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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. As a guest in your country and happy to be here, I wish you much success over the years to come. I am from a sh*****le country called America and we are nowhere near you when it comes to protection of your borders, hard work, respect for elders and police offers who are experts are de-escalation and avoiding killing kids and adults for no reason.
  2. Shutting down "Facecrook" would be the best thing for Thailand.
  3. I have no idea what all the hype is and as an expat retiree, I like it that way. But, I will enjoy any sh&t show that occurs.
  4. Real tough guys.,,,wonder why they do not fight one on one...mano a mano...? Cowards!
  5. 55555555555555555555555555 Good luck lady.
  6. I am very, very sorry to hear that the Power Pole was damaged. I do hope they fix that pole and life goes on. I do not care about anything or anyone else in this story.
  7. When will they start to blame weed for this dude who can't control his wife?
  8. Easy answer...just ask her boyfriend or "Uncle" of "Cousin"....and he will tell you what is needed. OK.
  9. When I see the news on snakes, I am amazed at how humans survived in this part of the world back in the day. Two hundred years ago, there were probably hundreds or thousands of these bad boys around villages at night and daytime. How did they survive?
  10. Thai cops are the best at showing restraint. Americans know what would happen to that guy, especially if it was the LAPD or the LASD. He would dead.
  11. The Indians...yes, agree. They should crack down on them. 5555
  12. Listen, I walk by that area almost everyday. The Limas do not bother you unless you start to talk to them. I do not believe his story. He learnt his lesson.
  13. Why fly thousands of miles to get into a fight with Thai bouncers? Seriously, are you insane? Those guys were hired because they are used to fighting. OK. Folks are just plain stupid sometimes. Go home!
  14. No surprises here,,,they are Chinese puppets.
  15. Probably an anaconda that was startled by her footsteps. If it was a cobra, cancel Christmas, she would be dead.
  16. Wait, wait, wait....I thought the retired expats were the most dangerous group in Pattaya and Thailand.?
  17. I am sure he will have a new boyfriend or two at the Bangkok Hilton. Enjoy your very long vacation.
  18. This is not complicated. Follow the Singapore model and everyone will be happy....5555555.
  19. Thanks to all the Limas who took care of business. Those folks need to respect Thais in this country. If they are not interested, polite decline and continue walking. Insulting Thais will not end well for you. Remember, you are a guest in this country. They will remind you quickly if you forget that. Not Guilty!
  20. Urgent, I hear that there is major riot at all bus stations in Issan. Lima Bravos are taking over the Buses and heading to Pattaya.....55555.
  21. My Thai babe loves Jackson Wang....she was not worried about the escort....555.
  22. No surprises here. A certain class of people are entitled and this airline should be ashamed for backing down. I blame Thai Airways, not the bitch boy on the plane.
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