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Everything posted by Briggsy

  1. @thaibeachlovers As Trump ensured there was not a single U.S. witness at his 2-hour meeting with Putin, not even his own translator, there is no official record. That alone is very solid evidence that Trump is owned by Putin. He is a traitor to the American people, a puppet, eager to do his master's bidding.
  2. I have heard from somebody that worked with the Tourist Police, that once a farang is arrested for something not trivial, the police will go to their room to retrieve their passport and once in the room they may steal their cash, valuables, etc. This is apparently more likely if the foreigner has angered the police. Just salacious gossip or truth, who knows?
  3. Highly risk-averse or highly efficient compliance department. You only have to look to Western nations to see how massive an issue regulatory compliance is for the banks. It is now coming to Thailand.
  4. "Russia, if you're listening..." The 2-hour unprecedented, unattended meeting with Putin in Helsinki. The money trail from Russia to Deutsche Bank to Trump when no other bank would touch him. The 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow when Putin "became his best friend". (Trump's words) The evidence is incontravertible.
  5. I know that virtually every town has a street called Chaloem Phrakiat and also that it is the name of Third Road. However, Nong Prue does not cover Third Road. So, is there another Chaloem Phrakiat on the dark side where this robbery may have occurred? Or is this Soi 3 of Third Road which is not in Nong Prue?
  6. More smoke and mirrors to focus media attention away from what is really happening. Trump is owned by Putin.
  7. The last known location. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Z6qqhTVPiM3AKfcj6 He said he was going to a bar to meet some friends and then phoned the 'partner' at 11pm GMT (6am Thai Time). She missed the call as it was late.
  8. Pattaya Kitchenware, Central Road, next to Foodland
  9. What does Sharia Law say about this?
  10. And you respectfully sound exactly like my group defined in "i)" 😀 Touché
  11. Do you have a 1-year extension of permission to stay? And more importantly, do you have a re-entry permit?
  12. @kwilco Completely wrong audience. You are trying to present a viewpoint in a manner that is tending towards an academic style i) on a forum in which the vast majority of posters have no notion of the subject (road safety management) but are unaware of their ignorance and think they know a great deal about it (because they can drive) ii) the majority of posts in all topics are superficial or humorous (i.e. not considered or academic) I suggest you take your ideas and present them on a road safety management forum where you will interact with like-minded people. If you continue here, you will become exasperated.
  13. If they are coming from China to Thailand, they would need to cross two land borders or take a boat. North Koreans?
  14. Is Foodpanda just Pattaya or all over Thailand?
  15. Too much to drink --> A bout of depression --> Stops communicating. Common behavioural pattern.
  16. I agree with you to a large extent however, to try to answer your question, The people "coining it" now in the UK are those who own businesses providing services to and having contracts with government departments. These could be children's services such as children's homes or SEND schools, consultancy services, hotels providing accommodation, construction services. This is a dramatic change from 40 years ago when this was not the case. I haven't even mentioned Carillion yet but this is a perfect example of who is getting very wealthy in the UK as a result of lax government practice.
  17. When a police commander, army general or senior politician is given a death sentence for drug dealing, I will support this proposal. There are people in control of the drug trade here that are untouchable. It might just be easier for the senator to start naming names.
  18. Also my printer seems to be regional. These cartridges are not available in the UK. This is common with many products though.
  19. Same price on there. Perhaps I am setting my expectations too high! 😀
  20. Thanks for the helpful reply. It is inkjet cartridges for a Canon Pixma that I am after.
  21. In the UK, there are numerous online vendors selling printer cartridges at a fraction of the cost of the printer manufacturer. Here, I checked on Shoppee and also went to Tuk Com but the price seemed fairly consistent and high and was surely the product of the printer manufacturer. Where can you buy cheaper alternatives in Thailand, online or otherwise. I am based in Pattaya.
  22. What is the armed officer on the right of the picture doing? Is that a pose? 😃
  23. Why do you troll all the time? Your posts remind me of a poster named scouse twoccer who always trolled threads. Why not post something constructive, helpful or even polite?
  24. Next he will be suggesting people inject bleach to 'disinfect' themselves. 🤔
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