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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. Yes, yes you do and naïve too lets not forget naïve Fortunately for you you're free for you to be a bit of a knob because soldiers gave their lives to allow you to have ignorant or bigoted views without fear of somebody exterminating you for your views or race, sexual orientation, political bent and so on but feel free to comment on things you know nothing about....
  2. If carlsberg did massive sellouts it would look a lot like this! What an absolute hypocrite sold his supporters right down the swanny, 'I will never get into bed with the junta!' Oh really...
  3. So essentially the visit was about as much use as an ash tray on a motorbike, a complete and utter deflection and waste of time....
  4. Won't happen unfortunately, what will happen is they will just rewrite the rules same as they always do and carry on with the personal enrichment plan for the good people Change won't happen until the people decide they are willing to pay the price to change their lot, shan't hold my breath but I live in hope...
  5. Corrected that for you to make it honest and believable!
  6. Let the rape of the sea's begin. Let's just ignore the long term destruction and live for today, logic Thai style...
  7. Guess that's part of the price to be paid for Tony's homecoming, talk about a complete sell out of the people and his supporters, same man who stated he would never get into bed with the junta...
  8. They are pathetic the whole political system is an absolute joke...
  9. This was a write up of my experience when we did our usufruct:
  10. Me too, through Pattaya land office they initially tried a scam but in the end we got the papers and you can't put a price on peace of mind. To the OP get yourself to the land office and ask
  11. This is a topic about Thai politics? With the wishes of the populace being totally ignored by the establishment I think that Thailand does indeed have a place on the top table With regard to corruption, hypocrisy, nepotism and apathy they are world leaders. The actions of the establishment shout this from the hilltops and the peoples silence is deafening, as I said you get what you deserve...
  12. Thaksin could have made a difference and assisted MFP into power iaw the peoples wishes but it would have required him to put his country first. He decided not to do that....
  13. Corruption, hypocrisy, nepotism and apathy apparently the founding principles of democracy Thai style! Unless you are willing to risk it all you get what you deserve and unfortunately Thailand has the government it deserves, shame really...
  14. I care nothing for him one way or the other. I used to believe that he was an honourable man who had done what needed to be done in a system that is fixed Unfortunately he has shown himself to be yet another hi-so hypocrite putting himself in front of his people and supporters. A liar, a charlatan but mostly just another entitled hypocrite...
  15. More noise but no action, same same but different... He did his homework and filled the envelopes before return which is wise but in doing so he shafted the entire country He is just another selfish entitled hi-so much like the pro monarchy group going through the motions but anybody with half a brain knows the game if fixed and the whole world has seen the farce that is Thai justice...
  16. Now that's some serious corruption right there!! If there was a premier league for corruption Thailand would be absolute world beaters!! Scumbags in charge of every department, Thailand is sick...
  17. Bloody hell that would be the very first democratic action this wrongly named group of has-been's has ever been a party to...
  18. Just cosying up to the boss in waiting for when he is released from his luxury hospital wing and then mysteriously cures himself!! Just more evidence if any where needed that Thaksin, PTT and every last hi-so or Thai institution bar none are absolutely corrupt and rotten to the very core The whole shebang needs to be burnt to the ground then rebuilt from the embers nothing else can work as whole system is rotten beyond redemption...
  19. There you go fixed it for you!
  20. Ahh, wouldn't want to lose all them trough privilege's, so what if it show's him for what he really is after all he's in very good company as an MP many sleazy dishonourable creatures prowl government house....
  21. You just cannot get between a Thai hi-so and a photo op, doesn't matter how blatant or cringe worthy they just cannot help themselves!!
  22. More drivel, off for a walk...
  23. No, I have never put someone on ignore and he or you wont be the first. To be honest I ignore a lot of posts as they are drivel with a capital D but in some posters case's their whinges are so prolific you have a duty to point it out even though it is painful....
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