nonsense topics and replies are a deterrent to even opening AN to start with.

    If I just want background noise I turn on a radio. Nobody opens a forum page to read background


    For whatever reasons, the caliber of the AN forums is rapidly deteriorating. I just don't care enough to make an in-depth study of why it's failing. If I had a financial interest in the forum though I would sure as hell be paying more attention.

    Where's that +1 button George was talking about when you need it!


    I can think of a few more whingy whinny ones too usually the ones moaning about stalkers and bragging about their ignore lists, pathetic really...

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  4. 8 hours ago, Deserted said:

    I wonder how that has been received. A lot of people seem to want him banged up no matter what state he is in. 

    I do, didn't used to but he has proven himself to be nothing more than another rich entitled Thai scumbag. He can rot for all I care....


    Edit: Forgot hypocrite, can't forget his abject hypocrisy or his lies to his supporters and the arrogance of the pos He is special...

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