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Everything posted by Briggsy

  1. What kind of mentality seeks to deliberately cut off another person's toe?
  2. Somebody in Thai Airways or CAAT or Bangkok ATC is feeding these stories to the press. I really don't think it is a good idea. Airlines declare emergencies or divert / return for all sorts of reasons. There are very strict laid-out procedures for all manners of situations. In addition, pilots can contact Thai Airways for instructions or advice en route. Without context and background understanding, it could present a distorted image to the public who may understand little more than the phrases 'emergency' and 'Thai Airways'.
  3. Yes, really! Check again, did it ever actually materialise?
  4. For those of you who have been here a while, you will recall. For the others, I will let you know. The staff on the train lack self-discipline and are very focused on a quick buck. When alcohol was on sale on trains, the staff use to go up and down the train constantly shoving Heineken in your face and repeatedly asking you to buy it. If you had a first class ticket, they use to repeatedly knock on your door asking you to buy it. They turned one section of the train into a mobile disco (fun but ill-advised) replete with flashing lights. There was zero professionalism and responsibility regarding safety. This culture eventually led to the appalling rape and murder of the 13-year-old by an SRT employee. In addition, if you were transporting goods on the train, along with the official charge, they would always request a bribe (at least in Bangkok) before loading the goods. Unless the SRT can demonstrate a cultural change to non-puerile behaviour amongst its onboard staff, there should be no change in the policy. In fact, the fact they are pushing so hard for alcohol sales to be reinstated suggests that the same mentality to make easy money without responsible safeguards still exists.
  5. No you know why Taylor Swift never plays Bangkok (or Pai).
  6. That's it, I am leaving Pattaya. It is becoming a cesspit.
  7. My thoughts exactly. So what (Chonburi) Immigration will do, if it affects their income stream, will be to somehow skirt around the 800K requirement. I believe they did this several years ago. I am not sure if it is possible now for them to sign off extensions without financials. This way if Bangkok Bank are being scrutinised by the Bank of Thailand, they can change their behaviour. And if the Bank of Thailand are concerned that Thailand may be labelled as a "high-risk third country for AML purposes", you can be sure they will act in a strong regulatory manner. Immigration will just move out of the way.
  8. I noticed you lapsed into bar beer Thai/English/German (in this case) hooker slang in your title. The common word in Thai to describe a business that has gone out of business / bankrupt / bust is "jeng". 👍
  9. I actually agree that tinkering with visa free entry will have no effect on organised crime involving Chinese. However, there are too many constantly frying stuff in my apartment block so I would like to see it made more difficult for them to enter Thailand.
  10. @billy100 The above example from @oliverphoenix2 is an excellent guide in carefully reading the conditions of the visa and then presenting your case keeping those visa stipulations in mind. It is also an excellent example of the holistic view and the lateral flexibility the London Embassy has as everybody's situation is different. The key is to present your case, when the request for further documents comes, in a concise and professional manner directly addressing their points. (Make sure you know how to combine pdf's!)
  11. It appears that you are applying for a 'workcation' category DTV from the London Thai embassy. This is what I have. From memory, they are looking for either a "professional portfolio" or a "contract of employment clearly showing the opportunity to work remotely". I would suggest from the information that you have provided you are very much stretching the professional portfolio route. First of all, it is not professional. You are doing this in a personal capacity not a professional capacity. But you do not need to convince me. Having said that, I have always found the London Thai embassy will look at the big picture and has some latitude for their interpretation of the rules. So, give it a go. The worst case scenario is you lose the £300 application fee. To be honest, if you are 50 or over, the non-imm O will be a very straightforward application for you. This can then be extended in-country. This sounds far more suitable to your situation.
  12. Or it could just as easily be a change in management at Chonburi Immigration. Or something that those two particular agencies do/did.
  13. Please explain "word is" in your subject? At the win motosai at the end of your soi, in the bar, in Foodland? @scubascuba3
  14. Put yourself in their shoes. The financial institution must comply with the UK's strict money laundering legislation and how this framework is laid out in the firm's (not sure if it is a bank) internal compliance regulations. i) They need you to affirm that it is your money and you are not handling funds for a third party. ii) They need you to confirm the source of the money. This is order to confirm the money is not "the proceeds of crime". Remember this is not a court. There is no judge or jury. You, at this point, need to make affirmations and provide information. You do not need necessarily to provide documentation and irrefutable proof. Then the bank will refer it up to a senior compliance officer to see if the funds can be released. This will take time, possibly weeks. Remember this is not personal. The worker in the bank you speak to has one job, to collect the information he/she has been told to collect. The compliance officer making the decision has to stick to the bank's regulatory framework. The bank's directors and senior managers want to ensure the bank is not subject to investigation, censure, fines and reputational damage. Ensure the information you provide is consistent, credible and truthful. They want you to tell them whose money it is and where it came from.
  15. That was lucky. Usually once you are taken to the airport underground detention centre, it is difficult to talk your way out. Possibly "the room" was before you are led down underground. And that may be why the girlfriend was still with him.
  16. You may well be questioned. Consider using a safe entry service to guarantee entry.
  17. Item 1. Compliance by banks is an international issue so I also am not surprised that opening an account for somebody else may become problematic. Item 2. This is a Thai issue. It is just musical chairs. Different levels of seniority get moved around and connections will be broken and will have to be rewired.
  18. Isn't that a Cambodian stamp rather than a Thai stamp????
  19. Try to avoid tourist areas. Later this year I will move out of a tourist area. I didn't live in a tourist area for my first 20 years in Thailand. I don't know what possessed me to move into one.
  20. You are clearly talking about a UK State Pension. My view is that is exempted as it is a "Social Security payment" which are non-taxable in the Thai tax code. If this is your only income that is remitted to Thailand, then you have no assessable income (unless you have Thai income such as bank interest). So you have no need to file. In that situation, my plan would be to keep accurate records and not file a tax return. I would also for each year of records, have a summary at the bottom, e.g. 2024. "Assessable income under the the 60,000 Baht threshold. No requirement to file a 2024 tax return." So your decision-making and the reasoning is very clear. My personal view is that I would not expect the Thai Revenue Department to ever require these records. But just in case.
  21. Is the minivan a visa service or just transport to the border? Are you absolutely sure you can pay the overstay right at the border? He may have to backtrack to a specific office to pay it? Personally I would have advised him to fly out but not from Phuket. That way, it is a sure bet. He will get a ban too.
  22. Considering he met Kim Jong Un in his first term and I have detailed on another thread how he clearly owes Putin big time (Deutsche Bank loans, Fancy Bears, Miss Universe!.....), consorting is no surprise. Rewarding the murderous aggression is extremely disturbing though, particularly if you live near the front line. The more you appease a tyrant, the more it encourages them. Stalin lasted until he was 74.
  23. You do not need a lawyer. UK Banks are obliged to prevent withdrawals if they believe there may be suspicious activity. You need to explain the source of the funds and demonstrate you are not in breach of any money laundering legislation. The bank will be expecting your call. This is very normal.
  24. I like the sound of music from a radio or sound system drifting across several rice fields in the central plains (no mountains in the way), somewhere like Chachoengsao or Ayuthaya. The sound carries a long way. But it is too far away to be annoying. Very evocative.
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