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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. What a class A asshool! I hope he gets a long prison time and have to pay that family 3 million baht or more. The deport his ass and block him forever.
  2. Everyone is having fun here in Patts. A few minor stupid arguments between drunken Brits, but nothing serious. We had one Thai on Thai killing, but that was strictly business, nothing personal. So far, so good. I am happy to see the Thais having fun after 4 years. Great country.
  3. Never, ever, ever, ever, get involved in Thais fighting each other. Remember, YOU ARE A GUEST IN THIS COUNTRY. Stop trying to be a Western Calvary hero. It will never end well for you. Thailand is for Thai people. My God, why can't some western folks get this? The country was doing fine without us here hundreds of years ago, so why the hell you think you can save them from their daily BS. Leave these people alone! They are not bothering us. Learn from them!
  4. When I visited my GF's family in Sakon Nakhon, we went on those famous family van rides to all the tourists sites. My God, I was in fear for my miserable life. No seatbelts. Fast driving to overtake a slow truck, near misses, and most of all, the driver was drinking his Chang Beer as was everyone esle. The kids were not strapped in and no one cared. That is when I realized that I was not in Kansas anymore.....555555. Life can be cheap in this country.
  5. Good. Follow the rules and this issue should not affect you.
  6. Yes, to all. I broke rule # 3 just to cause my girl to lose face. She learnt her lesson when I slept with her best friends in BKK and Pattya. Regarding # 4, this black dude was arguing with a motorbike taxi guy who was taking me and my Girl home. I did my best to defuse the issue, but the Thai motorbike guy got fed up and took his gun out and was ready if he came back one more time to argue. I told him go ahead, not my problem. Just another dumb idiot that will be dead. He took us home. That dude had no idea he was going to get shot.
  7. Good! They need to come back here and stay in the BKK Hilton. Or, better yet, there life will be hell in a Chinese prison, so it is a win-win. So sad what that poor lady went through and then to end up in that stream is disgusting.
  8. Lack of preparation, irresponsibility and failure to think critically is not my responsibility. No money from me. I am tired of supporting bad behavior.
  9. What is the big deal? A stupid club fight and this is news? Happens every weekend since I started going to clubs back in 1980. Move on.
  10. This dude is on point. He does a lot of research and does give good advice to ensure your money last during retirement. He works very hard at what he does and if you are seriously thinking of leaving to retire in a country where you can make you money go further, he does have good tips.
  11. I thought most Europeans were smart? Did this dude read up on past history of these scams? I do not blame the woman, I blame him.
  12. Kidney disease is bad, but too much sodium will cause High Blood pressure and that is not to be messed with. Avoid too much sodium if you can.
  13. Great for Thailand and their economy. Putin loses a lot of smart Russians. Also, I prefer the Russians to other types of folks who come here and walk in the middle of the street, disrespect the poor Thai girls and argue over prices that are posted in 7/11. More Russians.....welcome to Thailand!!!!
  14. I pray that they send that poor lady home and not take her to IDC. She just wants to make money to feed her family.
  15. I guess the party plans will have to be adjusted this weekend....555555.
  16. If convicted, I pray he gets life in the BKK Hilton. They will take care of him. Do not send him back to Sweden...their prisons are a joke. Please keep him here for the special treatment that he deserves.
  17. Folks seems to forget that Hong Kong has major political issues right before covid was unleashed.
  18. Sounds like he was just waiting for what the US FDA/CDC/Fauci and US Media would spew out and then copy it for Thailand. He should have gone back to his basic training. My degree is Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and I had to make decisions that were backed up with rigid calculations, data and peer reviews. Folks who came out against anything the US said were censored in America by the Government in concert with Big Tech and Media. Disgusting that folks who were trained all their lives to be objective were silenced by YouTube, FB, MSM, etc. Lots of them lost their jobs.
  19. This dude is a joke. He should give his degree back and get a job at Big C. He has been wrong with all his predictions and still advocates using masks!
  20. Why can't folks just go to a game, eat, drink and have fun? Seriously. Are they sexually frustrated? What is their problem to have them resort to racist abuse? Seriously, just have fun. It is only a game.
  21. Very irresponsible on his part. How stupid can you be at that age to be so careless. I am sure he was raised properly to ensure that his kid would be safe. That includes doing a complete check every night before you sleep!!! He is lucky. That kid should be placed with someone who cares about her.
  22. The Mayor in Pattaya is not the most effective politician for that city.
  23. A coward...not surprised. She will learn that you cannot run from your destiny.
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