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Posts posted by Taboo2

  1. 52 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    You are wrong this is widely known. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is one of the two enzymes primarily involved in alcohol metabolism. Several variants exist of the gene that produces ALDH. One of these gene variants, which generates a nonfunctional enzyme, is present in Asians but not in Caucasians and African-Americans.

    Is that why they get flushed when drinking copious amounts of alcohol?

  2. 49 minutes ago, bwanajohn said:

    I will bee surprised if in 50 years there is not a new ethnic population group in Thailand of Russian origin..much like the Chinese and Indians.

    Keep dreaming.  The Thais have done a great job keeping those folks out...and they have the best immigration laws on the planet,.  There is a reason why the UK has lost it's soul and France is finished.  But Hungary, Thailand, China, Russia and Vietnam will all prosper and never lose their identity.

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  3. 41 minutes ago, AlexPattaya said:

    Thai and Non Thai Nationals must be treated equally under the Thai Law ! There is no other way ! Selective Persecution can not be allowed in Any Country! All crimes committed by any Thai and Non Thai Nationals must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the Thai Law!

    This is Thailand and not some Western country!  Like it or leave!  Deal with it or leave.  The Thais do not need anyone telling them how to run their country.

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  4. 3 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    No, I just want them to actually care about the laws instead of focusing on high profile things that have little impact on anyones lives. The problem  is Thai people have no respect for laws and rules.

    Not your country!  Leave the Thais alone.  They  have been doing just fine without us here trying to tell them how to live.  They know how to handle their business.  If you  do not like it, then leave!  Who is forcing you to stay here if you do not like that that Thais break the rules?  

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  5. You see what happens when you abuse your welcome here in Thailand.  Soon, all of us will realize that no amount of tourist or expat money will suffice.  Leave these people alone, respect the authorities, deal with the system and life will be fine.  But, if you drive thru a traffic stop, fight cops, kick pregrnant women, then expect to be treated in a manner that will piss you off.


    No one in Thailand is begging you to come here to live.  It is your choice.  So, act accordingly or go home.

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  6. I am glad to see this policy come into effect.  Some folks just do not belong here.  They have no idea on how to party in Paradise.  The trouble makers are spoiled, entitled, cowards.  Example, they would  never fight cops in their own country.  They would respect a store if they say remove your shoes, etc.  I hope the Thais revolt and start taking actions against these folks.  

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  7. I am glad to see this policy come into effect.  Some folks just do not belong here.  They have no idea on how to party in Paradise.  The trouble makers are spoiled, entitled, cowards.  Example, they would  never fight cops in their own country.  They would respect a store if they say remove your shoes, etc.  I hope the Thais revolt and start taking actions against these folks.  

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  8. 11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Pls link to that video... 


    Because this video does not show what you describe. 





    Unless they 'jumped him' when the Police officer drew his weapon - which is what appears to have happened.... 




    Possible, then he got too close, and they thought he was too unhinged and took matters into their own hands. 




    True...  There could be some interesting history.


    Or, this was an example of a couple of very poor decisions leading to thing spiralling completely out of control for two normal guys...



    Normal?  Normal?  Dude, Normal is respecting the Thai police when they tell you to stop.  Jesus, what is wrong with the generation today?  

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