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Everything posted by quake

  1. Reckon Keir will be booted out in the next 18 months. he is becoming so unpopular. Wonder who would replace him.
  2. Nice one Keir. The weekly shop will go up in price for the uk citizens. But free for all the illegals in hotels all around the uk. Labour government, forging ahead.
  3. I kind of had a 4x2 in mind, about 3 foot long.
  4. Could be an new opening for some adult education classes. How about road safety.
  5. Yes very true.
  6. I'm sure it will disappoint you again, give it time. Change immigration office and it can be a very different story.
  7. Someone is triggered yet again. Some posters just keep on giving.
  8. Op we need more. This is just pure gold. The stupid losers keep taking the bait.
  9. Yes right on Transman. Time to pass that Bong on, you've had a few to many tokes of late.
  10. This is the correct answer. But don't forget to buy a new rolling pin everyday.
  11. Used to go out Ferreting and shooting with my father as a young man. Became a dab hand at skinning them. Best was to soak it in a salted water over night before cooking. Loved the taste.
  12. Please, move away from the mirror.
  13. That's a surprise from you Transman. big yawn.
  14. quake


    That's on the list for next week at Makro.
  15. What's that in English. Your getting to excited again.
  16. Nice to see the Posters up and running.
  17. ok, good news for some I think.
  18. 100 baht, that sounds a bit cheap to me. Ps was it a typo ?
  19. Yes that's one office, that needs a clear out and re-staffing.
  20. I always thought it was the land of cats with no tails. Or Land of the TT.
  21. Nah, His on the home straight now, 3 years to go. Then a triumphant return.
  22. If the op is on about the big fruit and veg market in Thepprasit road jomtien. He has a point. I have used that market for years. but this year, it's disgusting. at the bottom end of the market. broken sewer pipes, stink the place out., there has been an increase of new sellers, selling meat and fish. the water run off from these stalls, is just chocking the gutters. and just general disguising behavior from some vendors. a very dirty place now. I stopped using it in august. went to big-c up the road. I'm surprised the local council lets it go on. And yes, now, very crazy with motor bikes inside the market. I will try again when i come back down there in January, hope it's better. Ps the rat is funny, a very conmen sight here.
  23. Yes, I have noticed the middle aged ladies do it far more than the men, Thais that is. Anyone want to pass comment on the Russians, on this .
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