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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. You really cannot defeat a population that is superstitious and rely on talking heads in the media to tell them how to live....fact!
  2. I was having drinks with Covid last night....he said, you know what's wrong with you humans....."You are too arrogant and stupid to think how to defeat us"..... Yep, Mr. Covid is right....please note, we were drinking at 2:00 am. 555555
  3. That must have been some good stuff....I thought only California produces that type of "Green"...5555
  4. I am sure we humans will figure out how to party....so, no problem for me.
  5. No issues here in Phuket......going out for another night to destroy my liver and get some trades accomplised! Will not head to Patts until they get some common sense!
  6. So, the revenge of America has finally been realized....lol...lol...first it was fast food, then consumerism and now social media addiction..... Mission Accomplished!
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