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Man Mart

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  1. It’s all to do with negotiated agreements between countries regarding social security payments. Just ask AI. It tells you all you need to know. However, things will never change in Thailand as there are too many UK expats here which will cost the UK money. Either bite the bullet or return to the UK. However, when you do visit the UK or EU just make sure you apply for the increase whilst you are there like I do : ) As for the original question. If you do as you suggest and then go back to Thailand and still claim the increase it will be classed as fraud!
  2. This is unacceptable and pressure must be put upon the authorities to sort this situation out. I lived in BKK for 10 years and crossing the road in Sukhumvit was like taking the walk of death. Complain to the Deaprtment of Land and. Transport or nothing will change!
  3. I would be interested to know who is your provider. I too have had similar fairly recent issues like yourself when prior to this the service was good. It’s not a speed issue like you say but a capacity issue.
  4. I emailed Wise yesterday about the difficulties and implications posed by their actions and requested them to reinstate the relevant phrase on their list. They have asked me to be patient whilst their team investigates the matter. The more people that complain to Wise to reinforce our concerns the better. It is not just visa issues, but why should Thailand based clients be asked to tell “porkies” concerning purchase of property which may not be the legitimate reason behind any transfer in order to record an FTT transaction!
  5. In relation to sterling, it’s been a result of the anticipated and the actual cut in UK interest rates on Thursday.
  6. I used to take warfarin many moons ago for afib and it’s worse than useless and virtually impossible to keep it within the INR range. Sounds like your from the UK where cost of an effective drug tends to prohibit its widespread use. Dump warfarin and first see a doctor, for an assessment, for a proper and effective anti coagulant drug. There’s a few. I’ve been taking Pradaxa (German made) for 8 years now with no problem. and no bruising etc. It’s costs me around 3,700 baht for a months supply (two 150 mg tablets a day from good pharmacies like those near Sirirat Hospital, Bangkok). It’s not cheap, but what price does one put on one’s life for effective and reliable treatment. Plus you can eat your greens which are also vital for your health
  7. I took warfarin many moons ago for a fib and it’s worse than useless and virtually impossible to keep it within the INR range. Sounds like your from the UK where cost of an effective drug tends to prohibit its use. Dump warfarin and see a doctor for a proper and effective drug anti coagulant drug. I’ve been taking Pradaxa (German made) for 8 years now with no problem. It’s costs me around 3,500 baht for a months supply.
  8. The ignorance of some comments about international taxation is just mind boggling. Some commentators appear oblivious that there are tax treaties and international conventions about sharing tax information between countries. Trying to put one’s head in the sand won’t work. https://www.oecd.org/tax/exchange-of-tax-information/convention-on-mutual-administrative-assistance-in-tax-matters.htm. However, saying all that I am of the opinion that these proposed tax changes won’t be implanted within the proposed timescale and will be challenged in court. It is not reasonable to give only 3 months notice of such tax changes.
  9. The tax authorities of different countries actually talk to each other!
  10. If someone chooses to wear a mask, and it is causing you no harm, I really fail to see what concern of yours this matter is!
  11. Whilst I have previously had a Covid vaccine at my local hospital in Surin at the turn of the year, I was recently told at the same hospital that I was not entitled to the bivalent covid vaccine (effective against the Omnicron variant) as it was only being given to appropriate Thai citizens. This is despite the fact that people are exhorted to get vaccination boosters by the government, and despite the fact that I am 67 years of age, in a high risk group, with heart conditions and a pacemaker, as well as being an asthma sufferer. Moreover, I have paid into the Thai Social Security system for many years when I was working as a lecturer at a Bangkok University, besides continuing to pay up to date subscriptions since my retirement. This does not seem correct to me and I would welcome any advice on the matter.
  12. Not only that, but the military hospitals are also using up valuable resources. Halfing the military should allow some military hospital resources to be allocated elsewhere where it is more needed.
  13. Small objects must fall into gaps in such escalators quite frequently. So where were the mitigation measures in order to prevent such serious injury? Or, is it because the escalator is so old it doesn’t have any mitigation measures!
  14. Appalling journalism, whether or not the photo is real or AI generated. No need to follow the Daily Mail into the gutter!
  15. I’d get one if I could. None available in Surin : (
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