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Everything posted by Donga

  1. It is a CEO survey with 295,000 respondents. I was a humble Country Manager and Area Director, and been to all but four of the 30 in my 70 odd countries visited, and having lived in 8 countries in most continents. I'm pretty sure most CEOs are fairly well travelled, if only for conferences, often taking opportunity to holiday in neighboring countries. Nevertheless these surveys are only indicative, and I'm also surprised Japan isn't listed. Have no problem with Thailand up there, deserve at least top five placing depending on interests, budget and travel mode etc.
  2. So many scaremongering and basically illiterate posts, tho not surprising. Do yourselves a favour and look into existing nuclear plants as well as development, by country, especially new gen and SMRs. Thailand with either a Chinese, US, Japanese, South Korean or British partner will be fine, especially if talking SMRs. Then research the number of countries embarking on the safest form of energy generation, reliable with virtually no emissions. Ponder over why France with 70% nuclear power has amongst cheapest energy in Europe while Germany amongst the highest. It goes on and on. The science and reality is compelling. https://www.power-technology.com/features/where-will-the-first-small-modular-nuclear-reactors-be/?cf-view
  3. Wannabe scientists eh? So the Swedish scientists got it wrong? If only they'd protected the elderly better at the onset, they would have been one of the higher achievers, rather than middling in terms of deaths per capita. How often folk ignore detailed science and righteously postulate, while everyone around them is also forced to lockdown. They are still uncovering the damage caused by protracted lockdowns from kids missing school, and elderly missing vital doctor appointments let alone the hundreds of millions worldwide effected financially, from small business closures, hospitality workers to Bangladeshi garment workers. Lockdown by all means, THOSE VULNERABLE, or are concerned for their own well-being, especially the elderly. Otherwise sensible distancing, masks and vaccinations, once available, were by far the main effective measures in mitigating Covid.
  4. Selected history Hummin (and I'm not Jewish) - as they lived in the region for eons, predominantly in Palestine. Romans didn't do them a lot of favours, nor did the Crusades. They'd been getting on well with relatively new Moslems (400-600 years eh) up till then. There were Jewish terrorists after the Balfour declaration, not going to condone other than they were heady times. Fact is most Palestinian refugees left Israel as directed by their leaders after the UN mandate. Those Palestinian Arabs that stayed now represent 20% of Israel proper - not to include West Bank, which is a whole lot of complicated history. To suggest, Israel was rebuilt from the Old Testament is absolute rubbish. They've been there ever since BC, then Jesus Christ, thru the Crusades, the Turks and assisted the Allies in WW2.
  5. Oh dear, another history dramatist and revisionist. Apartheid? What do you know of the composition of Israel? Have you read much history or a get it all from social media? Then genocidal! Out of Hamas and western far left playbook that one. Just try to understand what its been like for Israel since UN mandate. And figure out why the neighbouring states want little do with the Palestinians. They've caused trouble where ever they go. And indiscriminate bombing, really? Maybe try to read from decent sources other than Al Jazeera sourced. I wish Netanyahu and his right wing partners weren't in power, but it is a democracy, something which the Palestinians have never really understood or aspired for. Hamas timed their barbaric acts of Oct 7 well, which so many western useful idiots can somehow rationalise from their distorted views of history. And it has all played out for Hamas, Iran and their allies just as they wanted, with first world concerned luvies backing in full voice, especially in Anglosphere. Pitifully misguided and dangerous.
  6. What surprises me from the Outward Migration table, are the very low numbers inherent in Thais living in the US and Australia, particularly LA and Sydney. Sydney has over a thousand Thai restaurants, and around the same number of therapeutic massage shops. Sydney has between 40,000 to 80,000 Thais depending on the source. The CBD of Sydney now has more Thais living there than any other ethnic group. I can't see how this is reflected in their Migration table. Outbound Thai tourists perhaps, who convert to work visas once they settle into Australia... https://asia.nikkei.com/Life-Arts/Life/Inside-Sydney-s-Little-Bangkok
  7. Is so easy spermwhale, but journalists these days don't have the curiosity or objectivity to do. I'm talking about regular media claims like Aussie bush fires, the last ones were termed "unprecedented", they weren't if you are able to look up records or old newspaper articles. Same with unprecedented temperatures in many reports, or cyclone activity or flood levels. The world is a big place with so many cities, so not surprising that daily there are at least a few with record levels, i.e. since measuring was established. Blink of an eye, charleskerins. And btw, did you comprehend I allowed "the world may be slowly warming"? It's the daily alarmism, preaching, impact on kiddies and stupid extremist activists with support from useful idiots who won't embrace nuclear energy - totally at odds with so much science. Could they imagine what the situation would be if nuclear energy was now triple, instead of waiting for 2050. So sad. I find it interesting on this Outback trip - things like Charleville Corones hotel with pics of the record floods of 1934, which stand today. Or this floodwater level on the Burdekin River. Generations hand down stories, so no surprise it takes a lot to worry a farmer about the dire predictions of Climate Change, when all they really want is accurate weather forecasting. And anyone who thinks there is scientific consensus around all the facets of Climate Change is deluded, while media often trot out views from the extreme end of the scientific community and on it goes. People are tiring of it, as we are seeing at the polls lately and in policy reversals. Can only cry the sky is falling for so long. The nukes will save us... eventually. As will population decline and all the other energy initiatives underway.
