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Everything posted by quake

  1. The main man himself. 2002. He was gone the next year.
  2. Steve Stevens, one of my guitar hero's. Rebel Yell (Live Acoustic) (HD) - Billy Idol
  3. The Jam - That's Entertainment 1980.
  4. The Ruts, Great punk band.
  5. I like it. But you could sweeten the deal a little bit. Give them Scotland for say 50 quid as well. Win Win.
  6. Don't worry he will be there on the front line for us all.
  7. Tattoos are normal in Thai culture and religious beliefs. There is nothing crazy or make believe about any of it. Enjoy.
  8. Reminds me of Santa Claus. Ho ,Ho, Ho.
  9. That's a shame, I will miss seeing them all licking the inside of the bus windows, down in pattaya.
  10. If the Buddha was alive today. He would look at Thailand, then turn and walk away.
  11. Oh dear me. A Russian lady getting her cat out on the plane. A class act. what ever next.
  12. maybe they only need half the money in the bank. TiT.
  13. Did you miss the bit in my post that said. ( people need to stop talking about it ). Good day.
  14. Oops, did I touch a nerve.
  15. I think audibly, most can tell the difference.
  16. Well it's all just a storm in a couple of tea cups But the continuous press coverage just keeps the momentum going. We don't see the British embassy ( do we still have one ) getting involved when a few brits act out. or the Indian or embassies from the middle east. I think the Israeli embassy, are idiots to keep it all going. people need to stop talking about it and move on. Including the Thai authorities. you can't have mass tourism and not expect a bit of trouble to come with it. They all need to grow up.
  17. Embassy of Israel is Just fanning the flames.
  18. Over 50 years, I guess it all got lost in translation,
  19. Yes, starting with the police. They set such a fine example, of how to behave on the roads here.
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