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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. Just drop your trousers and touch your toes eh? or you prefer getting on your knees instead?
  2. You are referring to a small snippet of video of a much larger incident, we don't have the facts. We don't know who escalated the situation either, we only know the 2 NZers restrained the cop and took his gun and discharged it.
  3. Well, you were replying to my comment so I stuck to the parameters of what I said. But talking about who was taking the video and trying to guess their state of mind is conjecture and does not add anything to the story right now, once they make a statement or their statement is released then that will enlighten us.
  4. Na, just friendly advice not to call people idiots.
  5. What does this have to do in any way with the point there appears to be no evidence of road traffic offenses besides what the Police said happened?
  6. If you call people idiots, please re-read your post before clicking post.
  7. Is there photos of them fleeing? evidence of the Road Traffic Offenses outside of the police statement of this right now? I've only seen video of them restraining the cop, I'm sure there will be some eye witness statements appear in time but right now there is no evidence of what the police stated happened before the video
  8. Why do they have no right to do this here or anywhere else, you don't have the right to defend yourself from being robbed from someone because of their position or clothes? I hope you mean it's not the wisest decision
  9. Amazing how many take the police announcement to be 100% factual
  10. This is dumb as, yes there are violent MMA fighters (War Machine and Fedor's bro being the best example, you'll have to give me an example of Fedor being violent outside of the cage as young boys fighting is normal) but most of them are extremely calm in altercations due to the fact they know how to handle themselves, it's usually untrained people who react aggressively. In fact there's dozens of examples of former criminals/violent people changing once they take up martial arts and boxing gyms for example are one of the best ways to teach young boys how to control themselves.
  11. I would agree it is usually people under the influence, but judging from the video it looks more like they restrained the cop, they aren't beating him up here, if you are fearful the cop might pull the trigger then do what you need to do. Only profession more corrupt than cops are the politicians they serve.
  12. Just having a dog is enough for a US pig to start firing
  13. Might be, it looks more like a restraining than an attack to me
  14. Whether its smart or not, it depends on the actions of the cop whether it is justified, are you saying cops get to do whatever they want and you just have to take it?
  15. And the cameras always seem to be malfunctioning or turned off when they are accused of something, funny how that works
  16. What is wrong with people, if it happened as suggested by the witness testimony it is wrong, just keep your hands to yourselves or work on yourself until your advances might be welcomed (still wouldn't advise that approach with women especially Asian women who are generally traditional). Just because you're western doesn't mean every Thai (or even many) women are going to want you, especially if you are fat, drunk, and sunburned with a <deleted> shirt on. Yes maybe Thai women (and non women) do this to foreign men in places but these places are where men are only there to get their dick played with anyways, never been to Pattaya so can't comment on that.
  17. First off, stop falling for fearmongering from the elites. I'm baffled with your logic, if we don't share our sperm there will be no children to have futures, also say there were zero kids born for 10 years, do you understand the devastation population collapse can have when there are no young people to produce for the world? Then add in what if the offspring of someone you scared off from having children would have been some great inventor/scientist that solved one of the great issues of our time? Not that I would support this but the better solution would be removing all people age 70 and over and believe me, this is the route they would try and push (see MAID in Canada for example) reduces in healthcare demand, pension/social security payouts and removes the on average least productive sector of society.
  18. I'm sure there's some evidence, like it was his house where it happened or GPS location from his phone they don't need to have been trailing him 24/7 but if either of these match up and he left the country in the 12 hours or so after then I'm sure that's enough to make him the top suspect before more evidence comes to light
  19. Your Russophobia is laughable, there's thousands of foreigners from lots of nations working illegally, many who have committed vicious crimes, the victim here is Russian (there may be some criminal activity on his behalf but we yet to have any evidence apart from possibly buying some weed) and the suspect is Tajik
  20. Model? Everyone's a model these days Not condoning the drivers behaviour at all, I thought most Apps do charge for cancellations once the driver is on their way but if not it's only polite to give them something if they've made it all the way to you before changing your mind
  21. I still remember my first ever arrival in Bangkok, taxi driver from the airport warned me about them and when I arrived at the hotel there were 2 walking past and they stopped to say something to me and he ran them off (clearly wanted a good tip), other then them being loud and slightly annoying I've never seen the aggression others are talking about but I don't really go to areas where they go as a non drinker.
  22. Whether he managed to register them in his name or someone else's it is still against the law but if they are in his name then there should be an investigation into who facilitated the permit for them (Police son?)
  23. Well I'm shocked, 400 businesses that's crazy....... There's probably at least 4000 here in the Gulf Islands alone if not more.
  24. Clearly unhinged, unless something has drastically gone wrong in his life recently to change his mentality, there's a good chance there's a history of behaviour like this, so many psycho's come here to start over or run away from their reputation back home.
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