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Posts posted by Richb2004v2

  1. Esp when malysia is talking about rolling out 4g already!!!

    The bigger joke is that ais has the audacity to say oh yes we do have 3G. In all of 3 buildings in Bangkok :lol:

    Paragon, central world and the digital gateway bldg across the road :whistling:

    Dtac is about the same I think.....

    So why do they sell 3G devices everywhere?

  2. The only existing 3G you can use in Thailand at the moment is with True. And that too still primarily in bkk.

    It's fast enough and you get coverage even in the outer parts of Bangkok

    So 3G is not throughout Thailand then? You wouldn't be guaranteed 3G everywhere?

    Good info by the way.

  3. I've never met a muslim with a big beard who wasn't a complete fanatic. The addition of a bruised forehead adds to the effect. Given the choice I would prefer not to fly with fanatics from a group notorious for attempting to blow up planes every now and then. I've done it countless times and have yet to be blown up, but I'd still rather reduce the chance further by avoiding them.

  4. Going to what I thought was the toilet in a rural restaurant. Struggling to get my nob over the edge of what I thought was a rustic urinal. In the end I gave up. It turned out to be the kitchen, and the urinal was a water container for washing the pots. My Thai friends did laugh. It would have been funnier if I'd managed to take a leak and someone had come in during it.

    What was just as funny was the actual urinals that I'd been directed to were out in the open on a wall in the car park. When I did go in the end a car pulled up right behind me, shinning it's headlights at me as I took a whizz. That was a long time ago when it seemed every day something weird happened.

  5. Yeah but not as convenient.

    As far as I've seen all supplements are quite expensive here.

    The intake of nutritional supplements might be more reflective of an already imbalanced and poor diet. Along with the ever-present fashion of promoting a false sense of higher health......which will not always be the case.

    Athletes expend more energy and work harder than average Joe. They need more protein and resources. It's simple, and not an unbalanced diet. I doubt there are many Olympic athletes that get by on eating good meals only.

  6. Sorry old man. Retired in my twenties. Six month in the UK and six months abroad. Live in England Spring and Summer and abroad in the winter.

    I help people like you on here because I have the time.

    You can take the horse to water and all that...

    If you are too obtuse to understand, I just can't help you.

    Happy surfing with your EDGE modem.

    I guess it was help of a sort, with a dose of upset at not having your recommendations to obtain a Uk modem followed.

    The modem is doing the job thanks. At least as good as a 3G version without 3G coverage anyway. Am I right?

  7. Well it's only that after a training session or between meals it is very easy to mix a shake and drink it quickly. To knock together an actual meal is as you say more enjoyable, but more time consuming.

    Plus for the likes of me that can barely put a meal together the powders are a good choice. :lol:

  8. haha....nonsense. Which network were you using?


    However i also discussed the topic with one of my friends while there and he said he had similar trouble with Vodafone (we were on the train together, whenever i had no signal he also had no signal).

    I live in the UK.

    Ah, so that's why you are so twisted up and argumentative. You live in the Uk, but wish to be here (with your 3G dongle of course).

  9. From Jui-Jitsu on previous thread:

    Whether you can receive 3G depends on your location within Pattaya

    Many other post also said that Pattaya is not completely covered, as did the True shop and all other sellers of devices to get the net. They informed me that my area was not covered. What was I to do, ignore them and buy a 3G device to check for myself?

    What exactly is your problem? Are you the man who provides 3G to Pattaya or something?

  10. I only put that post up for fun. I know little at all about mobile phones or 3G. When I went to look into it I was told by many shops that 3G was not in my area. I never actually checked myself though. Also I have no idea how the Uk or anywhere else compares to Thai coverage. I just thought it was funny that he had it on the top of everest but flt sure there are many spots that don't.

  11. I watched Oasis play in a car park in Bangkok a few years ago. I imagine that they were a little surprised at the venue.

