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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Seeing as she has some diagnosed illness's going on that have progressed during her incarceration I wonder if she will end up in the luxury wing with Thaksin, nah didn't think so...
  2. I think asking him to name his price is more likely!
  3. No! Corruption, nepotism, dictatorship, hypocrisy, ignoring their people, crushing any dissent, lying, deceiving, disappearing any dissent, jumping into bed with Russia and China, are these the charming traditions and customs of which you speak? You're a lost cause I fear....
  4. No! Right is right and wrong is wrong and what's happening in Thailand is wrong The if you don't like it go home argument is also the last stop for the dumb or the apologist, it leads me to wonder which one are you? If you believe what has happened with regards to the last election is good and honest I truly think you need to give your head a good wobble! I won't hold my breath some people are too far gone your post's would indicate a dislike of democracy and a like of autocracy and dictatorship, I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am.....
  5. The NY Times also ran the story and it seems there are three sides to the story his side their side and the truth but who knows which is which, what is beyond doubt is the hotels reaction has had long term affects I have no doubt they have lost business through their overreaction. Most business's would just ignore it but not hi-so Thai's their concept of face is uber alles! Hotel in Thailand That Jailed American Gets New Tripadvisor Label - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  6. I wonder if the hotel would still follow the same actions as their latest reviews are pretty scathing and they don't seem to have gone for the jugular with those, maybe they have learned that Thai face mean's jack <deleted> to the rest of the world and actions have consequences SEA VIEW RESORT & SPA KOH CHANG - Updated 2024 Prices (Ko Chang, Thailand) (tripadvisor.co.uk) Tripadvisor puts out warning on Thailand hotel after guest gets jailed for one-star review | The Independent
  7. No I don't agree, he was dragged back from Bangkok and jailed for a negative review by petty, small minded management How do you know his accusations were untrue? What is beyond speculation is that he was held in the jail on Koh Chang and threatened with further legal action unless he made a public apology, I would think many people would bend to the bully's will if they where in a similar situation especially if the hotel owner was potentially local mafia We have seen what happens on Thai islands when the local hi-so's lose face if anybody needs reminding google Koh Tao Why do you think Tripadvisor still have a warning for this hotel? Would you see the hotels action's as a positive or a negative?
  8. He was dragged back from BKK and jailed for 2 days by the local plod for a negative review it's really not difficult is it! He also was forced to give a cringeworthy apology or risk further charges by the weak, pathetic dim creatures in charge and years later it is still front and centre on Tripadvisor for all to see I have used Seaview on several occasions prior to this episode but never again... ps their latest review aren't very positive either who knows if it is a hangover from the managements ill advised public spitting of the dummy but I reckon that has cost them massively and rightly so!
  9. I call BS on this! He was jailed by the local plod as the family that own the hotel are local big shots and couldn't put up with any loss of face, weak entitled pathetic creatures This is still on Tripadvisor so their petty vindictive natures are there for all to see, dare say they have lost a shedload of business through this and rightly so!! Message from Tripadvisor:This hotel or individuals associated with this hotel filed criminal charges against a Tripadvisor user in relation to the traveler writing and posting online reviews. The reviewer spent time in jail as a result. Tripadvisor serves its users best when travelers are free to share their opinions and experiences on our platform – both positive and negative. The hotel may have been exercising its legal rights under local law, however, it is our role to inform you so you may take this into consideration when researching your travel plans.
  10. Dictators tend to stick together, weak pathetic little men on both sides of the border speaks volumes about Thai democracy and whom they are willing to climb into bed with if any extra evidence was needed...
  11. That's right let's keep the serf's in their places wouldn't want anything to derail the hi-so's gravy train or god forbid drag Thailand out of the middle ages! Sarcasm alert for the hard of thinking....
  12. Yeah they really like to control and punish their own, cowards and bully's you see! I think they still might remember the uproar that the hotel on Koh Chang caused when they got a foreign customer locked up in gaol for a negative review but they have no problem going after their own...
