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Everything posted by finnsk

  1. Thanks for given time to ansner my question. Its Lamphun immigration branch. If 30 days is the normal I can change/make my plans after that.
  2. My visa extension expire 5. march. I need to take a plane as soon as posible and will maybe stay about 8 month abroad. Can I make my new visa extension 5-6 weeks before the old extension expire ? I am on retirement visa, 65000 a month visa, and want to keep this visa even I will stay long time away, so need to make my new extension before time. Hope somebody knows about this. Chears Finn
  3. Thanks for using your time, your answers is very usefull.
  4. Thanks for your answer and specially your point about the reentry permit, I think that is important to keep the visa. I will go for keep on with my yearly visa extensions
  5. Thanks for given a detailed ansver, it is very usefull,
  6. Some years I have lived full time in LOS, now I want to change to only stay here only half of the year and stay the other part of the year in my home country. Until now I have used the 800.000 in bank retirement visa/extensions. I was thinking to keep this visa, maybe change to 65.000 fixed income a month. This visa I had in some years, it is maked here in LOS, without the health assurance requirements, I will be good covered in my homecountry with health assurance,so I dont want to make new non O visa from my home country with expencieves thai health assurances. My plan is to stay here about 5.5 month a year in the future without travels outside LOS, can/shall I keep my good old non O retirement visa, even I am not here the hole year ? I know I must inform the immigration office before I go abroad, to keep the visa. What about the 90 days information, will it be canceled, in the half year I am abroad and start again when I return to LOS ?
  7. Yes you need to print the accepted report, to have it in your passport. But I only follow what I see they are writing. Maybe they could accept a copy on the phone, but sorry I am not sure about that, maybe other people here have a better answer to you.
  8. I would be sure about the farrang in the house, do he agree to move out, if you buy the house/land ? You can maube buy a sack of problems. The land owner can sell the land, they do not need to have any accept from the "houseowner". If there is a registred lease contract to the houseowner (registred at the land office)the new land owner shall accept the lease contract, but, but how is things working out in the real life ? If there is a registred leasecontract you must be sure how to get rid of that, there serious legal advice is needed. Remember the agent is only the landsellers man.
  9. When you make report before time, your 90 days will be shorter. An example: You make report 14 days before the 90 days ends, your new 90 days starts with the day you get your report accepted. So your 90 days will be shorted up to only 76 days. Not the biggest problem, its easy and fast to do the online report, I live with the 76 days report, but good to know. Thats my experience with the online report, I always report in good time, if something should went wrong with the online system, then I still have good time to go to the IM office
  10. To make hydrogen you must have water and a lot of free/cheap energy. In Tunesia they have a lot of sun and the possibity to make the effective solar mirror sytems to give close to free solar energy source. About the water, they must bring in the seawater because there is not to much groundwater, it gives some problems, the water must be transported to the desert area where the solar systems will be build, but thats most a question about energy, and energy can be close to free in these solar systems if they are build in big scale, about the salt in the seawater there is different ways to work with that problem they will all need energy, but in this case there will be a lot of free energy to run the processes. In the north sea there is a lot of hydrogen projects based on the many existing and comming windmills in the sea, still based on the idea of you must have free/cheap energy and water to make hydrogen. On windy days there already now is problems to get away with all the energy, in some situations they must stop the windmills or pay to get of with the energy. And they are going to build many times more wind mills so here there is cheap/free energy avaible already and the water is just to take it where it is needed. The countries in the north sea area already have decided to build hydrogen factories out in the sea, now its only a question about time before the first sea hydrogen will come. In the energy perspective Hydrogen is Green, in the polution perspective there needs some new tecnic solutions before its 100 % clean, but compared to using fossile energy, hydrogen already now is much more clean. Is hydrogen a source for ever or only a step on the way to a green planet, I dont know, but I know the climate on the planet is getting crazy, and we need to stop using fossile energy as fast as possible.
