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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. its a bit thin to say the least,business people have no special super immunity and are capeable of spreading the virus just as anyone is.china has consistently lied about the virus,it came from there .they lied about that and willingly and knowingly exported it to the world over chinese new year.many people hold valid visas and cant enter the country,surely they should be the ones allowed first,they may have to quarantine but they legally hold entry docs.this is bizarre there are so many other countries with low rates that arnt included.taiwan hk malaysia many european countries.one person says there must be  under 100 cases per day,so that same rule applies to the countries that have vastly different sized pops??that cant be any accurate measure. the whole things smacks of racism and incompetence.

  2. theres no 2nd wave of any size anywhere,perhaps with the exception of certain states in USA where law and order is defunct.chinas is a cluster and thats what weve seen as testings minimal in most places until very recently and hasnt even started here or in many other regional countries eg malaysia indo philippines camb burma china japan etc.its complete tosh,

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  3. we appear to have low nos but.........until thailand tests people we will never know the true extent of the problem.obviously everywhere many people have immunity now,its still out there for sure but clusters arnt found and once out of bkk many deaths are mis reported as they were with AIDS.we have escaped i dont understand exactly why but later there will be clusters and theres no way to trak/trace the clusters down effectively.we see that happens many places eg in asia .s korea spore.i would give little credence to anything coming out of PRC as hk sources state that many thousands of deaths went unreported on the mainland by looking at the no of funerals etc that were in excess of nor,mal.over 200k!

  4. the rates are so low as they dont test,all major experts where ever tell us testing is the key,taiwan the only real success along with vietnam pursue this course,if you dont test you dont find anything .its that simple.many cases are asymptomatic and wont spread so......its all been a bit of a con.here we are with  a seriously screwed economy millions out of work many businesses gone,congrats herr general.of course invite the chinese back in first so they can buy what remains of your economy up and disperse it among other chinese companies as they wont do biz with you,10 outta 10 go to the top of the class.

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  5. so it appears illogical.why?they state a 14 day self quarantine.so how can they conduct meetings visit factories and so on?they say that they must not use public transport IE BTS.if theyre in quarantine??how is it possible?why are business men allowed but ordinary mortals not especially people with valid visas such as long stay,spouse and retirement visas ,once again nonsense.how are business people less prone to the corona virus than the rest of us so therefore able to travel?if we all have reached them same criteria we all have the same rights.PRC nationals shouldnt be allowed in for several reasons,PRC knowingly and willingly spread it causing economic ruin and suffering in the world and they had consistently lied on the issue so why should we believe them now.the PRC have acted in an illegal manner by supressing hk people ,we should express solidarity with them not reward a blatenly aggressive fascist govt.

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  6. a small understanding of slave trade worldwide shows the same thing happening everywhere.the conquorer by nature felt superior therefore.....,whats stated in the atlantic slave trade video happened everywhere,rome took millions of slaves when caeser conquered gaul,depopulated parts of europe and any reading of roman literature will tell u they thought some races were born to be slaves,the same happened in europe under the muslims and also mongols.yikes did they depopulate,[the med coast due to the slaver corsairs and poland and hungary had their pops denuded by up to 80% by mongol invasions,mass killings and slavery] and re arrange the furniture so i find the video somewhat condescending.the word slav means slave so what does that tell u of the muslims thoughts towards the people of eastern europe and also some western ones too IE aryan germany?we need to look at this part of history in a factual manner.none of us are clean .its part of everyones history,look at thailand,slavery ended here very recently and in all honesty indentured labour was still here 20 yrs ago and look at the burmese today and the fishing fleet in thailand china etc.we cannot pick on one group and scream it was you.absurd.when ever humans dominate another set of humans this happens its part of the human condition unfortunately.muslim ,viking ,roman,mongol ,african chief ,ottoman,southern plantation owner the list is endless.

  7. i hope this happens as the police and govt can then be prosecuted,the announcements in bkk and pattaya by officials theres no prostitution and corruption immediately come to mind,WHO too,theres a long list of know it alls dressed in uniform and that shouldnt be a protection in fact they should be hit doubly as they have a greater responsibility legally.dont hold your breath and if it comes to pass itll be the people who speak the truth about the dodgy specials ones who will feel the weight of a fake law thats there to keep illegal officials in business and keep them ripping us off everywhere.one thing with corona we can see worldwide the govt isnt fit for purpose and we shouldnt be charged for the privilege of keeping donuts well sugared

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  8. incubation is on average about 6 days. a 14 day max is the longest time.this being the case we have gone over this many times and theres no local transmission,all cases are people from outside the country .largely workers from middle east where they are held in large dorms.eu/uk cases are dropping fast ,countries with hi nos are now very low IE france italy spain holland germany etc ,uk is falling quickly and the trends lower in USA.asia and ASEAN have the lowest world nos.china too but they cannot possibly be believed and have no credence whatsoever,they are using covid rules in hk to subjugate the pop. as there is no covid there.4 deaths and the last was mnths ago.so theres a similar behaviour pattern .work it out for yourself,the economy is getting hammered its a fragile economy,it relies heavily on tourism and manufacturing so ......why arnt we seeing a further relaxation?the beaches-people need to catch a break from this they wish to get out and relax,still rediculous pedantic behaviour by govt depts,it wont be forgotten.regional travel should be open in july if results and economy are considered.southern europes opening.this is a military govt and the control issue is the major one it is quite obvious,the behaviour of govt is there for all to see from the photos presented and the clearing of Mr watch is another obvious presentation.

  9. it was a legally binding int treaty,so....they also disregard the UN ruling on s china sea and continue to build military bases on atolls there.we have recent threats to taiwan oz canada and USA.african debt.racism at africans in china over the wuflu!!!then theres the internal oppression-falungong tibet xin jiang[3 mill in camps],environmentalists.of course that magic trick,the disappearing dr.so if you cant see a hand in front of your face ,its up to you,i lived in hk for many yrs ive only recently moved here and this is a serious fascist expansionist power and the generals here speak the same lingo,soon as covids gone i am too

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  10. they lied before knowingly and willingly spreading the virus and caused  many deaths and economic problems .they will do the same again,treaty obligations see the south china sea and hk.by all means open up to travel in the region,s korea japan taiwan sinapore,malaysia ,vietnam ,philippines.its just what asia needs but this?its a blatant betrayal of the thai people and no sense of moral decency.ask the people of hk.you green light that too by an action such as this.supporting such a regime says a lot about you

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