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Everything posted by quake

  1. Doubt if he knows what day of the week it is. Now, if he had stepped down two years ago and let Harris run the show. She may have been president, right now. Idiots.
  2. Monks and former Monks, up to monkey business. It's almost a daily occurrence here. ( getting caught that is ).
  3. There culture can be very inward facing. Me, Me, and More Me. It's Just not going to change.
  4. Will never change, as the people don't want to change. On many issues. Carry on Thailand.
  5. Please don't come back. We don't like your type.
  6. I preferred bummers, but that's not so cool nowadays. Oh the times are a changing.
  7. Yes, many supposed sightings over the years. But they never found him as he jumped in to the sea from the Newhaven to Dieppe ferry. Well that's what Lady Lucan thought he did.
  8. That's just pure Gold. Darwin would be proud.
  9. Yes, they can find us if they want to.
  10. Good god man. This type of entrepreneurial spirit, ( street karts ) is part of Thai culture. ( they are already very poor) And you want to do the above to them. What are you on. Shame on you lot.
  11. I believe it has been the case for many years. I have not read all the details in the link, but think the answer is there. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/passenger-name-record-data/passenger-name-record-data
  12. You think that is unique to Pattaya. Oh the naivety.
  13. Airlines in the uk submit information about people to uk boarder force. They know, when you left and come back in to the uk, if they wanted to look.
  14. There seems to be a lot of pattaya haters this week on Asean Now. Funny how if they hate the place so much , why do they come to the pattaya sub forum. very strange behavior. I wonder if they are just fools with an axe to grind, after getting burned by a Bar Girls. keep it up haters.
  15. That's nice of you. I like the free enterprise Thai street karts. Good on them.
  16. Never come across a gold chain hanging down. But rings and studs yes.
  17. They just get worse every month. Monks dealing in guns. unbelievable.
  18. I kind of liked Magi Thatcher. If we had had more leaders like her, I think the uk would be ok now. Could you imagine, Magi letting these boats come to our shores. I think she would have a word about that and a lot of other things
  19. Yes , we all remember Corbyn, what nice chap.
  20. Now look here you. I was replying to someone else's post. about money sent over seas. Maybe you should brush up on your reading and comprehension.
  21. You found Bob Smith then.
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