  8. Alarmists seem to all suffer from short memories, restricted to last 30 years, or at best a few hundred years. Almost every time I research a claim of unprecedented heat or flood level, I find it is not true. The world may be slowly warming, but most of the rest is unproven, alarmist and often poorly modeled, if you look at some of the outrageous predictions over the last few decades. The end of the world is nigh has a limited time frame, as previous doomsday cultists have found. And many people are tiring of them this time around.
  9. If you read the UNIPCC reports carefully you'll find: 1. They don't go to the doomsday lengths that a lot of mainstream media and activists declare, selectively quoting left wing scientists 2. They see nuclear energy as playing an important role in reducing emissions. You don't have to be a climate denier to challenge the sweeping narrative of the Left/Greens, who with their bias/ignorance have hindered nuclear development for decades, complicit in the situation we find ourselves - playing catchup. Could you imagine how 30% nuclear energy now, which is emissions free, would have helped? Triple nuclear energy by 2050, gosh could have been much sooner.
  10. If so dire, why are the ones who are most freaked out, unable to embrace nuclear energy, where the science & safety is clear? Doomsday media and the righteous (and to a large extent want govt to spend trillions, transform economies towards some green world government utopia) blithely ignore higher temperatures previously, ask the vikings, and see no redeeming outcomes, at all. They are around, but again we don't hear too much, while every weather event is due to Climate Change, absurd. Meanwhile China is laughing as the renewables industry is keeping it afloat while they open a new coal plant every few weeks. Fortunately they are also aggressive with nuclear, but we don't hear too much about that. Let's mitigate sensibly without the shrill and some ridiculous policies, like closing down gas plants and banning gas stoves. Fortunately the pendulum is shifting - ordinary citizens and especially farmers (who know a thing or two about generational climate extremes) are pushing back and the Donald will truly set the cat amongst the pigeons.
  11. So frustrating this is happening, as need hardly happen at all - if folk just ate sensibly and exercised each day. Really isn't too difficult. Thailand is unlikely to be impacted as many Western societies as more people become obese and expect to be "cured" by the system. And moan about waiting lists.
  12. You're right, sorry I misread the wiki reference to the election results. I live in Hua Hin but travel around a bit, just back from 3 weeks in Isaan - PT stronghold but many in the very large family are now favouring MF. I hope they are good opposition and will be able to form government next time. This new government will be interesting.
  13. They would given Phuket is a Palang Pracharath stronghold and have always loathed PT. PPRT got decimated in the election and their only seat is now in Phuket. Maybe you ought to get out more.
  14. Thailand isn't mourning, that's what they did when the old King passed away. And Thais generally still respect the Royal Family even if they are very disappointed of late. PT are not exactly, "army thieves and goons" and are well respected by the lower echelons even though they've lost a lot of credibility with their new "partners". Many of my Isaan family now lean towards MFP as a consequence. "Army enemy of the people" aw c'mon. Maybe you're confused with our neighbours. But you do like to exaggerate and will doubtless get the real goon support.
  15. The headline is very misleading, article omits certain facts and so many posters forget that coalition governments in the West have been formed without the party that secured the most votes. 1. Thais didn't vote for a prime minister 2. MFP did not win a majority of the seats 3. MFP stood fast on its policy of rescinding s112 lese majeste, which none of the other parties, representing more than 60% of the votes, were willing to do. Maybe MFP were naive, some might say true to their platform. Perhaps they weren't ready to govern and will learn a lot this term to win a majority next time. Thai democracy and press freedom is in reasonable shape when you look around the world. While the economy and other indices are heading in the right direction. So typical of some media to deceive with their coverage and also for others to pile it on. Thai democracy mightn't be as advanced as most Western countries, but it is not as decrepit as some portray.
  16. So many sweeping statements, like "move it backwards" which fly in the face of data. Maybe take off the gloom goggles and compare Thailand's performance objectively... while we enjoy the freedom and lifestyle in this wonderful country, recognising its faults and challenges. The nation is recognized by the World Bank as "one of the great development success stories" in social and development indicators... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Thailand Btw, which countries would you nominate as paragons of virtue and performance?
  17. So much predictable cynicism - even though Thailand continues to move up the development rankings, led by further strides in infrastructure projects, fared better than most in their handling of Covid (a universal WHO led disgrace), and reformed cannabis like many progressive Western countries (watch this space haha). Main accomplishment was maintaining stability, leading to more foreign investment. This is not as easy as many imagine and the world is littered with countries that fail miserably. I was not a fan of Prayut and am delighted MFP has done so well. However, I'll go out on a limb and suggest Prayut might well be pleased. Let's face it, Red vs Yellow polarisation was a huge hindrance, a deterrent to stability and investment etc and MFP should break that nexus. I always expected IF there was a grand plan, this was it. I forecast the will of the people will be respected. That enough members of the rigged upper house will recognise the time has come to hand over the baton to the next generation. In an Asian way, things often get sorted differently from the West. We'll see and fingers crossed.
