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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. hi there you must pay taxon income earned in australia or have it accessed.do that with your accountant its cheap relatively,in regards to here you dont have a TIN they only issue them to people who are working so would usually have a work permit,it does not apply to you and make that very clear,i had this problem before as the idiots dont listen or communicate easily,computer bs as per usual and govt arrogance.just repeat the fact that TINs arnt issued eventually theyll get it,write it downs the best way.they cant escape that.have your taxes paid in australia though dont give em any excuses

  2. 13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    This news story angers me. It ignores the basic problem that the online registration tool will not accept passport numbers.  It's OK to state happy good news for some but there needs to  be major emphasis on how so many expats including high risk ones are blocked BY THE DESIGN of this tool to register. Recently the government announced that all foreigners in Thailand are included in the vaccine program. Really? How is that real if so many of us are blocked from registering?

    agreed.the whole points been missed by half wit central again,at least theyre consistant.it was stated i was for all so we must use our passports as u say.its a waste of time dealing with mental defectives

  3. On 4/28/2021 at 4:51 PM, geisha said:

    So, all of you who live near the Embassy would have a right to a vaccination, and those others that live far south or north don’t count ? 

    it would be the embassy to make  vaccs available in each region ie CM puket and perhaps udon.that  would be a logical answer or to make an appt,this place could be a little india,no testing etc

  4. 21 hours ago, asiacurious said:


    I tried, but I really can't read that, which actually might be for the best.


    a few commas would help and some spaces between sentences and use of full words instead of abb words and things like some basic punctuation and stuff without silly super long sentences that lack any sort of capitalization or other basic things to make such a really rambling rant reasonably readable... would be nice.


    I'd love to read and understand your position, but if you can't be bothered to make it readable, I can't be bothered to read it.


    i have another machine the last oldand not working correctly.my position-vaccs are the way out of this,we need to be vaccinated here,the uk govt is vaccing its staff at brit council and embassy,we as tax payers pay for this.i do pay tax and they have a duty to protect their own people  thats the purpose of govt or one of them.the uk govt obviously thinks that their own staff need to be vacced so they dont believe the thai govt position,so what of the rest of us?as a taxpayer im left hi and dry.the emb boys arnt and its done with my money.i have a right to an opinion on this.most people i discuss it with seem to agree.the situation here is,no testing, no vaccs and little info.theyre way behind everyone and after the daft decision to spread from bkk to the  rest of the country over songkran we are screwed now.as for india a nuclear deterrent and massive armed forces leaves a hole .a big one in the pocket,they are responsible for that no one else.ive spent a long time in the subcontinent and the problems always the same logistics,organisation and red tape.oxygen supplies were being stopped at state borders due to redtape that is stopped now.food is the same,plenty of it,in the wrong places,india finds itself in a unique position.massive pop of day workers,they decided to let the lockdown go earleir,the only decision they could make really due to the poverty hardship and death that such a thing could bring.the middle class has been heavily effetcted now hence the noise,india has 160 deaths per mill approx look at the figs and many countries have approaching 2000 per million,so this seems like more of the same old PC guff.why not the philippines?a perhaps more deserving case,of course when weve taken care of our people in harms way give the vaccs to other countries but charge them especially india where as a foreigner your pickpocketed by all and sundry especially the govt who charge u extra for everything based on skin tone but at the first opportunity scream racism.it would be like giving it out here for free from USA or UK etc whilst the hi so count their money in germany and the generals figure out a new way to buy subs with taxpayers money.solve this problem by mass vaccination,in UK we vacc everyone,it needs to be done in that way asap.the uk govt has  a duty to look after its citizens and taxpayers  first!,now i hope the punctuation on this computer works.you can read my position

  5. 1 minute ago, rupert the bear said:

    i dont agree.a nuclear deterrent and modis policies on arms have spent huge financial resources the indian govt now doesnt have.the govt in UK has a duty to its citizens first,it also innoculates foreign people on its own soil which is a good thing,cover as many people as u can.this is not the case here. as for your presumption that we can all look after ourselves here in thailand i find rediculous,no widespread testing is done here 3000 day ,indias nos are much higher.we are sitting on huge nos of infections and ignore it by not testing.beds will or are becoming full and the only solution is to vaccinate people.the thai govt wont do that as theyre inept and now we see in a few days a more severe lockdown ,so that seems to suggest the cat is well and truly out of the bag.having spent a great deal of time in the sub continent the management of resources is always the problem along with logistics,its the same with food,plenty of it in india its moving it to the correct places.india also had prioriteis due to economic factors and social factors,theres a system that means many people are employed daily ,huge nos survive on a daily wage,the no. of people dependent on this money is staggering and the hardship and death in stopping these people working was a decision that they couldnt make.again vacc distribution is the problem,india has a good system for that but its not kicked in.they must solve that and also vacc supply issues ,this is a result of their policy.we could very well be india #2 the way the thai govt is performing or we may be already.my govt needs to serve me a s a taxpayer and citizen.not citizens of another power as it will have a negative effect on my and fellow citizens overall health.govts by and large have handled this whole situation appallingly and uk india and thailand are no exception.


