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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. No idea these stories are always vague but to be honest if it wasn't in writing that he had the right to use the access that seemingly belongs to the restaurant then they can revoke it at any time. As mentioned I don't believe it should be criminal but false reviews also harm businesses and there should be deterrence for this but in the form of civil not criminal action if provable.
  2. I'm guessing it wasn't just petty revoking of use there was likely noise or certain types of people joining him that the restaurant didn't want its patrons to see or hear, I don't for one second believe this should be a criminal case but if a provable loss of income from false reviews then a civil case would be fine
  3. Alcohol lobby responsible I'm guessing? I don't drink or smoke but I'm actually sick of every new business in Samui being Weed related in one way or another but it should remain legal (like all drugs should be, we aren't children and don't need coddling, if there's a market someone will fill it)
  4. I've been and don't see anything special about it but it has turned into a YT place to be and now it's growing their own eco system of YTers copycatting and going there to do the same thing, similar to Bali and Chiang Mai 6-7 years ago becoming a place to do "can you live on $1000 a month" videos
  5. Reading through this thread I'm surprised how many westerners see it as a negative to be a Catholic nation, and I'm not religious but I see that as a positive when I've been
  6. I never understand why you would deal drugs in a country you would never want to spend a day inside a cell in... Crazy, 6000 baht in cash only too, he wasn't doing that well either!
  7. I've seen how the US and UK acted in Iraq and I don't equate an army with its people... It's very low IQ thinking.
  8. oh wow, so a French woman, Lebanese guy and an Australian are going to go through a he said/she said with the Thai police over kidnapping a kid from a prominent Thai woman... this is gonna get interesting, who has the most cash wins I guess
  9. Addiction is a terrible thing, my father has been an addict since I was around 6 years old and we've not spoken in 20 years now, he went to Falklands then ran a successful business but his father's death sparked a spiral he never recovered from, unfortunately, no amount of help will work unless they want to help themselves. I hope this guy can at least get back to the UK rather than the IDC.
  10. Yes it is a supposition and no it's based on something as we know the person was drinking.... Anyway you seem to just want to argue with anyone so have a good day.
  11. Where did I say it was evidence? I provided a scenario to people who instantly think this is a murder, it is not suspicious to leave your friends when drunk/high or lose your phone (which no evidence has been provided for that claim from the previous person).
  12. Your 2nd paragraph answers your point, people wander off from their friends drunk all the time. There could be more to it, but it could just be drunken accident or overdose.
  13. He wasn't stuffed anywhere according to the post he was found in a drainage ditch, I've lost many phones during a drunken night out without doing balloons and whatever else. Maybe he was killed, but quite easily could have been just blind drunk and cracked his head.
  14. Interesting, considering there were no School holidays until the end of March
  15. Because it's Tao it'll be suspicious but could be as simple as fell and hit head on a curb while drunk
  16. Well, that answers the PP question, I'm not shocked by being able to renew it honestly, it was pre-biometric passports and as long as he looked close to the original guy (race and eye colour) then he would have likely gotten in no problems then on the first renewal switch to his photo and from there on plain sailing unless the original guy reported it stolen. He may never have traveled again, had the passport before the kid put it in the drawer, and couldn't afford travel until maybe the past few years, went to apply for a new one and suddenly it came to light.
  17. They've got a lot of work to do with just the garbage issue alone
  18. You've never had outdoor sex? Seriously, even if caught unless it's in a schoolyard, slap on the wrist and you go in most western countries.
  19. over $30? Seriously if you are drunk, there's a good chance you don't remember what you ordered, 4 or 5 imported beers and a glass of wine for the wife would likely trigger that (don't drink so could be wrong) obviously if he was on just chang, leo etc. and wasn't there for his entire session then he likely got done but write it off and sleep it off in your own bed rather than a concrete floor in a cell
  20. Pimp taking 40% and not even located in the country so not even offering the "protection" they traditionally provided for their cut
  21. I think you are concentrating on race a little too much here, for e.g. Black>Hispanic>White are how the DV stats in America go, of course only about 15% of DV is reported especially Female on Males so the true stats might be completely different but this shows race is not a determining factor. I think it's about men who want to control women who think they can use their economic status to get their full way over here (and other 2nd to 3rd world nations) it's this mentality of ownership/dictator of the woman that leads to when the partner does something slightly dissatisfying to the controller that the physical abuse begins (metal abuse is likely to have been happening since very early on)
  22. Yes agents can do the paperwork and pick it up for you but they can't grant the passport, there is no way they would have those connections
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