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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Regarding the mask requirement, I am happy to see the term "should". I refuse to wear that stupid mask again. Only where it is mandatory in this country. Enough!
  2. I was pre-teen during that war, but know enough from relatives and friends whose parents served to never comment about the war being a picnic without having real experience. You were glad to state that Nam was a picnic, but ran away from the fight. I made no claims of being there, but I know enough to not call Vietnam a picnic. Nothing to do with Grandstanding. You were afraid to fight, hundred of thousands served and were afraid, but did their best. It was no picnic. Read the HillFights - first battle of Khe Sahn to learn about the "Picnic" in 1967.
  3. No sympathy. He would have a better time losing that money in a top shelf Go Go on WS. P. T. Barnum...remember him.
  4. Selling out your country to criminals....so sad. They should realize that this is what the United States does everyday, and Thailand should not aspire to become like the Mafia controlled country that is the Great USA.
  5. Next time, just go home like I and most normal folks do when our privilege to stay has expired.
  6. That is why my subscription did not work.....55555.s Fools. How long did they think they would get away with this?
  7. Thailand is the second best country in the world for controlling immigration. I am in full support of kicking folks out who ignores the basic laws of how long you can stay here. I just wish America had the balls to adopt the same policy. You come to Thailand and want to stay, just follow the rules and life will be much easier and less stressful than where you came from.
  8. It requires a knowledge of the History of the Roman Empire...England has been around ruling the world longer than America. Also, if you study American politics, you will see a lot of how the Carthaginians rule and the corruption of the leaders and how they failed to support Hannibal and their troops. America is the same, full of corrupt politicians who care nothing about the people and only govern to make millions. Carthage failed because of greed and corruption and so will America. By the way, the new Rome is China and we will lose the next global war with them, just like the Carthaginians were wiped out by the Romans. When we lose, the Chinese will dominate the world and hence, Mandarin will be the number one language.
  9. Hey dude, guess what, the local thais here tell me that as am American, they understand when I speak America English much better than the Brits, Scotts, Irish and Aussies. It is the "Hollywood Effect"...they watch movies and are more comfortable with American English than yours. Do not get too upset because we speak the Queen's (now King's English) better than you.
  10. Why waste time learning English...seriously, Chinese should be their number one language....in case anyone has not checked in yet, the Chinese will rule the world in 20 years. Tell your kids to learn Mandarin. Such is life. Let's see if they will do a better job than the Romans (England) or Carthage (America).
  11. I guess I better book my trip to Koh Lippe now....and avoid the crush.
  12. If they are convicted, I expect them to get the full penalty. Creeps!
  13. He would have a special welcoming party in a US prison....one that he will never forget.
  14. Yes, this is High Season....it has begun....5555
  15. Jesus <deleted> Christ.... Those folks who are hating on a Halloween costume need to get a life!
  16. Where are all these cool "underground" clubs located? Asking for a friend.
  17. Agree...I have never, ever, ever seen a fight between two stoned guys growing up in the States...it is always Alcohol that triggers some a&&&le. We need more Chips, Oreo Cookies and weed...problem solved.
  18. Everyday, those French dudes wake up and wonder, <deleted>? How come I am in jail over a stupid argument? Could I have saved face and ignore the Thai guy? Why did I park my car and block traffic? Did I have to show everyone my Muay Thai skills on a local man? I was in a situation where another Farang tried to show me up in the bar over a bar girl. I politely told him to take the girl. No problem dude, she is yours. He went to her to prove he is the "Man" and she rejected him in front of everyone...at the Bar. The smile on the bar customers was worth more than any fight. FOLKS....WALK AWAY...FROM ANY FIGHT IN THAILAND UNLESS YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS IS A GOOD THING WHEN IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY.
  19. On the positive side, some lawyers will be getting a lot of money from some French guys,,,,55555!
  20. Why did they not stop and check out the man after he fell to the pavement. Punks just walked away!
  21. Message to America, next time Iraq invade Kuwait...do not interfere. Thanks
  22. Great Quality Tourists are back in Thailand.
  23. Hey, that is my girl....she is cheating on me.....55555
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