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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. He's right the level of your naivety is scary, do you still believe in the Easter bunny? The RTP is world renowned as a completely corrupt dysfunctional entity! Are you telling us you truly believe one of their leaders, incidentally a man who freely admitted to paying the press for positive reports and acted like a kingpin by surrounding himself by his 'gang' is a shining beacon of light on a sea of corruption if so I have a bridge I can sell you....
  2. I don't really think he's in it for the money, I do think he's just another hi-so with a huge look at me syndrome! Another lying, hypocritical, corrupt pos who cares nothing whatsoever for the Thai people He's the same xenophobic creature that was actively paying off the press to write positive stuff about him whilst pretending to be a good guy He's clearly an entitled egomaniac produced by the Thai educational system and face first society In summary I reckon he's just another hi-so Thai that believes he's special. He has risen to the top of the RTP so he's must know it's a corrupt cesspit top to bottom yet chooses to ignore it Absolute scum bag just like the rest of Thailand's higher echelons and some of you on here really need to give your heads a good wobble! Ps. The Thai buffoons in brown are world renowned as corrupt, lazy, neer do well's so the whataboutery is blatant deflection
  3. Birds of a feather flock together! Two authoritarian regime's who are more than happy to kill their young women if they dare express resistance to the status quo, in short horrible murdering bastard's A country where given a 50/50 chance of doing the right thing versus doing the wrong thing always manages to pick wrong It does speak volumes though and with friends like Russia,China and N Korea really does empathise Thailand's priorities and show exactly where her leaderships sympathies lie, hopefully the world will take notice ...
  4. Nope it was a miracle, hallelujah praise the lord!!!! Thailand's been a laughing stock for a long time the blatant lies and manipulation of the facts would be comical if it wasn't so insulting and blatant No shame, no honour, no morals, no change....
  5. A misunderstanding surely! This situation clearly illustrates the magnificent Thai prison medical services that cured this sickly old man so he could spend time with the grandchildren.....
  6. Revives? Nope that ship sailed long ago....
  7. My mother in law needs a hip replacement but she's terrified to have it done as three of her friends in the village have died post op This is a bog standard low risk procedure in most of the world but due to Thailand handling out anti biotics for absolutely anything they no longer work when people need them and people are dying needlessly due to over prescribing I took my daughter to the doctor's a few years back and again he prescribed antibiotics when they weren't required they went straight in the bin and she was back to health in 2 days with simple analgesia I have a medical background but I would advise caution when you're given medicine in Thailand especially antibiotics as it can cause more problems than they solve
  8. Who's the agriculture minister again, international drug smuggler you say? They're all snakes ministers and senators alike in fact the whole shebang, you'd be hard pressed to find more lying, hypocritical, corrupt, despicable turds than the Thai ruling elite.. .
  9. They have very short memories here's a reminder of those lovable Islamic fellas who are best mates with Hamas: List of terrorist incidents linked to the Islamic State - Wikipedia The naïve better hope that some hairy arsed squaddie or the IDF come to help when it all goes Pete Tong, I wonder if they would still spout their nonsense if it was them or their loved one's in the hands of one of these medieval murder cults...
  10. The Thai government would wouldn't they, both governments are pro Putin though in Fico's case he genuinely believes it whereas Thailand is just doing what it always does i.e make a profit regardless of right or wrong...
  11. Unfortunately many, many people are absolutely mind bogglingly stupid, when you mix this with an entitled attitude that's been enhanced with 'wokeness' it's a truly toxic mix You are absolutely right radical Islam is laughing loudly at western stupidity but that won't save the stupid when the radicals get the knives out and you can bet they would be the first to welcome the IDF or Nato when it happens, fools and hypocrites...
  12. Nepo? what was it again--- nepotism that's the one!
  13. You are correct the hypocrisy is great in this one!
  14. You're very, very naïve! Carry on with your delusions and keep supporting them terrorists they are well known for their love of none Muslim westerners, would love to see how that works out for you...
  15. True, looks like they have ditched the subterfuge in this case and aren't even pretending to be a democracy!
  16. Sounds like the beginning of a poor joke! A racist a drug smuggler and a flight risk attend the business of a terrorist, on second thoughts it sums it up nicely.....
  17. Thaksin and the international flour smuggler who have both managed to hoodwink the Thai public, a visible example of what's wrong with Thailand. With leadership like this what could possibly go wrong? I was wondering if they had a chat about their penal experience then realised neither had done any Thai porridge, that said both have zero shame and clearly their moral compass's are knackered so actually they do have plenty in common....
  18. It's dressing up day for the man child! Little weak men do like a uniform...
  19. I prefer a bulldog licking piss off a thistle! He does look like he's fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...
  20. More waffle!! this is all that matters wrt Koh Chang and their heavy handed use of gagging laws to coerce and bully and I know that they have damaged their business and their economy. They should have grown a pair and dealt with it like a grown up instead they damaged their business beyond repair hence having to rebrand Hotel in Thailand That Jailed American Gets New Tripadvisor Label - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  21. Not a gagging law you say, there's a few that disagree: In Thailand, Defamation Lawsuits Can Make Free Speech Costly - The New York Times (nytimes.com) To Speak Out is Dangerous: Criminalization of Peaceful Expression in Thailand | HRW Thailand_Truth_be_told_decriminalise_defamation-1.pdf (article19.org) Thailand: UN experts condemn use of defamation laws to silence human rights defender Andy Hall | OHCHR Law and Order: Tangled Thai defamation laws | Thaiger (thethaiger.com) 3 activists are acquitted of defaming a Thai poultry company accused of violating labor laws | The Independent and for those who have forgotten the backstory to the Koh Chang TripAdvisor episode that goes to show its hard to get the genie back in the bottle when you use corrupt third world gagging laws and then get caught out by the world Hotel in Thailand That Jailed American Gets New Tripadvisor Label - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  22. Reckon if you lay off the sauce it could make more sense....
  23. Yeah I reckon you would prosecute and yes you would be!
  24. Waffle, waffle, waffle You wasn't there and neither was I but there's three sides to the story his, theirs and the truth what you don't do is smash a peanut with a sledgehammer and then whine when the world takes notice They resorted to a third world gagging law in order to silence criticism whether it was valid criticism or not is besides the point If you run an hospitality business you take the rough with the smooth, prosecution of a customer is the actions of an idiot....
  25. It is plainly a gagging law It's express purpose is to protect the wealthy nothing more nothing less It is of no use to the poor and it is used extensively to stop free speech if you have a problem with a review take it up with the website and if it is vindictive it will be removed Don't take it up with a corrupt judiciary in order to gag opinions then bleat about it when karma kicks you in the nuts and the outside world takes notice...
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