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Everything posted by BKKTRAVELER

  1. I agree with you regarding rental costs, I know many owners have chased their tenants out of a decent deals since they believed they could get more. In this case, yes greed was applied. I actually know of some places in Bkk (not Pattaya) where landlords have been very understanding during Covid. Now that things are changing, I expect full rates or more being charged. Struggling businesses will probably suffer even more now.
  2. Don't forget parrots! I'm sure they found all of the above in those trucks!
  3. And there I thought I'd receive my 200 Baht authentic Vuitton pillow ???? It was 98% off mind you, I just have a knack for good deals ????
  4. With the use of an agent, I'm fairly confident you can get it done. It might cost but will probably be cheaper than going to the UK and back. Still should be possible without agent though like UbonJoe said. Get to work and start contacting every relevant authorities. Good luck!
  5. Easy to propose knowing they'll be dead by then and won't be blamed...
  6. People coming are fully vaccinated and take a PCR test before flying here. They even get tested when they arrive here. They are less scary to me than the local population, knowing than less than half has been fully vaccinated. Tourists are more likely to get infected here by locals than vice versa considering numbers are still high in Thailand. Now, opening bars, alcohol, schools etc will surely lead to a surge in cases. But This will be due to the low vaccination rollout organized by the government, not tourists.
  7. I'm seeing so many numbers displayed in the news today, this is all so confusing as always. All I can deduct with certainty is that those numbers are very low. Still baby steps if they truly want to save the tourism industry here.
  8. If you buy a land, it is usually (almost always) in order to make a profit later. In many cases, people did buy lands so many years ago for the next generations. Nothing wrong with selling when the price increased significantly. It's not about greed but common sense. If you are sitting on a land valued at a few hundred millions, it makes sense to sell it and allow you and your family to become financially comfortable/wealthy. Otherwise, you mean anyone investing in anything is greedy? It doesn't make sense, that would mean everyone is greedy as we all invest in something at some point in our life. And we don't do it for the world's welfare, we do it for our own gain. Just my opinion...
  9. That is sadly right. This is erasing the charm of the country. Now, if I had a prime land and could sell it and get away with a few hundred millions Baht, I would do too... So, I won't judge these land owners too harshly.
  10. Taxis and tuk tuks in Phuket have been the biggest factor that ruined my trips there. Always felt ripped off, with bad attitude on top. I believe many people also feel the same way and do not wish to come back, especially expats living in other parts of Thailand. I don't hold my breath for any changes though, 1 month effort maybe then back to normal.
  11. There was no gloating, trust me. Turns out I would have been better off investing in other things. I just hate when people start talking about that there is no chance to make money buying condos here. Granted, selling now would prove difficult, but real estate usually works in waves and it's bound to go up at some point. If you buy from a reliable developer, wait for 5+ years and sell when the market is good, chances are that you'll make money. As any investment should... No, I did not include the appreciation, which I bought when the euro was around 42 baht. If you factor in the yearly inflation though, I guess I made a bit less than the numbers show. Going back on topic, the current rules didn't encourage me to buy more condos with the money I got from the sales and I kept it instead and did other things. That is one flaw of the market here that I hope they'll correct.
  12. Bought some units in Bangkok, Sukhumvit back in 2011, sold them in 2017. Made 30% profits after paying taxes and fees at land department and agent commission. Not crazy profits compared to some other big cities in that period of time, but not too bad either. Rented them for almost the whole duration and got just under 4% net per year after agency fees and yearly maintenance fees. And I didn't get raped either luckily ????
  13. About time they changed the draconian proof of funds from abroad. It makes no sense for expats working here. As mentioned above, makes also no sense if you're selling your condo and buying a new one.
  14. I mean, since the country reopens on the 1st, they should have this website up and running today to allow people to have time to get approved and arrive on the 1st... Everything is always approximate here, nobody at the top has the right amount of brain cells it seems.
  15. Then it will be another difficult year for the tourism industry. Although it was relatively expected, this is a hard blow for many dependent on these Chinese tours. Like all of you, I don't mind not seeing them for another year though.
  16. I always thought 1 day trips meant you arrive and leave the same day. Otherwise, it would be a 1 night trip or a 2 days trip. So, why having to book an hotel for a 1 day trip?
  17. I have respiratory issues, so yes I'll wait. I want the country to reopen don't get me wrong, I'm advocating for it. It just doesn't seem to me that the UK is a safe choice right now. After numbers go down and under control as you expect, then it is absolutely fine. I know there are not absolute "right" solutions in this pandemic, I'm just giving my opinion.
  18. So that 1 case was found last month... Let's be prepared for many more to follow unfortunately. Also, putting the UK in the low list countries for the reopening is not the best idea. Oh well... I like my couch anyway, might as well stay on it for a few more months.
  19. Wonderful for you, most people just end up paying that amount in interests during their lifetime instead...
  20. Back in the monkey house and will probably relapse once released again. You can't release criminals who clearly suffer from mental troubles and not have strict follow up protocols put in place. I know, no budget and no one seems to care... And there are way too many other things that need attention as well in Thailand. It keeps piling up and the whole system is bound to collapse one day.
  21. How about enforcing the law regarding motorbikes loaded with mom, dad, 2 kids at the back and 1 in the front, no helmets for all... I am not blaming these people, I know they usually have low incomes and no education (ok, I still blame the parents a bit who should know better). I put most of the blame on authorities that do not seem to care at all.
  22. Probably a lot. I know too many people who keep buying cars, bikes, 40K baht Iphones, 85" TVs and such on loans that are impossible to pay back with their actual incomes. Yet, they still do it. Why work hard and save for years when advertisings are telling you that you can get these items today with almost 0 funds necessary... And that's when many people then go to shark loans when they are about to default, thinking somehow they'll "manage". I know of 2 people whose "jobs" are to rearrange people's financial outlook so that banks will approve loans quite easily for them, when they clearly can't back them up. I never even owned a credit card, although banks have offered them to me on multiple occasions. Hope I never will. The whole system is a scam and people keep falling in the trap.
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