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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Yep, he is over the minimum required for him to get another chance to wake up stop using that awful drug. He was careless and obviously stupid and lazy. Hope he can get his family to pay for an expensive lawyer to help him out. I think he needs some time in prison to wake up and get his life together.
  2. Here is a tip my Military friend told me. Always, always perform "Operation Clean Sweep" when traveling to any parts of the world. Stop being lazy. Pack, then re-pack your suitcases, carry-on bag, wallets, books, etc. It does not take long to do that. This guy clearly was lazy. Now he is sitting in a hot, sticky prison with people who speak a different language and guards who do not care about you. Read the book: The Damage Done. Enjoy your high!
  3. I think they prefer LV.....55555.
  4. I wonder if he will get drunk and start acting like a jerk tonight....555555.
  5. Amazing that those cowards are never around until you mess with the locals. Wonder why? Also, the same applies to the West. I have yet to see a 1:1 fight since 1979. Try fighting one on one in the hood in America...pack fighting is what humans (animals) do in nature. The best method to avoid pack fighting is to not get drunk here in Thailand and then behave like a jerk.
  6. God, I thought High School <deleted>e like this was for kids. Grow up folks.
  7. I love the ladyboys here in TH. Love them when they attack drunk Farangs. Hey boys, next time you think you are a bad ass, try fighting LBs when they attack you in packs. Remember, you are not home and protected by the system. You are on your own here.
  8. The arrogance of humans knows no bounds....just because we have fancy instruments and take more data, does not give us the right to determine if there is climate change! God, the tailless monkeys really need to get back to wars and back stabbing each other, instead of trying to change the climate. There is no Climate Change, it is just trendy to use that term.
  9. This is summer right? It does get hot as far as I can tell since day 1 on this planet. What was the excuse hundreds of years before humans started taking temperatures? Please move on....there is nothing we can do about the heat during the Summer season, except stay cool and get on with life. Stop blaming everything on Climate Change, which is pure BS.
  10. Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam are right around the corner...no one is forcing us to stay in Thailand.
  11. Ok, so all those push ups and sit ups I have been doing is just a waste....5555.
  12. Another day, another YT freak is arrested. Let me guess, he was abused as a child, is having PTSD due to having to work a real job...or just on roids.....???
  13. Same here, I read books, watched a ton of YT vids, talked to Military vets and Thais to get to low down on the culture and people. After all my analysis and critical thinking skills, I choose to move here, because, even though it is not perfect, it is much safer, cheaper and life is much better than retirement in the west. Finally, no one forced me to retire here. Some Western folks were just raised spoiled and entitled and think the world revolves around them. Hey UK, your empire died after WW2. Deal with it. Same for you Americans, we are not that important to the world anymore. Appreciate what TH has to offer or take the Train, bus, Bolt, Car or Grab to Swampi and LEAVE!
  14. What part of "kingdom of Thailand" you do not get? This is not the WEST! This is South East Asia and you western folks need to learn to stay away or adapt. No one forced you or him or anyone to move here. Finally, if you think the UK or America are democratic, think again,,,I think the Covid Censorship proved that!
  15. Trust me, IDC is not a nice place to languish....you would be better off in BKK Hilton.
  16. I do hope they send him back and maybe, just maybe he will learn a lesson on how to manage his Arrogance.
  17. I am an American, love my country and appreciates what it has done for me and the world, are we perfect? No. But, America is my country, forever and even though I retired in Thailand, I will always love Americans.,
  18. I am from San Francisco, and you should know that nothing will happen if you tell them that they destroyed a once beautiful city. What is going on in America is the reason I am here and appreciate so much the safety, food, beauty and cost of living here. So, I follow the rules, and guess what, no cop bothers me, no officials visit me, no one beats me up. I am enjoying my retirement. I am not a spoiled, entitled, crybaby on Youtube.
  19. And? Why drag Americans into this? You got a problem with Yanks?
  20. No one will bat an eye....another 40 million tourists will come, enjoy the country and leave. Some will retire and appreciate the cost of living, the food, the beauty and the women, the arrogant ones will cry like the spoiled, privileged pr**ks they are. Get out!@
  21. Is anyone forcing you to live here? Don't like Patts? leave! Look at the UK! Look at London!
  22. You can leave if you do not like the process here. They will not change for us or any arrogant westerner.
  23. Special message to all the Whiners out there who move to Thailand. Please note, the Thais have many, many options for you to pack up and leave the country. You can get a Bold, GRAB, Train, Taxi, Car or bus to Swampi. I have not heard or met a Thai yet since moving here that begged me to come to this country. No one is telling me to stay here or forcing me to stay. The Thais, just like American, the whiny Brits, and obnoxious Eastern Europeans are not perfect, but I can assure you that is it much better than the hell hole I left in the west. Simple solution, not complicated....Get out of Thailand if is not your cup of tea. Ok!
  24. Did you know that it is documented that Obama caged more kids than Trump? Please fix your ignorant comment and do some basis research. Thanks.
  25. You lived here for 15 years and just realized that Money is #1 in Thailand....5555. Been like that for decades. No Thai is forcing anyone to stay here. Once folks realize that, life can be fine here. I am an American and will deal with the crap here in Thailand than to go back and retire in that once great country. Thailand is a paradise compared to the nightmare that is America right now. Also, money is worshipped in America, so God bless the Thais for doing the same thing.
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