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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. No you're wrong, period! Opinions are like <deleted> we all have one but the fact is the hotel in Koh Chang is still losing business to this day even if it's only my business! I hope the Phuket restaurant also suffers for its heavy handed use of a corrupt gagging law What the hell has Koh Samui got to do with it, wakee wakee!!
  2. I hope they do the same as TripAdvisor but in this case maybe they don't have the integrity to stand by their beliefs that good or bad reviews should stand even in corrupt vindictive places The public should be allowed to decide without the owner resorting to an archaic gagging law requiring the participation of a corrupt police and judiciary to silence any response Hope this goes international as these actions are appalling and any business that resort's to these tactics deserves their time in the spotlight!!
  3. It does for Seaview Koh Chang the warning is there to this day on TripAdvisor. They have changed the name to Sylvan but it is the same place and like me many know this and take our business elsewhere, reap what you sow!
  4. The hotel in Koh Chang has not recovered it's reputation in fact it's had to change it's name and myself and possibly others refuse to go there to this day. It will recover one day when everyone forgets or dies but the TripAdvisor warning is there for all to see. Reap the whirlwind bullies who think a negative review needs jail time cos I won't forget any time soon!! I have not seen the restaurant reviews for the OP and have never been there but the one and only place I have been a guest who have gone down this route are on my blacklist for ever. I hope there's others who do know the resteraunt bullies who take similar action as their actions can never be right
  5. They've had to change their name but I would never ever go there again since the managers did this, so yes year's later it's having consequences and I reckon I am not the only person either. Reap what you sow!
  6. Are you intoxicated? You seem confused and you are plain wrong in your assertion If you want to educate yourself look up TripAdvisor koh Chang the truth has no bearing but these actions can have unexpected consequences for the hard of thinking Thai hi so.....
  7. Or perish the thought what if some foreign small child can't hold it and has a pee somewhere that would really have the netizens up in arms!!! Thai hypocrisy and their overwhelming stupidity never fails to surprise but unfortunately their cowardice is front and centre most days...
  8. Wait the AN hang 'em high brigade of purist's will be along shortly shouting about immediate removal from LoS post jail and lifetime bans! It's a little kid ffs!!! what's the excuses of the multitude of local adults pissing at the side of the road or basically ignoring any rule or law they want even the ones that cause innocents to die on a daily basis? <deleted>!!!! Thai hypocrisy and overt xenophobia strikes again, it's not very well hidden behind that false smile...
  9. Bang on all part of the big sell-out of Thailand that Mr T as a fully paid up member of the Hi So ex Police/Military fraternity was willing to do to get back to the trough, despicable, two faced hypocrite much like the rest of 'em...
  10. Makes about as much sense as your whole argument really!
  11. Bravo sums Thailand up very nicely! Hard to believe the lies and hypocrisy that these creatures drivel on a daily basis, harder to believe anyone believes anything they spout from their upper orifices! Must be hard to be an honest person in this cess pit but tbh looks like you've more chance of discovering a pink unicorn 🦄 than an honest person in Thailand's leadership and positions of power....
  12. Very, very selective about when to condemn the killing of innocent people after all they have said nothing about friend Putin doing exactly that for a couple of years The shameful grovelling to the Russians is sickening anybody with a VPN and access to BBC iPlayer I suggest watching a documentary called enemy in the woods it definitely gives a detailed look at the everyday brutality the Russians have instigated
  13. It's not controversy it's just a blatant disregard for the rule of law if you're one of the Thai chosen few It's also an inability to see the complete hypocrisy of their actions and shows their disdain for the Plebs In fairness they've never been taught right from wrong and honesty and a moral compass are not required at the trough...
  14. The unelected minority quizzing the semi elected stooges whilst the majority elected are forced out and banned Democracy Thai style funny if it wasn't so bloody tragic...
  15. They're all bent, even a pendant apologist like you knows that. I understand Transam he has family that he is trying to justify but you would argue night is day just to have something to argue about!
  16. https://phuket-go.com/phuket-news/national-news/86-of-thai-police-stations-failed-transparency-test/ I can write it down for you but I can't understand it for you, they're all corrupt to lesser or greater degrees and the ones at the top who have swam in the cess-pool longest are the most corrupt!
  17. https://www.ganintegrity.com/country-profiles/thailand/
  18. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/thailand-srettha-pheu-thai-police-shooting-officer-killing-corruption-3801711 He's a Thai cop of course he's corrupt they all are especially the ones at the top of the pyramid
  19. I have no dog in this fight but wasn't she found guilty? Not a hater couldn't give a monkeys cuss about either her or her dad but what I despise is hypocrisy, you know saying one thing then doing another, telling people one thing then doing another, you get the picture What did daddy say? I will never get in bed with the junta, how did that work out again??
  20. So what is it bacofoil or some other stuff?
  21. Thai Police=?mafia number 1 Lemmings, when they reach maximum population they simply throw themselves off the cliffs and die, please see Joe Ferrari, Big Joke and the present RTP Behaviour for clarity Thank <deleted> I am not Thai.....
  22. In the process of making your hats do you use regular bacofoil or do you prefer something stronger?
  23. I think he must be on drugs or some medication, clearly disillusioned I wholeheartedly agree with you but some folk are beyond help Ps let's not forget the Skrippals or the innocent British woman murdered by nerve agent in Salisbury or the fact Putin was constantly threatening nuclear war, they're both unhinged and living in fantasy land!
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