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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. i am now at risk due to UK govt and its inaction,i tried to bring this to their attention,they put the phone down on me.i try to make an appt but cannot as my problem does not fit into any of the boxes,i apply passport renewal and in early nov i still dont have a passport.my visa expired ive managed to get an extension,it expires soon and does the passport.i called the passport authority in uk several times over 2 mnths and the applications still in process!!!i called into vfs x3 they asked me to contact the embassy and i was rejected,im now at risk and no ones of any assistance.i dont know what to do next,i havent lived in uk so many yrs and if i went there what good would it do?

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

    It's not just the speed that's the problem. Most drivers here have no concept of safe distancing or stopping distances and most are incapable of performing an effective emergency stop. 

    so true. cant use lanes indicators. no concept of whats around them and undertake its crazy

    • Like 1
  3. nonsense,we see the countries that are most effected are USA UK EU and latam.theyve come up with solutions IE vaccs that work so they will deal with their people first,it costs money intellect and imagination at a medical level to produce these vaccs in such a short time.when these areas are vacced the whole worlds economy will start again.why give it to areas that cant organise themselves well and most importantly are barely effected.their citizens will benefit by their econos having an export mkt..later vaccs will arrive when theres enough and then theres the cause of it all,CHINA. silent about that arnt you.i wonder why.time they picked up the bill and we as a planet turned our back on this loathsome fascist regime.

  4. 7 hours ago, ukrules said:


    Perhaps, however there are 100's of vaccines in the pipeline and altering them is a small job compared with creating the first one.


    The way out is to vaccinate everyone who moves around the world.

    agreed,sensible idea,weve the vaccs lets use them.NOW.once u vacc everyone over 60 its done,99% of deaths are in that age group,we can then relax restrictions whilst jabbing other groups

    • Like 1
  5. once again the smug incompetents have missed the point.vaccines. get on with it,the variants will spread everywhere,looks like they already have. its time to vacc people which is most important,its happening in many places now USA Uk UAE EU etc dont miss the bus on the pretext you can screw someone and make an extra few baht but old habits die hard.no country has allowed the private sale of vaccs but they wanted to do it here until it was pointed out to them theyd look very.....ummm whats the word......well youve figured it out.testing too-widespread,free and for all.it must be easy to access and not profit driven as usual.i hope that overseas govts charge thais for tests and vaccs so that their greed ridden stupidity eventually get s a wake up call in bkk.then chase down the pos tests.its what most countries are trying to do,from europe to asia,

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/7/2021 at 5:42 PM, brianp0803 said:

    Excellent point.


    Giving as many people the first shot (by delaying the second shot) and getting 67% protection from developing symptoms may create a resistant variant version of the virus.

    interesting where do u get that info?in regards to anti biotic treatment id agree 100% but this is a vaccine acting against a virus not a bacteria.so how would that work with a conventional type vaccine such as most of them with the exception of MRNA type vaccs?it works by basically giving the patient a shot in low levels of the bug we are trying to stop killing us and letting antibodies and the immune system create a defence,t cells are stimulated in the same way.how can a resistance take shape in this form?there can be mutations in a virus but thats not a resistance  and thats across the board against the different vaccs,some mutations react differently to different vaccs.its very much a lottery in that respect.

  7. what we can say is every economy is going to be hit hard,developed and undeveloped countries,across the EU far east and look here its fallen off the back of the bus,the EU is determined to punish UK thats obvious so i guess theyll look to new fields ,some old ,oz /nz, north and south america,south africa,new fod sources etc that will be cheaper and more beneficial to others,swiss financial mkt just opened up to them.they could screw around with EU too,give vaccs to irish and spanish/ports too. im sure saving all those lives will really annoy brussels.its a sad state of affairs thats for sure and all will suffer,its nuts the paperworks astounding.govt shining thru as per usual.these aholes are running our lives....into the ground

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 14 hours ago, onebir said:

    I think personal-use food imports (which can't be very significant) just got left out the deal, leading to inappropriate rules designed for commercial imports  being applied.


    Hopefully this'll get resolved without more businesses going bust &/ acrimonious negotiations etc.

    i hope u r correct that would seem the most intelligent way to solve these issues,unfortunately we see little sense in a crazy bureaocracy .look at the vaccine lunacy ,that could have killed people,they had to back off but this is a brussels small fry deal and they will not have their power rescinded on this,the only way is to stop incoming cheese from holland france etc and then itll stop when the dutch and french farmers complain about UK idiocy.it will have to come from within,that part of the structures changed.stopping truckers sandwiches wow ........stand by for more petty lunacy.is your hat the right colour? !UK is treated as a 3rd country and a competitor.....hence

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, david555 said:

    It shall depend big on which papers they signed ,those could be example as nothing refereeing to Kasikorn ...., however it would be still embezzlement ..., but at his personal title , highest in such case could " abuse of trust " could be pointed to the bank, as it happened on their branch . This could be the bank only " getaway option "

    lets just see its early days and the docs,in thai?different translations?as we both agree theyre looking for a way out the back door .its looking ugly for the victims.a  manager of that bank ,he obviously lied to the victims every which way.its seems plain the crime was committed using the bank as the vector,they thought they were dealing with the bank not an individual!!

