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Briggsy last won the day on March 26 2019

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About Briggsy

  • Birthday 05/05/1969

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    Sri Racha

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  1. I would not bet on any prison time despite the strong evidence. Money will probably change hands. The police will urge the widow to take it.
  2. You are employed. Unfortunately employment is prohibited on the visa exempt permission to stay. Aim to resolve the situation soon.
  3. From the London Embassy website. "Visa Exemption Scheme for the purpose of tourism and short-term business engagements..."
  4. Yes, I remember. The important thing now is that your Work Permit is no longer valid. So, if you wish to obtain a new work permit, you will need a non-imm visa and then have to reapply.
  5. Why does this "British man" hide his name?
  6. Oh, I see. I notice too it is Phetkasem Highway. The insanity of speeding on that road is something else.
  7. The photos are post-hydraulic cutter but I take your point.
  8. Has anyone thought about this? Rubber bullets?
  9. Unlicensed too. Looks like she hit it pretty hard.
  10. Interesting question. If you want to, anybody can register for self-assessment in the UK and fill in a tax return. (Take care to do it right!) In all likelihood, HMRC will de-register for the following year if there is no point. Proof of tax paid is shown on P60's for employment and pensions, official DWP letters for state pension and interest certificates for bank or building society interest. In fact, all sources of income have to provide proof of tax deducted. (There are other sources of income I have not mentioned here.) I see your point by putting it on a tax return, it would be 'all in one place'. This is called an SA302 (tax calculation) in the UK. Even if you don't fill in a tax return, you can print off a similar document from the Government Gateway. My advice is not to fill in an unrequired UK tax return but wait and see what supporting information the Thai Revenue Department require.
  11. Non-residence for tax purposes in the UK is determined by the statutory residence tests. https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/pdf/2016/01/statutory-residence-test-flowchart.pdf Non-residents are taxed on UK income even though they are non-resident. State pension is never taxed at source but is taxable income. (Any tax due is generally collected by adjustment of the tax code of other income, e.g. company pension) I hope this clarifies your understanding.
  12. It was a message to Donald to state defiantly she is not a porn actress. He likes porn actresses. She is drawing a line, differentiating.
  13. For the Brits, is this the Thai version of the Premium Bonds?
  14. This is a repeat of the policy that he enacted in the early 2000's through the National Housing Authority (NHA). It was wildly popular and massively oversubscribed. You can see it throughout Thailand. The housing is referred to as a "kankheha" and is usually either 3 or 4 storey numbered blocks or small houses. By putting the right person in charge of the NHA, it also offers much opportunity for syphoning off of a certain percentage either to enrich oneself or to pay off political friends. So, it is popular, resolves a public issue and great corruption opportunities, win-win-win.
  15. Several years ago, when the importation of large guard dog, fighting dog and attack dog breeds became widespread and popular in Thailand, I knew this was going to happen. Thais often release their unwanted dogs on waste ground or temple grounds, they usually let them roam free even if owned and hardly ever train them. These killings will continue and the victims will often be children or the elderly. I remember parking up only to see an unattended American Bulldog leading two soi dogs wandering around a country lane recently. I decided not to hang around to see if they were friendly.

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