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  1. That's simple, but you are not paying with Crypto... theres a merchant behind the scenes connected to OTC players that buy the crypto and pay in fiat (delay) usually out of HK.
  2. Those days are over, he would be detained and processed, the old method of blacklisted and shown to the plane after paying are over since at least a year.
  3. Wife pays income tax on Stablecoin deposits as income.
  4. Well i did, but they were closed overnight, and i was curious if anyone else suffered the same.
  5. Turns out someone cloned the card, went on a huge spending spree... I haven't been charged but they've cancelled and now will re-issue a new card.
  6. Had a SCB Credit Card since 2012 (actual credit card yes). Was transferred from SCB to Card X shortly after they issued their new platinum card, got the CardX one a month later, and then that expired and a new one issued through to 2029. Have a great CB Credit Score (clear routinely). Went to 7/11 last night for some stuff, always just use card, and it declined (red lettering on their screen) used another card, got home logged in on phone and see - your card can not be used please call xxxxx Got monthly statement sent same night no comments on closing account, go to points section, or request statement section in the app, can't request for inactive card. Doesn't appear to be a security freeze but 'inactive'. I guess they are getting round to closing accounts for those of us that don't cost money (i.e interest probably paid this year 800 baht but earned 12,000 in Central Vouchers) or something else, anyone else had a similar before i call them and go round in circles?
  7. Somewhat confused, this isn't new - plebs come from all across the globe to experience the Thai smile and Singapore Twist for shekels and then leave, some win the lottery and marry the pleb.
  8. Another crack-down but looking at it, appears merely tourists taking a group photo, i suppose tattoos = gang?
  9. You don't need to file a tax return if you've no income. Simple as that.
  10. State Pension should be cancelled/dissolved, the vast majority of the people currently paying in are merely paying for boomers to enjoy their life in places like Thailand, whilst they themselves won't get anything
  11. Have your partner drop it in as a line that she was always curious of post trans ladyboys and having met his future wife.... innocent but direct. You stay the <deleted> out of it.
  12. I always make a scene and tell them to get to the back of the line, some old thai lady got owned by a young KFC server when one tried it with me there, and in 711 i am local farang so they always stand in my corner.

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