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  1. Honestly the last two years has been an absolute nightmare I hope nobody else goes through. I'm too exhausted to tell the whole story but my almost two-year od son has been in hospital almost his entire life as his stomach twisted @ 6 weeks, leaving him with only 10cm of bowel. He should be coming home in the next couple of months as his weight has to reach a certain limit before they let him out and he's just about there now. Just been a nightmare dealing with giant rats, (some) uncaring doctors, going through the worst period of my life with zero privacy, living at hospital, showering in a cold bucket of water and sleeping on concrete, dealing with the stares and stupid comments and a baby who almost died twice. Despite his age he's been through maybe 15 or 20 surgeries and bounced around three hospitals. Some stuff is covered on insurance and the stuff that isn't has almost bankrupted us. We were encouraged early on by the surgeon and nutritionist to take him home and keep him comfortable and let him die and just have another kid instead but that was never really an option for us and I'm never giving up on him, no matter how bad things get. I think I have PTSD from dealing with this nightmare. Thanks for reading my blog post.
  2. Building 9 is a general ward and they have patients of all ages and a security guard on the door. When I took my six-week old there we ended up in building 9 for the first three days. When this shooting incident happened, I was in actually in building 6, about a 20 second stroll away.
  3. I'm honestly not surprised. I've had an 18 month old in a couple of hospitals due to serious medical complications after he was born and some of the care he's received has been appalling. In one instance following a major surgery he had a drain leaking onto another wound that had just been stitched. I told the nurse immediately upon seeing it and asked her to clean it, her response was 'sorry, cannot. I can only report to the doctor'. The doctor went nuts when they found out and shortly after my son almost died from septicemia. Mind you when my kid got sick initially the first two hospitals and doctor we saw all sent us home with medicine. It wasn't until we got to the third hospital they said 'oh yeah something serious might be wrong we're going to transfer you by ambulance to the city'. If they hadn't done that he wouldn't be here now.
  4. Try reading the headline again.
  5. Why is coverage of these fans so important? They're mentioned everywhere.
  6. I don't know. I've been full-on screamed at in immigration before, for absolutely no reason, by someone who was apparently having a bad day and saw me as the reason for it. Nothing really surprises me anymore.
  7. Doctors’ call to halt ganja legalisation rejected by MPs commission (nationthailand.com)
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