  6. 18 hours ago, asiacurious said:



    By all accounts, the US and UK are well past their peak demand for hospital beds and critical care for Covid patients, and are well on their way to re-opening as they continue to vaccinate people.  That leaves them with stockpiles of PPE, ventilators, and oxygen concentrators they can share with the parts of the world that need it most.  


    As much as I would love to immediately receive a vaccine via my embassy, right now expats in Thailand are quite capable of staying healthy and safe.  Said no one ever, go out as little as possible and when you do go out, wear a mask (correctly!) and avoid crowds.


    Words fail me by your response.  Sending help to India to isn't about virtue signalling or being PC.  It's about trying to get control over the virus in a part of the world where it is literally out of control.  Sending supplies isn't some sort radical chic move on the part of the US, UK, and other nations. 


    I can't even....  Look, I'm not here to make friends or throw anyone under the bus, but you left out many pearl-clutching buzzwords one would expect to find in such a woke-less, sjw comment.  Perhaps you'll think I'm just a bleeding heart <deleted> for my response to you.  That's ok by me - words are just words and I won't be offended.  (In a way, it's sort of like me thinking you might be a champion of calling a lot of true things fake news.)


    What does India having a nuclear weapon have to do with any of this?  Can they nuke away the virus?  Sorry, not sorry for saying, but pitting nation against nation may satisfy the identity politics of some snowflakes, but it doesn't do anything to stop the virus from spreading and mutating.  More contagious and deadly strains are not what the world needs.  If the world doesn't get this under control as quickly as possible, the planet is looking at the potential for a widespread literal cancel culture.


    (If I missed anyone's favorite signaling buzzwords in my response, please let me know so I can add them to my list!)

    i dont agree.a nuclear deterrent and modis policies on arms have spent huge financial resources the indian govt now doesnt have.the govt in UK has a duty to its citizens first,it also innoculates foreign people on its own soil which is a good thing,cover as many people as u can.this is not the case here. as for your presumption that we can all look after ourselves here in thailand i find rediculous,no widespread testing is done here 3000 day ,indias nos are much higher.we are sitting on huge nos of infections and ignore it by not testing.beds will or are becoming full and the only solution is to vaccinate people.the thai govt wont do that as theyre inept and now we see in a few days a more severe lockdown ,so that seems to suggest the cat is well and truly out of the bag.having spent a great deal of time in the sub continent the management of resources is always the problem along with logistics,its the same with food,plenty of it in india its moving it to the correct places.india also had prioriteis due to economic factors and social factors,theres a system that means many people are employed daily ,huge nos survive on a daily wage,the no. of people dependent on this money is staggering and the hardship and death in stopping these people working was a decision that they couldnt make.again vacc distribution is the problem,india has a good system for that but its not kicked in.they must solve that and also vacc supply issues ,this is a result of their policy.we could very well be india #2 the way the thai govt is performing or we may be already.my govt needs to serve me a s a taxpayer and citizen.not citizens of another power as it will have a negative effect on my and fellow citizens overall health.as for my comments in regards to PC i stand by them.govts by and large have handled this whole situation appallingly and uk india and thailand are no exception.

