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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. And American Government also....
  2. Lock this prison Bthic up in IDC for 5 months...or more, then block him permanently.
  3. To be honest, the most aggressive drivers here in Patts are Europeans/Russians and those from the Mid east. I rarely see Thais driving aggressively during the rain. As a matter of fact, they are very patient with the Indians who walk in the middle of the street with their kids in harms way.
  4. Oh yes, blame Boeing for CAT....genius.
  5. God is a bit tired of these last minute requests from humans.
  6. We can only hope she is safe somewhere. I feel for her parents.
  7. Wonder if the Thai police will blame the Thai lady, because they do not want to hurt the Russian tourist business? Not too long ago, another drunk Russian was in a fatal accident...have not heard much about that outcome.
  8. Yes...human trafficking on another level.
  9. Do not, repeat, do not bring your babe to the EU or UK. You think cheating here is a painful nightmare, just wait until you take them back to your home country and get rinsed for 10 x the costs. You do not believe me, then go ahead....take the pain!
  10. If only humans would realize the hurt, damage, costs and nightmare of alcohol abuse on their families and friends, then they would beg for stricter controls over alcohol. The data is out there for one country (the one most of the folks here keep hating) on, for what happened to the quality of life during prohibition. You will find out that life was actually better for families until 1933.
  11. All that trouble just to stay here....shows you how much folks love this country.
  12. China and SGP are behind this decision via Thaskin.
  13. Folks - focus on who is pulling the strings....Singapore and China...they run the show over here ok.
  14. Remember, your life is cheap in this part of the world.
  15. Pattaya beach is awesome.....
  16. Yes, true, but we have a coconut bar.....55555.
  17. Yes...Finally Pattaya gets some respect!
  18. I just came back from Laos via Nong Khai Immigration. Short trip to Ventiane for 3 days. No issues with immigration and got my stamp for one year. My visa is a Thai Elite 5 year. Expires in 2026 Some folks told me that I need to also get an updated TM30 form. Why would I need to do that if I did not move. I only get an updated TM30 form when I moved to a new condo or change condo within the same building. Is this a new process, where every time I take a trip I need to get the TM30 form updated. Does not make sense, but if it is required, I guess my Landlord will be busy tomorrow. Thanks.
  19. Nigerians do not care and welcome Americans....look at how the Nigerians copy the Ameircan gangsta style. Hell, when I am in BKK, they show me a ton of respect when the find out I am an American.
  20. Agree...because if he goes home, the DEI folks will set him free to beat up on American women.
  21. Relax dude, 90% of those guys would never get a visa, and may not even get a passport because of Child Support. Trust me, I know.
  22. Hey, Mr. Ali...tough guy, baller, COWARD! Show your face Homie....or are you the prison punk you were born to be?
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