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Everything posted by Venom

  1. We also went with the older technology. Those that want the mRNA are more then welcome. Enjoy.
  2. Welcome to the burning season when the act of breathing is actually hazardous to your health. ????
  3. Meanwhile cp chicken's profits have gone through the roof during the covid debacle.
  4. You'll need it anyway as burning/ smog season is just getting underway. ???? We have a running track just next to our house and absolutely no one wears a mask while exercising even when 2.5 PM air pollution levels are off the charts. ????
  5. CP Chicken owns just about everything else, so why not?
  6. Sadly, covid mortality rate remains fairly unchanged at 0.8%.
  7. Depends, AZ is older proven technology. mRNA looks promising and has slightly higher efficacy rates however no one can guarantee there will be no long term side effects so keep your fingers crossed.
  8. Be thankful, they could have just as easily built a pig farm next door or even worse a karaoke with drunken morons singing until midnight seven days a week!
  9. You seem to have missed the point. Hint: The issue is not with the platform.
  10. Maybe they could provide free tours of the field burning operations as well. ????
  11. Just in time for the burning season. ????????????
  12. How's the field burning fit into the plans? Will electric vehicles be required to drive through all the smoke? ????????
  13. Last year we got stuck here over the air pollution season. Nov - April due to the lock downs and it was bloody hell. Chiang Mai has been listed as most polluted city on the planet for two consecutive years in a row. My guess is that crop burning gives them a slight price advantage over counties where crop burning is illegal and so takes priority over people's health and destruction of environment not to mention AGW. TIT.
  14. Booster shot every six months or at least until they get the bugs worked out. Hopefully next generation covid vaccines will have a longer working life.
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