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rupert the bear

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Posts posted by rupert the bear

  1. its important we wear masks and wash hands but then get on with life.this is a cover for extending the power of the non elected govt,the super rich and the entitled classes,the unwashed and the foreigners will be blamed the usual suspects.its real easy to read their book.its all about the power and money,theres no real testing here so we may see that kick in too if the govt needs the stats to back up the emergency powers.the econ is hammered,tourism/manufacturing are disappearing down the chute,this makes up the biggest part of the economy in terms of sectors,this is a doomsday scenario.tourists wont come back in the nos that were here neither will manufacturing .in both cases theres many other better options for many reasons.regional tourism and business trips can go ahead in august.with minimal disruption,the insurance ask is not on.tests can be given on arrival at minimal cost.the kits are cheap.1000B head.visitors must use masks and respect hand washing protocols.people with visas should be allowed to use them.if your here on one you should be allowed in and out.

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  2. 100k usd ins?but they say we are checked before we get on the plane,we need a cert and then again on entry.theres no covid in thailand they say so.....?its not making any sense.the only other country with weird entry requirements such as these is cambodia and no ones going there,uk just put them on the red list,this is why in my opinion,its bizarre

  3. its a good move the original quarantine was not smart,jan yes june no.we need to get the economy moving world wide,people too.as we test more [no widespread testing in thailand ]the no of positives will rise but deaths and hospitalisations are falling in europe,this indicates the virus is waning and/or that many people have some immunity or its effect is minimal on many.traffic here kills more on a friday than in 6 mnths of covid and we see millions out of work businesses ruined.its over kill to say the least.things are turning on but we need manufacturing and tourism to get back on the road.a test on entry at 10USd should be enough but certain countries should wait where the rates are hi or cant be trusted EG USA russia and china.the virus is fizzling out as the 1st SARS did ,it mutates and weakens,we can see it from the stats starting to come in.what the rulers are doing though is weird,uk/eu are treading in the right direction,usa took off fast too soon.and asia- its the land of authoritarian rulers so watch out,theyre not too smart either just keep one thing out in front in regards to their responses CONTROL.i feel sad for the illions here how have been left high and dry the gov has left them to fend for themselves,the future is getting these people back to tourist jobs and factories.the world can help re factories but the general is the problem in many ways for many things.

  4. stop this absurd infantile behaviour,its a health risk,how much more time you want off?mass murder on the rds when the children get to play at being adults in....driving cars drunk.more dead in a day than 6 mnths of covid ,explain that oh supreme leader?its gone....months back.if they allow this why cant we travel and people with visas come in ?duuuur

  5. this is a little out dated ,the news is changing daily ,it appears that many more countries are being added to the list,thailands one now that can enter.uk can go to greece.so expect a few more changes as UK scrapes the crazy quarantine law.deaths are dropping fast in UK .cases too .so too across the EU .so hopefully we can wish one and all a healthier future and get on with our important travel needs such as work business ,medical and getting together with our loved ones.

  6. strange that spore vietnam and hk are mentioned as they are locked up real tight right now,thailand is too,in fact just about all of asia,only a few super immortals with super immunity in their blood are allowed to travel.eg japanese businessmen!so whats going on in the back rooms.when can we get out and return,in the region ,to places like hk spore vietnam s korea and taiwan,all low risk.

  7. the virus has been controlled we are informed .most forms of activity are normal or are normalising ....we are told.except political ones.ummmm.no count in 32 days .....very good so why the handcuffs?we have enough regs in place to handle it without a decree being needed.what do the citizens think?ahh that ones outta bounds emergency decree or not.when will families and loved ones be able to meet again?even if they are foreigners,actually these sub humans have feelings lives loves families  jobs businesses like others.so any bets folks come endda next month?i know where my moneys going.yep thats a cert.also a side bet that a cluster appears  ....just at the right time.well its gotta look right.

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  8. its gone wrong...badly,divorcing himself from his family is a mistake and i dont really see why he did it.they tried to open and be welcoming to his wife.see the reaction from his father and the queen.anyone myself included would be very happy if i had that reaction to my wife from my family.now that hes said im outside thats it the moneys reduced although uk taxpayers are still coughing up to a lesser extent,so its california talk shows and the like.oprah!shes a sharp tack and will go with it a while then drop it ,she can see what it really is.the only source f money is the media and it will get a lot worse than his aunt the red banshee sarah furguson.that didnt end well either.it all for her and its backfired miserably,what was she trying to do?it appears the whole raison detre of the royal family was an anathema to her.she wanted to be centre stage but well shes a minor princess.no good enough paaah and headed for hollywood a yr or so before we see the movie.thats hould be a laugh.go down well in the states but bomb elsewhere.woke seems like shes gonna be in a deep sleep career wise real soon.ask the staff she had whilst in UK.canada politely showed them the door.

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