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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. On 5/25/2020 at 9:21 AM, Surasak said:

    Had it not been for the 'boomer' generation, just where would you be now?????

    not under a mountain of debt being passed on and literally hundreds of problems that could of already been addressed and fixed. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. born and raised in canada to scottish immigrant parents.


    first and only game i saw was celtic (not the fenin gers) vs aberdeen at parkhead. don't remember the outcome. a few things that stick out


    from a small town seeing all the security at the game was nuts. police on horses all over the place. a helicopter patrolling the area. i saw a few groups running after their single friend who had different colors on. they seemed quite excited. they must of been playing tag or capture the flag cause i heard them saying things like. you're next. you going to get it jimmy. don't you run from me pal. then entering the stadium it felt like i was going to jail or something. i remember the turnstile was brick on either side. it was a very tight squeeze to get in. we then headed to the jungle for our seating. sounded like a hoot. so celtic scores and i end up 14 rows down from where we were standing a few seconds ago. i also remember the stadium shaking up and down from all the fans. was pretty intense.


    as a canadian i also thought why don't they just kick the <deleted> out of each other on the field when they disagree like we do in hockey. take a 5 minute major for fighting and cool off. hahah 


    also i kept hearing a strange chant over and over from the fans. ????


    sheep shagging b*******


    rhymes with smashtards

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  3. 3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to bu in Phuket, but, seeing as how I do, I know the rough land prices and use those as an example.

    Even in the north-east there is a huge variation on land prices. City? Town? Just outside? Or, right out in the sticks.

    i'll stick to my original claim. he wants a house outside of the city for some peace and quiet. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


    A sensible question.

    Bite? I'm not trolling.


    my assumption is that he is not buying land in phuket. i am assuming he is building a house in the north east somewhere. so with that assumption ( possibly wrong) i was concerned that 1 million for land is waaaaay expensive for that area. which then brings up a whole whack of red flags as far as i'm concerned.


    if i am wrong i will eat crow and apologize.


    edit. looking back at the op he did also say remote and uninteresting location. that is what originally lead me to the assumptions i made. ????




  5. 43 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

    It rather depends on where it is, don't you think?

    Nakorn Nowhere ex-rice paddy less than 100k per rai.

    Phuket minimum will be three to four million per rai in an unfashionable area. Over 10 million per rai near a beach. 50 million if in Patong.

    I really hate having to state the obvious.

    ok karen ill bite


    op where are you looking to buy the land ? 

  6. 4 hours ago, Saint Nick said:
    9 hours ago, mr mr said:

    it is this kind of precise decision making that has shown the true strength and leadership skills of the current government. where would thailand be without this great decision making ? 

    i for one am truly grateful.


    Denial is not a river in Egypt, you know?!

    Leadership skills?
    As in "keeping millions of people without job and financial aide for weeks or even months"?

    Or as in "letting the Chinese come in by the plane- load, when the whole world already knew, what was going on"?

    Or as in "scapegoating foreigners for the spread of the virus"?

    Or maybe " implementing a useless curfew, a questionable alcohol ban and some non-sensesical measures like closing pool but opening markets (which never were closed in the first place"?

    woooooooah cowboy.


    maybe you should brush yourself off come into the saloon and have a drink. i'm buying. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    First arrived in Thailand overweight and out of shape. After working a few months, I took a trip to see a friend in Phuket, got involved in a fitness regime, trained in Muay Thai, took up MMA again, and took some fights.  Over that year I lost over 80 lbs, and returned to the shape I was in when I has exited the Police Academy.  Over the years of going back and forth to the US for work I stayed with the routine and Thailand was always in my mindset. The beaches, the slow paced life and wonderful food.  After many years of back and forth I moved here full time upon retiring and have continued with keeping healthy.  The goal is to enjoy my retirement and not end up wallowing in self pity like so many in the US do upon retiring, as they have no goals, hobbies, or drive anymore except to sit on the couch, drink and watch Jerry Springer or Ellen Degenerate....

    way to go man for changing your life for the better. you know ellen is a total db though right ? ????



  8. 14 minutes ago, Tiik said:

    I’m going to use up the rest of this flower before I buy more oil on June 1st it’s better than I thought. It’s old flower but still decent I don’t smoke it I cook with it but yes the oil is much better especially for the way I use it. Since I’m not buying oil for 6 days I will finish up what I have first. I know it’s good because my typing skills are slowing down now lol. Have a nice day. 

    to infinity and beyond hempseedman. 

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