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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. When we handed in our application at the VFS the lady who checked out papers didn't seem surprised that we weren't able to make an appointment, she asked what else we had and when I showed her the e-mails etc there was no problem, don't worry about not having a confirmed date on headed letter paper etc, just show as much as you can to back up the date you have in mind. Try looking on your counties website and mailing the registra.

    Good luck


  2. Hi, I can answer this one as me and the Mrs have literally just completed our 'visit for marriage' visa. My Mum tried to make a booking for us at the local registry office and was denied, she was told be the lady that until Mon had a marriage visit visa or the like and was there in person then no appointment could be made. One of the requirements for the visa was evidence of booking/chirch appointment etc, I ended up e-mailing Kent County Council marriage/birts/deaths department and was in contact with a really helpful lady who is Deputy Kent Superintendent Registrar, she basically said in an e-mail (which I submitted for the application) that it wasn't possible to make the appointment until etc etc and it did the trick as we got the visa and will be getting married in August/September. If your from Kent then I will happily give you the ladies e-mail, if not then check your county councils website as all the information will be there - this is the web address for KCC:


    Let me know if you want the ladies e-mail and good luck.


  3. Thanks Mahout Angrit, I wasn't aware of that, as mentioned im now back at work and the Mrs hasn't yet collected the passport, she has the tickets now and will be going on her day off from work which is Wednesday so we will have to wait and see. Which one would they give if we didn't specify which one we wanted in the 1st place, i'm guessing from what you've said that it will be a single entry valid for 1 month??


  4. Dear lopburiguy, depending on what side of the field your looking from sir can change one perceptions of the colour green, the grass that is, I think that our thiavisa.com friend mousier topdjdel may be looking at the grass from a different direction as yourself, I don't fink theres nufin' wrong with that at all.

    Good day to you and your family.

    The Jimmy

  5. My parents didn't, by the time the Mrs went to the embassy I was already away but she did take all the gumph from her UK application and that had her bank book with about 60,000 baht and all my bank statements etc, I know they didn't keep any of them but i'm not sure weather they looked at the folder etc.

    Your right it is a lot of hassle for a holiday but i'm kind of working under the assumption that the more successes wih visas etc now then there (hopefully) won't be any problems later when applying for further visas and also with this Schegen visa we can bugger off to France for the day etc

    Hope that helps.


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