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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Lock it down baby! Lock it down! Bring back the Covid 19 Monger rates.
  2. Yes, for sure. There is always a plan B. Folks just keep thinking there is no life outside Thailand after coming here.
  3. The old saying, "Go where you are treated with respect and appreciation" comes to mind. When this country continues to insult the paying tourists and give extra days to those who do not contribute as much, what did they expect? Vote with your wallet.
  4. 55555555555555555 Who in God's name would invest 185 million in this country without intense due diligence and a gang of lawyers.?
  5. Why do non-Thais forget that this is Songkran....if you go outside, expect to get wet. If someone aims for your eyes, then yes, you can beat the crap out of them.
  6. Was bleeding coming from any other input on his body.....just checking. You know....
  7. Remember, you can only throw money so far.....and there are folks here that do not need Farang money! The arrogance of Frangs in Thailand knows no bounds.
  8. Not sure why anyone is surprised that the Russian Mafia is taking over that island.
  9. This More Run will soon realize that the IDC lock up is worse than prison.
  10. Agree 10000%. I lived in that S******e called San Francisco, and counted down the days when I was leaving that city for Thailand. It is a nightmare!
  11. Good. Thailand has been to lenient lately with the morons who cannot respect this country. Time to kick them out!
  12. MCs are not needed! If the DJ is good, you do not need a loud mouth person screaming at you when the song is playing....this generation have no clue about a DJ taking them on a Journey....my God, they are so vapid!
  13. I am so very happy to see the Thai police finally arresting those annoying MCs!!!! Why in God's name do a DJ need an effin MC? The MC is loud, annoying, interrupts your songs, and add nothing to the club vibe. MCs are useless! Any DJ that needs a MC is not a good DJ. No more MCs!!!!
  14. What kind of Green are they smoking on that island? Can they share?
  15. 55555555555555555555555555555555
  16. 90 Day Visa baby.....best idea in a long time for a certain group of people.
  17. My response to that recommendation is: EFF EWE!
  18. Before kicking him out, they should send him to IDC or jail and have the LBs take care of him for a weekend. He will be in good shape when they are finished with him. He will behave.
  19. Is that why they get flushed when drinking copious amounts of alcohol?
  20. this More Run was raised in the hood by More Run parents and the cycle continues. I wish he ends up in IDC for a month or BKK jail and get his cherry popped by a LB.
  21. Keep dreaming. The Thais have done a great job keeping those folks out...and they have the best immigration laws on the planet,. There is a reason why the UK has lost it's soul and France is finished. But Hungary, Thailand, China, Russia and Vietnam will all prosper and never lose their identity.
  22. This is Thailand and not some Western country! Like it or leave! Deal with it or leave. The Thais do not need anyone telling them how to run their country.
  23. And? Their country and they can do whatever they want. Expats need to learn how to live here or leave! Not your country.
  24. Not your country! Leave the Thais alone. They have been doing just fine without us here trying to tell them how to live. They know how to handle their business. If you do not like it, then leave! Who is forcing you to stay here if you do not like that that Thais break the rules?
  25. You see what happens when you abuse your welcome here in Thailand. Soon, all of us will realize that no amount of tourist or expat money will suffice. Leave these people alone, respect the authorities, deal with the system and life will be fine. But, if you drive thru a traffic stop, fight cops, kick pregrnant women, then expect to be treated in a manner that will piss you off. No one in Thailand is begging you to come here to live. It is your choice. So, act accordingly or go home.
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