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Everything posted by quake

  1. Well, Hua Hin is a one horse town.
  2. Sounds like an attack after a push. Not very professional of the so called security guard. Need some more info on this.
  3. Nah, the Russians will be welcome.
  4. The Bee Gees were a musical group formed in 1958 by brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb.
  5. One more thread by this poster. Who has not gone to see a doctor yet.
  6. All fast food is crap in Thailand. Apart from this. + 3 large Leo's.
  7. So you never read anyone being against casinos on this forum. If you say so.
  8. Casinos should bring jobs for Thai people and revenue to the government. Nice to see Thailand moving forward. So many posters just want Thailand to fail. You old grumpy, sad acts.
  9. Just noticed the Thai guy flipping the bird at the guy , right at the end of the clip. class act all round.
  10. Thai people always do as they are told, by someone in authority. What a sad act saying that. very unprofessional. Any way one more massive . .
  11. Oh the outrage. Time for one more Big bottle of Leo.
  12. Sorry , Freddy deserves a bit more. What a brave man to the end, always the professional.
  13. Great band. Freddy the fantastic showman. Such a tragic end.
  14. Zombie (Acoustic Version) - The Cranberries. So good, and a real story behind the song. We miss you , Dolores.
  15. Bill Withers. 1972. Very cool man.
  16. The Cult. and the great guitarist Billy Duffy.
  17. Nah Speaking Thai, a Brit, 25 years here, no way, That would not sit well with some posters on here.
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