  13. If you want a really good well written summary of this whole sorry saga here's a link. You can thank me later... Secret Siam | Andrew MacGregor Marshall | Substack Zombie apocalypse - by Andrew MacGregor Marshall (secretsiam.news)
  14. When will the populace wake up and realise they are being shafted by a few fat hi-so's and their corrupt nepotism ridden families and supporters? Nothing will ever change if the people don't demand change. Unfortunately in Thailand like everywhere else freedom isn't free it needs to be paid for and in this case it'll be in blood. Wonder if they have the appetite for it?
  15. Wouldn't that breach a whole ream of sanctions not to mention show the world what Thailand really is? I am not at all surprised the idiots in charge are cretins with very, very few redeeming features nothing they do surprises me anymore and actually until the populace says no more it will just carry on and drag Thailand backwards On present evidence the general populations apathy seems to endorse the establishments behaviour, I fear they are either too weak or too stupid to join the dots unfortunately they appear to have the government they deserve...
  16. I 100% agree but can you really not see that nothing has changed? They had one chance and it was blown by Thaksin and pheu Thai. They put getting Tony back and the chance to get back to the trough above all else Anutin and drug dealer still at the top table, no meaningful reorganization of the military, no end of conscription Submarines still on the table, record prison sentences for lese mageste. Neverending persecution of anyone who dissents and wants to reset the wrongs of the past No prosecution for PAD and closing the airports yet any chance to prosecute anybody who disagreed with the powers that be absolutely smashed to the eleventh degree Senators still calling the shots, the judiciary and corrections department an even bigger laughing stock. The complete and utter contempt shown to the people of Thailand by all the establishment. The complete laughing stock that Thailand have shown themselves to be to the whole world You get the government you deserve and Thailand have got this lot, better than public junta probably but actually anyone who looks can see bugger all has changed and the will of the people has been roundly ignored....
  17. Prayuth and the junta will carry on enriching themselves as if nothing has happened because the deal has been done The only chance of a reset was MFP but Thaksin and PTT put their own enrichment above resetting Thailand so no point sounding off about Little P the watchman and all the others as Thaksins homecoming put paid to any chance of justice happening. All bought and paid for 'I will never get in bed with the junta' oh really you reckon...
  18. But none of that wrt the Generals will happen because Thaksin has sold democracy out for his freedom and chance to come home He could have chosen to support Pita and co and finally made a difference but unfortunately he put his own wants above that of his supporters and country He's just a sad old hypocrite hi-so who had a chance to do something good but chose not to, he is beneath contempt...
  19. Personally I think that is the key part of why Thaksin is free I reckon he has sold that one down the river and PTT won't argue when the senators get elected again for another term The man has sold himself and his followers down the swanny for his own ends with no thought to what's right or wrong for the country and his supporters. I hope I am wrong but I reckon the senators ain't going anywhere...
  20. From the linked article: 'It would imply that our legal system can be manipulated by those in power to serve political ends, thereby undermining the very foundation of our democracy' I would argue that this sorry travesty grandly illustrates that not only those in power can make a monkey of the country but also convicts with money can make a mockery of the rule of law, democracy and justice and thereby undermining Thai democracy. Same same but different...
  21. WHO WOULD'VE THUNK IT? definition | Cambridge English Dictionary Happy to help...
  22. Nah they tie big nets to the back of the plane and scoop up the dust that way!!!
  23. Well I never, who'd of thunk it!!! You could be forgiven for thinking this travesty would signal a sad day in Thai politics but with the never ending lies this is just business as normal, what a joke...
  24. Been there and done that and would never do it again! Was working offshore 5 on 5 off between BKK and Houston for a year ended up getting bilateral pulmonary embolism post DVT and the Doctors reckoned it was thew fact I was using sleeping tablets to crash out Problem is you're not in a bed and staying in the same position for 16 hours on a flight due to being comatose is dangerous hence how I ended up with the DVT. The blood clots could easily have gone to my brain rather than the lungs and for that I am grateful Each to there own but I would never use a sleeping tablet on a flight again no matter how miserable it is
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