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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Back in 2021, I lost my passport and it took the Embassy 2 weeks to get me a new one. Today, with increase in travel across the world, and especially the USA folks who want to get out finally for a vacation, the application process is delayed. Hang in there.
  2. Please, please, please have the Thai peeps in charge come up with a plan to educate the Indians to stop walking on the street in the middle of traffic? Please! There is an epidemic of Indians who think they own the road and one day, some of them will be injured when a hard working Thai person or Farang runs into them.
  3. He is an immature kid with no experience and definitely no street smarts. He has not clue about the "Game". Hoped he learnt his lesson!
  4. I will miss this dude. Like him or not, he did keep things together given the <deleted> show that was going on in the world. Yes, he was not perfect, but Thailand, like every other nation on the planet was not prepared for Covid. Even the GREAT Paper Tiger America screwed up Royally managing the Covid Pandemic. Enjoy your retirement and lets see what this young dude will do. Easy to complain when you are not facing all the responsibility first hand.
  5. He did a poor job of disappearing...next time, go up river and hide out.... 55555
  6. Also, India is a majority vegetarian country and now is experiencing an obesity problem...please explain.
  7. Great news. Invest in J&J, Eli Lily, and Medtronic. Also, any medical device company that is creating combination products for diabetes would be a great investment. No matter how I try to tell my fellow Americans back home that they are killing themselves by eating the process junk, they ignore me and now are paying the consequences. Then I move to Thailand and see the same cycle being repeated at the malls and stores...processed crap, with chemicals designed to stimulate your taste buds so you eat more process crap. Look at the lines in the malls for those pretzel sticks and other junk that destroys your body! Humans....thanks for never disappointing me with your decisions.
  8. Tip of the Iceberg. Keep an eye on the Koreans recruiting on Soi 6.
  9. Yes, proper diet and fasting will help lower your blood pressure and of course meditation and stress reduction exercises.
  10. One of main reasons why I retired here is that I can go down the the Pharmacy and get medicines for my illness without seeing a doctor. Also, if I must, the doctors here in Patts tell me to go to the pharmacy to fill the prescription, because it is cheaper than using the Pharmacy in the hospital.
  11. Yes, especially in Thailand. The Thai people do not respect anyone who throws money around like a drunken sailor. They work hard for their money and when they see a SIMP or equivalent pissing money away, they have a low opinion of you, even when taking said money from you.
  12. She knows you are a "Mark" and does not respect you. When you understand that, then you will know what to do.
  13. When did the world stop producing real men? Questions like these makes me wonder if there is something in the water. My dad would never tolerate this type of behavior from my mom and would put his foot down immediately.
  14. Someone is looking for a job. How about attention to detail next time?
  15. Does anyone have documented cases where Insurances does pay for accidents that occur over here?
  16. Ok, thanks to all those who provided more details about this tragic incident and why the Insurance may not cover his costs. I will use this and other examples when I talk to my adult kids in college about partying when they travel abroad. Very helpful.
  17. OK, why are we always hearing horror stories of these types of accidents and then the Insurance backs out? What the EFF is going on? I have Pacific Cross and hope they do not back out if I am in this situation. Sad for this kid, but there has to be a solid reason why the Insurance company are acting like evil <deleted>. Late to the discussion, so will go back and see if my questions are answered.
  18. Promise yourself that you will never get married again.
  19. I guess he did not learn his lesson.
  20. If I live long enough to be able to get up and have a beer in my old age at anytime, God, that is heaven.
  21. Been hearing about this for weeks and not a drop in Pattaya.....55555.
  22. How many times have we heard this? No sympathy for those folks who ignore the reports coming out of India and other countries that exploit these folks. Stop going to those countries for jobs! Root cause is that they take these offers without critical thinking.
  23. Folks, just abide by the rules of this Kingdom and you won't have any issues. Yes, it is a fun place and cost of living is great compared to the nightmare in the west, but find a legal way to stay here and life is great.
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