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Posts posted by Taboo2

  1. 8 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

    Of all Nationalities the Nigerians scheme and scam their way into any country where they can cheat and defraud. Am I exaggerating? Their own president stated on TV that Nigerians are utterly corrupt.

    We have an inordinate number of them in Ireland.  How? As there is no direct flight to Ireland from Nigeria.  You claim asylum in the 1st country you land in. 

    I honestly have no respect for the majority of Nigerians as they have fraud and scams in their DNA from birth. 

    Pity for a country with a lot of resources and oil reserves of 36m barrels. 

    Why does the West, especially,  take the junk from such countries when their despot tyrant leaders steal all the resources? 


    Not only Nigerians sir...Russians, Asians, Albanians are all in the game.  The Nigerians stand out because they do not give a sH&&&&.  There will always be another poor kid from that country who will be seduced by the money.  So, stop whining about Nigerians.   They are small potatoes compared to what the Russians are doing here, along with other serious gangs.

    • Confused 1
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  2. Here is a suggestion for the Powers in charge,,,how about asking your Thailand citizens who they prefer here as tourists?  Who is spending the most money in their businesses, towns, tourists attraction, bars, etc.  Who is supporting Issan families?  


    An honest fact based poll should be completed and then they can act on the results.


    let me guess who would be the most popular?

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  3. 14 hours ago, Gknrd said:

    Thailand doesn't want Western or European tourists or expats!  Thailand is one of the only SE Asian autocracy's that politically support China.  Vietnam hates China. And is cashing in on China's decoupling. China is using Thailand as a way to bypass sanctions on China. It won't be long before Thailand will have western sanctions placed on it. That will further escalate tensions and drive them closer to China for financial support. 

    If Chinese, Thailand is where you want to be. If a western living or visiting there you are basically screwed.

    A friend just told me he was speaking to Chinese in Bkk and the message was clear, the Chinese are coming in the hundreds of thousands because they are fed up with the CCP.  They run the show now in Thailand.

    • Haha 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:

    Say what you will, but Russians spend a hell of a lot of money in Thai owned establishments.  Wander into any place with Russian writing on the menu and the prices will make your eyes water. 


    I was in Phuket for a month earlier this year and some of the Russian women had me stopping my motorbike to get a longer look at them.  Tall, with beautiful bodies and clear skin, very few had tattoos. 

    Agree, compared to Indians and Chinese, the Russians do spend on motorbikes, food, partying and 7-11.  They are not too happy  when walking around, but overall, I have no issues with them compared to the rude Indians who walk all over the street here in Pattaya and hassle the locals about pricing.  Hygiene is also a big problem with them.  The Chinese just spend money on Chinese.

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