    Didn't Madonna cancel a planned series of concerts here a few years ago when she saw the scale of copy merchandise on sale, deciding it wasn't worth it? Concerts partly promote the artist and hopefully lead to T-shirt and CD sales etc. If they are all copies then that cancels that aspect of it. However I would have thought the same could be said of the Philippines so maybe not.

  12. Due to moving into a small house with only one TV I've recently been exposed to Thai soaps in full rather than a couple of minutes here and there. The one running right now is incredible. As someone said it is just one screaming match after another, all set in maximum hi-so surroundings with torturous emotional expressions and slapps here and there. I don't think I've ever seen anything so moronic. The changes in musical accompaniment are also funny: evil music when something bad happens, silly music for something funny etc etc Terrible, terrible, terrible. It makes Coronation Street seem like the Shakespeare. :lol:

  13. We plan on moving back to the Uk soon. When mentioning some possible areas to move my wife is reticent to move to one nice area due to the significant Thai population there.

    She lived in the Uk for over 5 years and many times bumped into other Thai lady's and had negative experiences with them. The ones she met more than once tried to coax her into joining their card school. She declined and has since not been keen to meet further Thais in the Uk. So I can understand the warnings from other TV members.

  14. The BBC podcasts are great. However if you use i-tunes you can find podcasts covering every interest. I listen to shows on the subject of running, mma, Linux, OU subjects, and others. There's some good comedy on there too.

  15. His house is definitely old style. It's not a common or comfortable style for us north american. Old thais and many euros do like it though.

    i can only smile when i read these kind of "judgments". one sees a Buddha sculpture and determines "Thai style house", the other one looks at a chair and claims "house not comfortable" and a third one determines "old Thais and Euros like..." or "does not compare well with Canadian homes". are you people for real?

    now waiting patiently for an expert to come up -after evaluating one of the oriental rugs- and forecast what's for dinner in my home coming sunday and what kind of wine will be served with it.

    reading some of these "intelligent" remarks this is what comes to my mind :lol:


    You're stuck on this Buddha statue. It has nothing to do with that, or the Thai pictures. It is the general layout and design that for me points to it having Thai styling, or more specifically hi-so Thai style. I don't think anyone mentioned the chairs, although you're right, they don't look comfortable at all, but probably do look impressive to visiting Thais.

  16. In the end I bought an aircard which says 'MaiTe' on it. I think it's some sort of Chinese affair. It cost 1000 baht with the Happy DTAC Sim and I think 10 hours use on it. I am using it now. It is hit and miss but on the whole I am satisfied with it. I was so confused by the myriad of different devices on offer I just gave in and plumed for this one. Anyway there is a fast internet cafe on the corner for 15 baht and hour so it will do.

  17. Each to their own of course, but the house does not compare well to the pictures of the Canadian houses, for possibly a similar price. It just looks typically Thai to me, in that it's all show but not that comfortable looking. Only my preference though. If that's your bag then good for you.

    the only thing that looks Thai is a Buddha sculpture (origin Burma) which i bought at an auction in Hong Kong 29 years ago. by the way, you seem to try hard proving that you possess a wealth of no idea as far as comfortable homes are concerned.

    do you really believe you can judge the comfort of a home by looking at a photo which shows how the living room is furnished?


    I didn't mean the Thai sculptures. The house is very nice, it just doesn't look like the kind of house you could walk into sit down and relax in. It looks like the High-so house sets seen on Thai soaps every night. It screams opulence but little else to me. As I say it's very Thai. However you live in it so must be comfortable and that's what counts. It's just not for me. I don't have a wealth of experience in houses, but like most people I know what I like, and think I can spot genuine quality vs Thai quality.

    His house is definitely old style. It's not a common or comfortable style for us north american. Old thais and many euros do like it though.

    I think that's the difference in taste. In the west we think about practicalities, quality and comfort, in Thailand they think about what looks impressive without further thought. Watching a Thai soap tonight I again saw the Hi-so house with it's over the top gold guilt edged everything. All bad taste but impressive to the Thai eye. Like something Micheal Jackson might live in. As we said it's all about taste.

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