    • Like 2
  7. a no. of points here.the people making decisions are making the wrong ones and are not qualified,the amazement with which most people greeted the decision to allow travel at songkran is the reason we are here at this point in time .no other.the complete lack of a testing regime.the lack of testing is bizarre every country is aware this is a big must in order to track and trace the virus and to get a free test is almost impossible,to have an effective screening at least a hundred thousand a day need testing,theyre doing 3000.the complete inability to administer the vaccs they have and the fact is none are here to be used in any no..they need to be shot into arms....yesterday. this is a total and complete c..k up and anyone in charge or associated with it needs to be fired.the govt needs to be responsible for its actions

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  8.  its an illegal regime its time it was taken to task,time for locals to make a decision and do something just once,the country is approaching the precipice,we have the richest people in the world here,no free tests. so hard to access any info of use,why?no hospital beds a freaked out gullible population thats incapeable of any type of free thought or action.and NO VACCINES after whole worlds got em,no end in sight.theyve been caught as whores when trying to sell it privately so that last avenues closed to us,time someone stepped in and ambassadors too ,burmese guy had balls none here.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

    It’s logical to presume this was intentional in order to create the current situation and to stop anti establishment protests.

    logic-been here long,travelled much?im not sure the level of corruption stupidity face and incompetence are unrivalled,even africa countries are doing better we have the richest people in the world here well sometimes,its stunning the level of stupidity at most levels here,the inability to make a decision or do anything

  10. this govt isnt fit for purpose its a danger to its citizens,no tests no vaccines and no sense.the decision to allow songkran whilst bkk is placed as a redzone sums it all up.even the 5 yr olds could figure it out.this alone is grounds for dismissal,the announcement theyre not part of the int group giving free vaccs to supposedly poor countries is beyond belief. all the mindless <deleted> about a thai vacc,the road deaths over songkran dont mean a thing .totally ignored, whilst the govt wraps itself in idiocy corruption and incompetence.the philippines indo have had big outbreaks and are at least doing something.this is beyong belief,the quick dumb buck mentality taken to the ennth degree,the puket announcement its almost  like an innate reflex,gotta stop this <deleted>.even in a time of covid the thai govt and culture is always the lowest denominator as thats the source of it,this racist culture needs to be called out and also the govt. do it .dont talk about it.again.

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  11. it appears the response to this and covid are about the same as it functions from the same orifice.guess what....nothings gonna change except covid will overwhelm the hospitals here especially if they insist on housing patients with no or small symptoms in hospital.home is the answer and the local authority needs to monitor them if they are a pos test but that needs brain power and organisation  and ive never been a place so poorly qualified  outside of africa.its that bad -they do not have the mental, state and organisational resources to deal with this.its just not there.the ability to think and plan does not exist cambodia has about 6% jabs. here its a tenth of that,speaks volumes but the slime is still going thru is daily oozing process as if nothings changed.where are the tests, the hospital beds  and the vaccines?we have a govt thats awash in hot money they wanna do moon shots and buy PRC subs,the def spending is still maxxed,a man thats more money than us all put together and not a single jab for the masses im sure bimbongfrukawittapong and the rest of the hi sos who are so important have all taken care of themselves in true thai rak thai style because theyre better than everyone else,dont all the embassies have a lost of these low life,ban em,gotta start somewhere

  12. the response.....its appalling.no other country is this bad with a few exceptions,libya chad a few places with serious problems,rwanda has a higher rate of jabs!its there starring everyone in the face,no testing as has always been the case and very few cases to test for so far until this break out,no stations to free test at.why not?no vaccs period.this is a non response.govt needs to withdraw as not only are they mindlessly incompetent theyre dangerous to the general population at large ,the jabs given have gone where,some hospital workers but we saw one of the slime balls picking the western drug over the chinese one,im having that one was the smirked response.ohhhh how they ooze ,there is but one emotion  ME MORE and NOW and theyre incapeable f dealing with anything else,look at the slime on the front porch.P and A.yeah godsthis is a car crash heading to a steep ravine,

    • Confused 1
  13. more of the same burble ese from the usual half wits,so vaccinations .plenty of time. now its too late and how many people have had the shot?pathetic is a polite word then we have our own super spreader the head  racist clown anutin,off you go spread it to every province everywhere .stupid no its a lot worse than that.bkk is a red zone and the provs around it.are they insane?enough said but ive had enough of these mental defectives telling us what to do theyre not qualified to wipe.....well whatever you wish will fit!

  14. 3 hours ago, brommers said:

    Thailand is 90% dependant on Astra Zeneca for its long promised mass vaccination roll out. Seeing that AZ is utterly incompetent in running established factories in Europe there can be no confidence in their Thai supplier which has a brand new factory and has never before produced a vaccine. Just wait, in 6 weeks time there is going to be the first declared revision to the June start date and this country will be left with little or no doses for weeks or months. 

    i agree that the thai manufacturer has little experience  but AZ and the way the vaccines produced can change from each batch the growth rates of the virus can alter in the vats and mediums ,that cannot be controlled according to my reading.perhaps thats incorrect but it is given in several accs

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