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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. There is a simple solution to this problem when he gets to the big house. I would say not more that 30,000 THB. Maybe even less.
  2. Excuse me, those meat on a stick are not increasing calories...actually, they should eat more meat on the stick with vegetables and avoid the carbs.
  3. Let met tell you what the future is...Thailand will end up like Americans...Obese, Diabetic, Heart Disease and other health issues. Primary cause is the massive increase of eating Process junk crap food from the states...like Lays Potato Chips, Burgers wit shakes, the crap food in the malls,,,,those pretzels sticks with chemical laced flavors, Taco Bell, Burger King, McDs...etc. I have seen an increase in the body shape of Thai women compared to the old days and I know the future and it is FAT! STOP EATING AMERICAN PROCESSED FOOD AND AMERICAN DIET OF BURGERS AND OTHER CRAP. Go back to your great and healthy diet.
  4. Hey J&&K....we have more patents issued over every other country on the planet....not bat for Dimwits huh?
  5. 55555555555555555555555555555555555 Honest to God, I am not sure the Thai babes know that there is war going on the planet in Europe....
  6. I have my 90 day reporting stapled in my passport and have no issues going back and forth to America or through connecting countries.
  7. Glad to see our Sailors getting a break and having a good time. Met a few of those young men and they all seemed to be having a fun time. God, I hope they did not fall in love with any babe from Soi 6 or WS.
  8. My reservation at that hotel is still okay right? Just checking. I deposited 50,000 THB as instructed. 55555.
  9. What is the purpose of these submarines? They will not last two minutes if the shooting starts....especially with a first class Naval power.
  10. Poor baby, got his feelings hurt. Next time, ease up on the "White Whiskey"...and just smoke some weed instead.
  11. She has no Critical Thinking skills. How many times were she warned about hanging out with strangers and not going home with someone she just met. Some folks are just plain Stoooopid.
  12. Yes, the best cure for the DSB is Pattaya. DSP = Dreaded Sperm Backup....after months at Sea.
  13. Agree...there are too many vloggers saying the same thing and looking for "content". I also hate their bait and switch youtube vids.
  14. I am fine living in Issan, but cannot deal with the snakes sneaking into my house and bathroom. I go to bathroom twice a night and would not want anything else to join me....55555. Everything else is gravy....especially if you love to read books and stream great shows.
  15. 55555555 They caught two dogs....problem solved....
  16. Honestly, the COLA (cost of living abroad) in Pattaya is very cheap, and if you do not drink and monger too much, you can live like a King in this city.
  17. Are these the same scientists that said it was GW, then Climate Change, then Climate Disruption??? Are these the same folks from Al Gore's scam,,,,"An Inconvenient Truth"? I too have a science and engineering background and do not care what is going on with the weather as it is just that....WEATHER!!!! Humans are too arrogant and think we are soooooo bad that we can mess up this 4.5 billion years old planet....here is a tip...we are parasites on this rock....get use to it...and stop thinking that we are the top dog. OK! Nothing we do can change the cycles of weather on this planet. The arrogance of humans knows no bounds!!!!
  18. I completely agree. This is not hot weather. Maybe for folks from Europe or America, but for someone from Central America, this is normal. Folks whine too much when a little heat and humidity arrives around April. That is why I respect the locals, they ride it out every year and are bundle up, even when it is hot and humid....55555. Amazing how they wear so much clothes during the day....when it is hot and humid.
  19. This is not the first Songkran in Thailand...I remember as a student back in the 80's, this tradition was in the news. Any man with 3 brain cells can put two and two together and observe a country that invited you in, observing a tradition. If you are not sure, then ask questions or stay the f***k in your room. People who come here and do not respect the culture deserve the consequence of resorting to violence. That man is damaged and is lucky he did not pull that on a violent Western Tourist (aka Americans or Brits or Aussies who would not take crap from him).
  20. What a class A asshool! I hope he gets a long prison time and have to pay that family 3 million baht or more. The deport his ass and block him forever.
  21. Everyone is having fun here in Patts. A few minor stupid arguments between drunken Brits, but nothing serious. We had one Thai on Thai killing, but that was strictly business, nothing personal. So far, so good. I am happy to see the Thais having fun after 4 years. Great country.
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