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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. crazy over reaction,the usual bs .no ones asking the pertinent questions,why were these soldiers allowed to come and go at will,we arnt?pak china these are countries who have serious virus problems,what have rayong schools got to do with it?were they wearing masks?testing-we havent done any of that and if 400 are tested and lots are positive whats that tell us?test 400 that wernt at the mall and i bet u get the same results,total idiocy again.who is responsible for these troops being allowed in ,thats the question and we know the answer .other troops!

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  2. 6 mnths how many deaths?not double figs is it?and the result of this,pukets dead and buried economically and the surrounding provinces too.how many dead on the rds in that time?so extrapolate the logic ,thais are never allowed to drive again.logic corona economics not a chance.how many people died last year from suicide its 830,000 umm thats before corona.its starting NOT to add up

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  3. ha ha ha there wont be a 2nd wave,that means a wave as big or larger than the initial one.the cases are going up and deaths down at an unreal rate ,when it gets a bit higher we will see the rates of death resemble very closely those of flu,consider the many who have had it or have it with small or no symptoms plus others who stayed in abed a few days,this is getting absurd.when tests go outside the people reporting sick or working in hospitals the death rate will plummet and .....well whos gonna pay for it....us !!!and who will be responsible? well dont look at WHO china or our govts,they just dont have the time .theyre too busy telling us what to do.theyll try and spin panic us with their buddies on MSM but we may not wear it.

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  4. i feel very sorry for the little girl only 9 ,i hope she can be with her mother.is she ill?i hope not.as for the rest of it -the fabled nonsense is exactly  that,hotel ,malls, in and out and here and there.dont make a lotta sense compared with how the rest of us are treated,secret mission my a%s.this is just plain old fashioned honest to goodness BS thai style.egyptian soldiers ,well check the rest of em out they were in china another thai buddy thats got no virus,so......as we all know everyone in the mall will have been masked up so no problems there but i guess when your on a secret mission he didnt have his mask on.im sure the generals will be running about closing malls beaches and everything else they can close in rayong.surround everybody with everything we got and let em have it!!

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  5. a hard call,i personally feel a country has the right to make its own decisions based on the democratic vote with in its borders.the outside meddling of a foreign power shouldnt be allowed to infringe on what they want but at the same time obvious discrimination racism and homophobia shouldnt be part of the agenda either.that being said if poland wishes to say to merkel no we wont take the so called refugees you let in and now wont take, dont tell us to,her decision wasnt democratic and thats what a large part of this elections about.duda apologised for his comments its a start forward.its a close call too.

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  6. a bar promotng alcohol,the cheek of it.how dare they.as for smoking isnt it time to wrn them and move on,this is a death star for the bar restaurant business and the stupidity and hypocrisy of these fools is beyond belief,the girls sell themselves thats illegal but quite blatant .this is absurd,the world can see it and they made their mind up about what kind of people act like that a long time ago.travel around and you will see.dont brag about living here and just listen to what people think,some is newspaper sensationalism but a lot of its the plain truth

  7. the fear mongering wins again.we have a media thats at it 24 7 ,nothing ever good and the only take things negatively so people just follow what they say,govts have been trapped in this cycle too ,govt policy has followed the MSM.where are the tourists going to come from,countries with low rates.taiwan hk,s korea malaysia and some in europe,we see tentative moves in eu to move it on.there will be clusters,case nos have gone up but india is a different case,they cant lockdown outside the cities millions will starve and USA well no masks and demos thats just not gonna work.it needs to be done soon.we can watch what happens till mid aug then unshackle somewhat,allow people with famileies here and with ret visas back in sept.quarantine at home no insurance,use some sense whooops,as for thailand being free of the virusNO,this isnt the case you must test,govt has deliberately chosen not to,its the money see the military budget and also certain people have it and its not theres.

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  8. who will they test it on?they keep saying there r no cases here?if its not ready till the end of next yr what is the point?it will be gone then,we see a massive 100% increase in cases and a drop of deaths at 70% from the hi point several mnths back,this clearly indicates the virus is burning out in terms of its ability to knock you down ,its weakening as it replicates ,look at the figs,just like SARS covid 2 did.i can hear the screams fromCNN already

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  9. there r a no of obvious solutions to this problem.stop the racist charging system as any foreigners left in the country will just walk away,2.give non interest loans to small and mid size businesses3.open up to tourism from countries with low nos that can be trusted IE not china.4.quit the insurance and hotel quarantine scam as no one will come,charge 1000B on entry and make the test there and then.there will be clusters but the other side is armaggedon and its knocking on the door

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  10. thailand has many good points a lot of bad too.the arrogant racist incompetence of the authorities seem to be the point most people make and its a good one.people have lived here yrs and have no rights no respect from govt,our own self righteous govts/embassies need to drag themselves away from their cocktail parties and self congratulatory culture and deal with this.hypocrisy is a sickening culture and theyre mired in it.i for one wish to move on but am trapped by the virus,i wish to sell my assets here ,namely an apt and that will take a while as the covids screwed the mkt.but i just want out.it aint the only game in town once coronas left.

  11. several countries in the region qualify,get on with it.japan s korea vietnam hk etc but not china.why- it lies.tourism and travel wont catch with these crazy rules either.100k insurance only an island to travel in,groups ahhh social distancing ha ha etc.its almost childlike.the economy must expand its the worse prognosis in asia.high up there in the world.tourism and manufacturing a deadly double so......manu demand they cant help its external but eu is opening and usa to  some degree but tourism at a regional level must start or it goes to the wall.theres several countries there,here they dont test.why?its obvious why.you wont find cases if u dont look.theres not a massive no of them but they are here ,clusters exist everywhere even in aus china japan s korea so.......tracking and....testing will cure that.so we wait till foreigners come in then increase tests then bingo we have a scapegoat.more control. the govts side stepped a no of issues and stays in the driving seat,the rich get richer and the poor get the picture.same old story but when will the masses choke on this swill?they are obedient and gullible thats for sure.

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