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Briggsy last won the day on March 26 2019

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About Briggsy

  • Birthday 05/05/1969

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    Sri Racha

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  1. This is a crime that Chinese specialise in. I expect Chinese criminal gangs to be running this.
  2. What to say, I mean really, with a short fuse like this, how did he make it to 69 years old without being locked up or killed. I expect alcohol, gambling or drugs comes into it somewhere.
  3. He is talking about a visa run from Cambodia back into Cambodia. You are talking a border bounce from Thailand back into Thailand. You are talking about different things.
  4. Once you have the TM30, the lease is no longer required (but take it any way!!). A current TM30 is absolutely required.
  5. For a long time now. (I think not permitted to visit is better than "banned")
  6. Purchase for resale probably. "Don't smash a Chinese trader's rice bowl."
  7. Asiatic black bears are very rare now in Thailand and likely only to be encountered in the most protected national parks and wildlife sanctuaries like Huay Kha Khaeng, for example. In addition, black bears will choose to flee rather than attack. It would be interesting if the article had stated where he was "fishing" and whether that was his regular occupation and fishing grounds.
  8. Once every twenty months.
  9. What you say is correct. Someone from my home town did this so I know it is possible.
  10. The answer will lie in the legislation, both for PR and the legislation covering the TM-30 process. I don't know the answer.
  11. Diverted planes all over the place, Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Munich. Some long haul stopping en route e.g. West Coast U.S. diverting to East Coast U.S. airports, Middle East stopping in Cairo. Many turned back to their origin. Carriers will like to divert to their hubs if they have the choice.
  12. What is the "country deal"? It is deliberately omitted from the article, probably due to Thailand's defamation laws.
  13. @jacnl2000 I completely agree with @Rob Browder's post above. We don't know the DTV is going to pan out over the next few years particularly for those spending the majority of their time in Thailand. Also, small issues like problems opening bank accounts, obtaining 5-year driving licences and obtaining pink cards are resolved by having a non-imm O extension.
  14. It is apparent that Ukraine, at great cost, is hurting Russia through its drone attacks on oil and gas facilities. It is no surprise therefore to find Trump focusing his attentions on a ceasefire on attacks on infrastructure. He is seemingly parroting Moscow's desires and dressing them up as progress on the peace negotiations. This is completely dishonest. The reality is that Trump is not an honest broker, places all the pressure on Ukraine and agrees to whatever Putin wants. If he really wants peace, he should support Ukraine in any way he can with their attacks on Russian infrastructure in order to force Putin to compromise. Oil and gas is the lifeblood of the Russian economy. That needs to be where the pressure is placed. Trump will not do this as Trump himself may be compromised.
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