  11. I am going to do a solarcell system on a budget, but got a problem. I will make a solarcell system to run a 9000 btu air con, freezer and fridge on the sunny time of the day, I think a system which can make about 2000 watt and I will calculate the solarcell with an factor of 0,7 for shadows, dirt and incorrect solar angel etc, and calcute 90 % on the inverter, so I think I must have solarcells at around max 3000 watt. Because I am on a budget, I will try to get as little battery capacity as possible. I will make the system off grid with an automatic switch to turn on of the solar system/grid to the 9000 btu air con, freezer and fridge when the solar system is working. Now the problem, its about the peak power when the air con is starting, it seems it needs up to 3-4000 watt a few seconds when it starts, I do not have this capacity on the solarcells, I was thinking about a battery 100 amp deep cycle, will that be able to support with enough peak power ? I am no specialist only a stupid DIY, so hope somebody with better know how than me have time to help with an answer. Thanks in advance
  12. I have done it with Kerry, no problems.
  13. I have maked my vpn in a simple dummie way (I am no expert). My tv is not a smart tv, so noway to install anything there, as far as I know. I have installed the vpn on the computer, where I also need it to acces some public apps in my borncountry. When I need to stream something outside LOS I open it on the computer and connect to the tv with a HDMI cable. That works and should be possible for most people to install. I have 3bb and use HMA as the vpn app.
  14. From Europe to Thailand the flight tickets is around 60-70 % higher than before covid. Only a few of the big europe route flight compagnies have reopened direct flight to Thailand. No doubt there is a big missmatch between supply and demand from europe to Thailand. It does not looks like there is many route flight tourist from Europe in Thailand. It looks like many more europe people prefer to stay in europe area for holydays than before covid. When looking at the holyday makers (with own flights) tour prices, they seems to have close to the same prices as before covid. So the high prices on route tours can not only be explained by high fuel costs, the few flight compagnies on the route from Europe to Thailand looks to make a much better profit on their seats than before covid. I know they have big loss from the covid time, so now they take the profit to cover the covid losses. If they make good profit other flight compagnies will follow sooner or later. Maybe the ticket prices will begin to fall to next high season in Thailand (december/jan) , we can only wait and see. Hard to see how the Thai government can change the situation. This is supply and demand buisness
  15. Same here, no 15 days before reminder. 2 weeks ago, I maked the 90 days form on the immigration website as usual and get it approved after 2 days. So no big problems.
  16. Disagree in your hydrogen price calculation We can always discuss how to calculate green energi prices, but as an example, there is already now so much windmill capasity in the North sea (sea north of Uk and beside Norway), that the mills is stopped on some windy days. And the mill capacity is going to be more expanded the next many years. That means there is close to free energy on windy days, the energy can not be sold to to normal consuming because of overcapacit . In this light it gives good meaning to make hydrogen electrolyse when there is close to cost free energy.
  17. The wind and solar energy, in this moment of the development is not very intelligent. The green energy needs some kind of big battery systems to store the energy for the days of low green energy production. The most powefull battery solution at this moment seems to be producing hydrogen and store it in high pressure tanks, there is still some technical problems about how to make big high pressure tanks for hydrogen storage, but hopefull it will be solved. As far I have looked, there is still no big scale integrated hydrogen producing windmills, even the sea windmills have it all (water and cheap energy) but there is projects on the way, even they still have not passed the desk. I just wonder why it is so slow to roll out a well known technology of producing hydrogen.
  18. Now living some years in LOS, I think I have seen most of the hotspots here. So what to do now ? Then the idea of camping was lightening up. I am trying to find farrang friendly places to go on camping, mainly in the north. (I am not very happy about the public naturepark camps, with special farrang prices, 20 baht for a thai and 300 baht for a forreigner, not because of the money, more the princip, I do not feel welcome there under these ways of treating humans from outside Thailand) . Is there other here on the forum who have interest in sharing camping exploring. I already have found some very nice and friendly private camp places I will like to share with other, but could be good to get some input from other camping people to new camp places
  19. I have some times problems with changing positions of the special keys on my keyboard, well- my problem is I change the keyboard between different language and there the positions is changing for some of the special keys. I would check the language settings, just to be sure. If its a technical problem I would think about an external keyboard, they are cheap and easy/fast to install and you can make you more comfortable when you are working on the notebook. Good luck
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