  10. 3 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    Ethnic conflict is also a thing though and this fact is catching up to America.


    This was another brutal crime against an elderly man (committed by a black women). The motive was explicitly racial. Mexican vs black gang crime is a real thing in America. 



    please read all of my post as youve missed the point,im not averse to your point but it needs to be taken with in all ive said not just part of it.ive stated that racist crime does take place but also the above is true,

  11. 53 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    And yet you found it on the media.

    didnt find it on mainstream media as it doesnt fit the pc agenda unfortunately.crimes should be reported without bias.in san fran street crimes everywhere in broad daylight too,i was a victim several yrs ago,cops try to be helpful but theres so much of it.its usually black on white or asian but then again most of the perps are drugged up, unemployable,it has a racial accent for sure but  we all put up with it and move on,thats ok but it must be across the board.not this constant victim hood.your targeted as the perp things youve money and in a certain area where people have money,thats all a racial profile but is it ?a crim wants to get someone whos got money not someone who hasnt and cops wanna catch people who are up to no good or acting like it,its never ending.

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  12. theres little respect for old people in USA and some other north european countries.cultures going outta the window,it also shows that unfortunately as we all know racism is a thing that all people do in all cultures which isnt  in the Pc script .ive travelled the world several times and its all places everywhere.here too in capital letters ,whether this is a racial attack or a reason/grudge lies behind it lets see.2 people of different racial backgrounds can fall out and its nothing to do with racism.aint that a novel thought in pc land.just appears this is a scum bag,deal with him accordingly

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  13. the bank involved failed to notify their customers when the scam was uncovered,when the manager was arrested too,all points to a thai misunderstanding and the victims being left high and dry.im sure itll be dealt with as a private criminal complaint and the bank will try to avoid responsibility.it really makes you think twice about any type of business at a big high street bank,amazing he got away with it so long,what were the rest of the staff doing?sat there like fools obviously not wishing to upset anyone.im sure most of the moneys gone,gambling debts ,mia nois,looking important in big cars,vampiric families etc,hopefully im wrong ,the bank should cough up and......the cops should get back as  much money as possible as its come from a scam.but........they arnt thais and a lot of money involved so......pattaya/cops.we have another report on an attack in USA on a thai it makes headlines as a racial profile and this??????double standards and ignorance again

  14. 17 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    So just taking it a stage further then, suppose all quarantine are suddenly dropped, millions of tourists come flooding in, great the economy is saved, Thailand is saved, then you start to get reports of people beginning to show signs of infection but have been mingling with the locals and other tourists, what then ? How do you manage that ?


    5h!te creek and no paddle come to mind.


    Don't say it can't happen, the poor old British guy, 61 years old, tested negative in UK, got here Christmas day, now dead RIP.


    I realise many people from all over the world want to get back here, but not at any cost, for now quarantine has to remain in place, sorry.

    i realise what your saying -the guy who died that you mention,its another thai job,if hed a been treated differently perhaps hed be alive now.read the daughters blogs on it, they are seriously not happy about this. kept increasing the dose of sleeping pills ,they told her they couldnt knock him out,him very strong man,death by morons again.soon to be swept under the mat......again

  15. 18 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    The core,the heart of the matter

    i agree,the q is a scam.its too long and way too expensive.hotels are empty,usual thai sleaze.the tests should all be free and after exit the q tourists must be given the full amount of time on the entry permission from leaving q.what is a problem is the virus is very common everywhere along with mutatons,the govt has to impose restraints on people who may have it ,as u infer covid clear pcr tests and id inc vaccs if they r available in the country that person leaves from,in a month or 2 that may be the case for USA UK  and other regions

    • Like 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Article 50 triggered Brexit.....Johnson wasn't PM at the time? How did he deliver Brexit?

    oh must of been Mrs May then,obviously we missed that bit,as for brown and his financial armegeddon,go get the gold gordon yep fits a tee just as his comrade tonys title of the war criminal that still walks,how that is possible is beyond me,the political swamp stinks....may brown blair a trilogy of infamy,incompetence and hypocrisy at least cameron resigned when he lost.one had principles.

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