  18. What a load of rot. By the measures mentioned expect wealthier countries would float towards the top. Did they ask about family ties, general patience, respect and courtesy? Did they consider per capita suicide rates, divorce rates? Am confident Thailand would fair much better if these factors, which are closely related to happiness, were considered.
  19. Then we hear about so many unemployed "refugees" in Sweden, early 20 yr olds with their smart phones and backpacks. Maybe easier for them to accept social security?
  20. Clown.. Thailand is 8th in most tourists already... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tourism_rankings
  21. Think many posters are missing the point that Thailand quietly assisted the lady to gain asylum, rather than return her to Myanmar, as their leader requested. Good to see some give kudos to Thailand, in contrast to knee jerk Thai bashing.
  22. Holocaust deniers are rightfully jailed in many societies. Climate deniers need to be hounded, banned and where that is not possible, ignored. The science is overwhelming; every one of us must mend our overconsumption ways and press our elected representatives to act and rein in the corporations who continue to destroy our planet for their own profits. In my view it is probably almost too late but every little helps. Localized climate related conflicts have already begun. Before my young children are in their dotage world wars will be fought over the issue as land for the poorer nations is gobbled up, migration become worse than today and rich nations head for the cooler hills. I’m almost completely pessimistic for the future and am trying to make up for the bad choices I’ve made in the past. What a load of righteous, simplistic hooey. But if it works for you, peddle your hardest. I'm not a CC denier (keen cyclist with 20 solar panels - know their limitations), there is too much evidence. But let's be smart about how we can mitigate. Off the bat, that means media have to recognise the science is not settled on many levels, so they have to stop giving oxygen to the alarmist elements of the scientific community, where they compete for the scary stories. Media should dissect mainstream science more carefully. A. UNIPCC and the international energy agencies all advocate nuclear energy as soon as possible - why doesn't mainstream media recognise this science? So cool to be green, even if dinosaur shade. B. Renewable energy sources been given way too much credence - they must have reliable backup! Has been obvious for ages but again the debate wasn't properly aired, as invokes the denier tag, good grief. Finally Europe and Japan have changed course to recognise what many scientists and modern environmentalists have been saying for years. C. We cannot stop developing nations from using coal to improve their livelihoods, which will reduce population growth accordingly as more women enter the workforce. There are 40 countries already where the population is stagnant or declining, usually advanced economies. In Thailand population growth is now around 0.2%. Recent objective forecasts indicate world population will peak around 2050 and fall from there simply because not every couple will be having two children. You don't hear much about this in mainstream media - fear sells so they ignore it. So what are we left with? 1. Nuclear asap to replace coal and back-up renewable sources. 2. Electric public transport, scooters, bicycles. Reduce traffic in the cities but let's be sensible about expecting everyone to drive an electric vehicle. Way too many challenges, including sourcing the raw materials, charging stations where many people don't have garages, disposal of old batteries plus the range and grunt required for non city dwellers. 3. Sensible policies to reduce plastics, by all means and good to see progress. All in favour of taking my plate to the outlet for serving. Ditto all the rubbish packaging in the supermarket aisles. That'll happen. 4. Heaps of technology to look forward to, but don't get too carried away as some will take ages to be effective, e.g. long term battery storage. And leave the planes alone - they promote commerce and happiness!
  23. Not quite correct. Philippines did contest and won even if the jurisdiction doesn't have a lot of teeth... https://www.forbes.com/sites/jillgoldenziel/2021/07/19/heres-why-china-is-afraid-of-an-obscure-international-court/?sh=343ce0d13d8c In general maritime terms China, under Xi Jinping, is way out of line and the reason why the good guys are beginning to sail on through and do more and more exercises in the the area. In any case, I think Xi is heading for an overdue fall, as have enough faith the good people of China will determine they want no further part in his grandiose plans to stay in power, let alone takeover an island which is showing China what can be achieved.
  24. Bangkok airport was packed to the rafters last Sunday and our Thai Airways flight to Paris had over 95% occupancy. Can't talk for London Heathrow, but Paris is very busy.
  25. Hash House Harriers deal with older folk on the trails all the time. Hua Hin Hash has a couple of people over 80 and in Sydney, Darwin Don was well into his 90s when he hashed each week. Yep, mobile phones are useful, as is common sense. Sounds like this bloke knew what he was doing, i.e. stayed on the track and didn't get lost, but common sense of the others was shabby. Youngsters out there, anyone under 60, should appreciate that the rewards of keeping fit as we age, far outweigh the dangers. Though personally, I'm not big on road cycling in most countries.
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